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Talking = @toastydoodler


toastydoodler August 10th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload wow, korea sounds really extra nice now! the way you describe it is beautiful. if you like toasted marshmallows then you might like s’mores. you take a graham cracker, put a piece of chocolate on, then put a toasted marshmallow on top and top it off with another graham cracker. it’s like a little campfire sandwich! i love new york! i’ve only been a few times but the vibes are impeccable in my opinion. unpopular opinion of mine: graffiti and street art is really cool. i love seeing it, it’s so beautiful in its own way. my comfort object is a blanket and i bring it on planes too. i’m glad yours helps with your migraines. i hope they’re not bad. i love apple and banana chips but i’ve never tried carrot chips. i’ll have to do that sometime. dried mangoes are delicious (but i’m partial to mango of all forms so maybe i'm not the best judge lol) i hate getting overstimulated. when it happens talking is hard and i’m really irritated and on edge. you’re right about the new days after night flights thing. seeing city lights up high is really cool to at night. you’re a very nice person too! :) talk soon <3

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 11th


I've never had s'mores the official way but I think I'd like it! I always wanted to go new York especially because the high rise apartments are literally the stuff of my dreams. I totally agree with you! I think that as long as its permitted the graffti art always tells you something and I used to be so obsessed with spray paint. I love my blanket too! I try to bring it on trips but my luggage is usually so packed that I can't bring it along. But I do bring it along for road trips! Yea they do, but thanks for the concern! Its a heredity thing I think, my mom has them too. Yay! Im so happy someone finally understands that most vegetable chips aren't bad at all. I love dried mango and thai mango sticky rice but sometimes I get nauseous from eating too much mango lol. Same it stresses me out alot. Being overstimulated is such an unpleasant experience and im sorry if you get overstimulated alot :/ but its only for a while, that's what I say to myself if I ever experience it. but sometimes the feelings of irritation can't be helped. But its all part of life i guess. I love the lights at night especially before you land and you're hovering around the airport. Its when the feeling of a new country finally hits you. Sometimes you can even feel the shift in the wind and atmosphere, its almost magical. Sometimes it really convinces me that the Greek mythology thing of the 4 winds of each direction. Boreas, Notus, Eurus and Zephyrus. But that's just me geeking out again haha! But I love going through airport security when I've reached the new country but hate going back through it once im going back home. I hate the feeling of the vacation ending lol. But it happens. Thanks for listening! And no problem, you're basically my friend now! Talk more later! <3 :)

toastydoodler August 11th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload don’t worry feeling out is rewarded here! that’s a really interesting connection to make between the myths and real life. you’re so right about airport security. i’m very happy to be your friend and i’m glad you’re my friend too. how’s life? anything new? not much is going on here. field hockey is starting next week. don’t get me wrong the sport is fun, but there’s SO MUCH RUNNING and i am not a good runner lol. at the best of the season we have this test where we have two minutes to sprint 100 yards and whatever time we have left over is rest. we do that 8 times but last year we had to shorten it to 6 because it was like 95* fahrenheit (35* celsius) and people were throwing up. not fun. our coach is kind of intense if you couldn’t tell. i hope school’s going well for you. talk soon friend <3

toastydoodler August 11th

@toastydoodler *geeking out i meant geeking out sorry

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 12th


Haha! itsok thanks for the reassurance. Thank you for being my friend I really appreciate it <3. I have many friends who are hockey players and they all seem quite good. Im sure you're amazing as well! But its okay if the running is hard and you dislike it, I dislike running too haha! but sometimes I like to feel the wind on my skin and the lightness in the spring of my steps. Its quite peaceful especially if you are running alone. But I hope you can grow to love it and cherish it! Its going to be quite hard but I'm sure you are a strong person and can overcome anything you put your mind to. One step at a time :). I hope you enjoy the field hockey! Wow, the training sounds really intense.. 35 degrees here is actually quite average or slightly above average as we are a tropical country. I wish I could experience all four seasons like you guys do. I hope you enjoy it. But the running sprint test sounds quite tough and I do hope you can take care of yourself! prioritize your health and if you feel unwell maybe go to your coach? But if you need advice or encouragement Im always here <3. Talk to you soon! <3

toastydoodler August 13th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload thank you so much for the kind words! i’m very glad to have a friend like you. the wind does feel nice. i’ll make sure to stop running if it starts to hurt bad. thank you for your confidence in me. wow, you must be very strong if weather as hot as that is your normal! i don’t think i could handle that. whenever it gets hot i just want to fall asleep lol. here it gets really hot for a few months and then we get into cooler days (50-60 degrees fahrenheit or 10-15 degrees celsius). i live in a place where our winters tend to be cold and snowy (30 degrees fahrenheit/-1 degrees celsius or below) before we get to spring which is like fall but rainy instead or crisp and windy. how is it where you live, is it just hot all the time or do you go through two major seasons? thank you for always being there for me, and i hope you k ow that i’m always here for you as well. thank you for being my friend. talk soon! <3

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 13th


no problem! I get the running and the heat thing. Im not very athletic so i don't usually like running. But sometimes its nice. Im not strong at all haha! its just I've gotten used to it here especially because its only hot all year round and our "cold" is 23 degrees Celsius. But I have experienced winter before just not in my home country. I must say, its beautiful but I prefer autumn. We do have monsoon seasons, where the wind is super strong and there is a very high humidity and rain but most of the time its hot. But its all good here. I'm super curious about how people cope in the different seasons as well. If one has a car and it gets trapped under a lot of snow how do you get it out? Shovel it away? sounds exhausting. I've heard of snowstorms and being locked in. I don't know why but I think that if you have enough food and water to last the duration of the snowstorm, it'd be pretty cozy. But yeah thanks for talking! talk soon <3

toastydoodler August 15th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload i’m not especially strong either, but it’s ok. you’re right about autumn being the best season. it’s so cozy but there’s still so much to do! like halloween. do you have halloween? it’s when kids and teens go from door to door and say “trick or treat” and the people in the houses give them candy. everyone decorates to make it look spooky (think skeletons and carved pumpkins and bats). it’s really fun. for snow since it’s pretty normal around here to get a lot of snow people have chains with spikes that they put on their car tires to get a better grip on the roads and people get salt that they put on their driveways and the highway workers put it on the roads so the ice melts. people keep brushes and scrapers in their cars to brush off snow and scrape off ice. we’ve adapted pretty well to it by now, like i’m sure you have to the heat. and you’re right about getting snowed in: when we have a fire in the fireplace and tea on the kettle it really is very cozy! talk soon <3 :)

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 16th


wow...its sounds so nice there! We don't celebrate halloween here either :/ there aren't any trick or treat events being held here. Most of us just live the day normally but I'm so glad you get to experience these kinds of things. I've definitely thought of going to celebrate Halloween before but its not the same here so I might go to the States in the future. I always wanted free candy and I would probably run around the whole neighborhood just to get everything haha! I would probably dress as a mad doctor or something. Wow! I wasn't aware of the chain spike thing that you guys put on cars, it sounds so interesting. The fireplace thing sounds nice. We don't have fireplaces here at all unless you're EXTREMELY RICH because we don't usually have the need for something as unnecessary as it because the weather is so hot here. But in my house in the Philippines we probably have one. Haven't gone to check yet :((. But yeah talk soon! <3

toastydoodler August 16th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload yeah, i wouldn’t imagine you guys would want more hot with a fireplace lol. they’re fairly commonplace here because of how cold the winters get and if you have an older house then they tend to have them built in. do you have any holidays unique to your area? i’d love to hear about them. it’s so cool learning how other people live. a mad scientist is a great costume! i don’t know what i’m going to be this year… maybe a spy so i can wear my bow tie lol. my friend was a plague doctor last year and i was a hershey chocolate bar. you can imagine how much better her mask looked compared to my t-shirt lol. can’t wait to hear from you! :) <3.

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 17th


yeah it is quite hot here and it makes sense not to have fireplaces but in the future I would love to have one just for aesthetics lol. Or for setting the mood during Christmas. (some people here celebrate it) But in my household we usually have air-conditioning on very frequently so if its on with a pretend fireplace like a fake one for aesthetics, it would be really nice. We celebrate a lot of unique festivals here since my country is a multi-racial country. We have have Thaipusam which is mainly celebrated by the Indians (not very sure though) and I'm pretty sure they have no wear muted colours and walk barefoot to temples to pray. Tw btw. The men who celebrate this have these things that they hold on their shoulders and sometimes there are needles which pierce into their shoulder blades (yes it sounds very painful) but the women carry milkpots on their heads. I'm pretty sure its like a display of strength from their god. Then we have Seventh Month Ghost Festival. This is celebrated mainly by the Chinese and it happens during the seventh month of the Chinese calendar which is basically around august so around this time period. People usually burn offerings like paper crafted items and money, food, incense, candles, etc. to honour their ancestors and give them things in the afterlife. It is pretty interesting. We have Deepavali also celebrated by the Indians, also known as the Festival of Light, where they make pretty decorations with rice grains at their doorstep and light beautiful candles. We also have Hari Raya which is celebrated by the muslims. they go to their relatives' and family's houses to beg for forgiveness and ask for blessings by kneeling and holding their hand to their forehead. Its pretty intense and sometimes wholesome. There are so much more like Racial Harmony Day, National Day, Lunar New year, Chinese New year, Mooncake festival, youth day, children's day, teacher's day. The things we celebrate here are almost endless haha! sorry for bombarding you with them but I hope you find them as interesting as I do. The plague doctor thing is so cool! I can imagine your friend wearing the mask already. Eerie but super cool! The hershey chocolate bar thing is actually very cute! I would've never thought of such a creative idea lol. I get the bowtie thing, sometimes I like to wear formal attire as well, suits, ties, even though they are uncomfortable because I know it looks good and elegant =) hope you enjoyed your halloween and talk soon! <3 :)

P.s. Btw, my countries famous roller coaster park launched this Halloween Horror Nights thing and its from September to October and its super cool! Think haunted houses kind of attraction. I may go if I have the time. But yea that's all from me =)

toastydoodler August 17th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload you don’t ever have to worry about bombarding me with things, i find it all very interesting! the u.s. is very christian-based so all of the christian holidays are the ones we get breaks for (and also valentine’s day for a break but that’s different) which makes it a bit harder for the rest of us who aren’t christian. i’m jewish so whenever i have to go to the temple for something like rosh hashanah (jewish new year) or yom kippur (day of atonement, basically say sorry to everyone and ask God to forgive what you did wrong and then we eat bagels) i have to take the day off of school and sometimes i miss important stuff. also unrelated but for some reason churches don’t pay taxes here???? idk that seems a little odd to me. your idea of air conditioning + fake fireplace is very smart, aesthetics but functional. i’m not much a fan of roller coasters but i’m sure the halloween one is very cool! i hope you have fun at all of the holidays! and thanks for your halloween well-wishes :) talk soon <3

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 18th


thanks alot! I really appreciate it! The idea of the christian and Jewish festivities are super cool and interesting and I would love to learn more about the Jewish stuff. (I don't want to accidentally offend someone) but I've heard of like "kosher" meals for the Jews? It seems pretty interesting. (correct me if I'm wrong :/) The atonement of sins thing is actually pretty common through all our festivities here and sometimes I think its wholesome but on other days I think its pretty awkward (im really awkward). So yeah. and I totally get the missing of stuff in school thing. I hate not attending school because I don't want to miss anything. Yet, I don't want to attend school. (if that makes sense). I love rollercoasters but sometimes they can be a bit much, I totally get it. Well, that's all from me today, thanks for listening! Talk soon :) <3

toastydoodler August 18th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload don’t worry you’re not offending anyone! feel free to ask any questions you like and i’ll do my best to answer. my family doesn’t keep kosher because we’re not super religious but a lot of people do. it’s a group of food rules and i don’t know all of them but the biggest thing is that you can’t eat meat and dairy in the same meal or even on the same plates! some jews have two sets of pots, silverware, plates, etc. for dairy meals and meat meals. you also can’t eat pork or shellfish and probably other things that i don’t know about. you’re definitely right about atonement being awkward but it’s the thought that counts. and not wanting to go to school is such a mood lol. thanks for the chat! talk soon <3 :)

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 19th


yup thanks for the reassurance! I've always thought about the kosher and halal things and its always so interesting and cool to me because I feel so much respect to the people who go the extra mile to do that stuff. I honestly would keep many pots and pans even if I am not required to eat kosher foods because I feel like its cleaner 🙃 but its totally fine having one set as well. Sometimes I love to not attend school but I feel guilty after though haha! Atonement is honestly sometimes relieving as well. Okay, talk soon! <3

toastydoodler August 19th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload it looks like we share a lot of the same views! field hockey starts today, wish me luck 😮‍💨 is anything going on with you right now? i hope you’re doing well. what’s your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? mine is pancakes or a smoothie. or eggs 🍳. i don’t really know what to talk about. have a good day :) <3

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 20th


okay good luck for the hockey! I have an acquaintance who is pretty good at hockey as well. I hope everything goes well for you! I don't have that many things going on, the exams for this term have ended and finals are coming up in 4 weeks. Trying to study extra hard! :) My favorite breakfast meal is probably waffles with blueberries and maple syrup. Though I can't have it everyday :/ I like scrambled eggs too! I also like sourdough with olive oil as a light snack. But usually I don't eat breakfast haha! I think that having aimless conversation is pretty relaxing, especially with someone like you <3 we've been talking for like 3 months straight! i think that's a pretty big achievement. Thanks friend! <3 =)

toastydoodler August 20th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload i’m so happy it’s been able to last this long! talking with you is one of the best parts of my day. thanks for the luck, i really need it lol. wishing you luck on finals 🍀! i normally eat breakfast but if i’m home i skip lunch a lot of the time. but i’m not home often. i’ll have to try sourdough and oil! it sounds good. for a snack i usually just have fruit but if i have a lot of time i’ll make tofu. great talking with you, chat soon friend! :) <3

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 20th


yup! its almost phenomenal how we've managed to talk for soooo long! I'm so happy to have found you here, idk what i'd do without you. It's like messaging you has become a part of my life and has provided me with a sense of stability. Thank you! Thanks for the luck as well and I hope you enjoy the hockey thing. Mhm, I totally get the skipping lunch thing, sometimes I skip lunch and breakfast cuz im busy or no appetite to eat. The sourdough is quite good but its important to get good bread or it'll taste weird. So yea! I love eating fruits as a snack! I like dragonfruit, grapes and apples! its so good. I also like honeydew, its really sweet. I love tofu especially when with soy sauce and chili oil. Ok thanks for listening! talk soon :) <3

toastydoodler August 21st

@SeparationAnxietyOverload talking with you has become one of my favorite parts of the day and it makes me so happy to hear from you! i’m glad you feel the same. bread type is noted. i’ve never had a dragonfruit before, what do they taste like? they’re so pretty! in my house we mostly have apples and bananas but sometimes if i ask nice we have mangoes :). i love mangoes, they’re my favorite fruit. i also like cherries and watermelon. what’s your favorite fruit? talk soon! :) <3

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 22nd


yay! I feel so good knowing that you have the same feelings. Dragon fruit is really good especially if you get the perfectly ripen ones. there are two types of dragon fruit, the white flesh and the red flesh ones. The white flesh ones are generally less sweet and more mild tasting than the red ones but tend to be cleaner as the red ones leave a lot of red pigment on your skin and teeth. It's pretty healthy and the very sweet ones are quite nice to eat. Though I usually eat them close to ripe and not exactly ripe because I don't like super sweet things. Dragon fruit can be quite expensive though. I love apples especially fuji apples and strawberry apples. I dislike bananas because it just tastes weird to me but its a good source of potassium and fiber. I'm okay with cherries but its quite messy to eat and I love watermelon! My favorite fruits are honeydew, dragon fruit and watermelon. Oh! And sometimes persimmons. The best persimmons are the ones with slightly soft interior and a crunchy exterior. Im okay with mangoes but sometimes when I eat it I get nauseous I have no idea why lol. But its a pretty good fruit. Have you tried persimmons? Well, talk soon! <3

toastydoodler August 23rd

@SeparationAnxietyOverload hi! i have never had a permission, what do they taste like? we have a lot of apple farms near where i live, so there are apples year round. in fall it’s a tradition for a lot of people to go apple picking together, and maybe get cider donuts and some fresh-pressed cider. i’ve tried some pretty crazy ones too! for example: there is one apple where the outside is green but the inside is red or pink! they’re tart but super pretty. and then there’s these tiny little ones called firecracker apples and they’re really tart and so tiny! like the size of your thumb. cherries are definitely super messy, after you eat them it kind of looks like you’re a vampire. you’re right that bananas can be a little weird in texture, so i eat them when they’re a little before ripe or put them in a smoothie. maybe you have a slight mango allergy? i don’t know why it does that lol. it reminds me of something i learned about pineapples. they have a lot of acid so when you eat them they basically start eating you back lol. but your stomach acid always wins. can’t wait to hear from you! :) <3

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 24th


oh it has the texture of like a peach but slightly more firm, it's sweet yet not overly sweet. When you first bite the flesh, you have to hold the slice in a way that you eat only the flesh and not the skin of the fruit. I don't like the texture of the skin as it's quite hard, harder and chewier than apple skin. It's pretty good and the exterior is slightly neon orange. It's basically an orange tomato haha! I love the feeling of running through the apple farms with the trees framing your walkway, its pretty nice. wowwww the apples sound so good. I'm so amazed with the knowledge you have about apples :0 I love apples too and I would love to try some of the ones you mentioned. The first one especially, its giving sunset :) I'm okay with banana smoothies but I don't like smoothies in general, it's too thick for me personally but I love a good avocado shake! I love yogurt blends too! I'm not sure if I'm allergic to mango but the same thing happens when I taste the same thing too much. I have a really bad gag reflex and sometimes thinking about disgusting things just makes me vomit. I have a pretty low tolerance for gross things. I should probably get it checked though. I know about the pineapple thing! its about the flesh-eating enzymes I'm pretty sure. I love the way you describe it, it just brings a warm fuzzy feeling in my tummy i have no idea why. Maybe I just like the poeticness of it, if it makes sense. I just love the way you put things, it's really enlightening :) Well, thanks for sharing! I'm going on a trip in a week so I have to study a lottt to get ready for the exams after the short vacation. I hope Ill be able to text you on the plane but if not ill definitely tell you beforehand. I'll text you immediately after I land. Well before that, I'll try to text you everyday until then. Good talk! Looking forward to talking again <3 :)

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 15th


heyy! hru? <3 :) Im always here for you if you need me.

toastydoodler August 15th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload i’m doing ok. thank you for your support, it means a lot 💕❤️

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 16th


no problem! its what friends do <3

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 15th


Hey how are you doing? 🌱😊 Hope you're doing fine with everything. 🫂 <3

My exams are over and I'm relieved but the finals are coming up soon so I gotta study but I'm going to rest today, 💝. Hope you're doing the same and doing well. Speak soon!

toastydoodler August 15th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload i’m sorry that the exams are so exhausting. hopefully they’ll be totally done soon. i’m glad you’re resting. learning is hard work and you need your strength! sweet dreams <3 😴 

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 16th


yup thank you! You rest well and take care too! look forward to chatting soon <3 =)

toastydoodler August 25th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload i’m flattered that you think i’m poetic! :) I hope you have fun on your trip, where are you going? good luck studying! isn’t it kind of funny that you already have finals and i’m just barely starting school? it’s so cool how different places can be, but they still do the same thing. what’s your favorite school subject? i know you said you wanted to be a doctor, are you thinking like researcher-doctor or like stitch-people-up-doctor? chat when you can, can’t wait to hear from you! <3

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 26th


haha no problem! I'd say my favourite compliment is being poetic or deep :) I'm going to the Philippines cuz my parents need to sign a contract :/ Thanks for the luck! I'll need it. I just got back my overall results for Term 3 and I got a 3.7 :( I'll just have to study harder for the finals. But the break coming up is a week long and I thought that I would have enough time to study but now that the trip is here, I guess I didn't have as much time as I expected. I know! I've always found other country school systems to be so interesting. Especially the summer spring and winter breaks. For me, its probably Literature. During lit, time passes so quickly and I love every minute of it :) I want to be a doctor (my parents want me to) and I like the thought of being a neurosurgeon. But some part of me wants to be a lawyer. I'm pretty good at debates, just that I don't talk a lot when its not necessary in school so everybody thinks I'm just this nerdy quiet person. I don't mind it at all lol. I do like the idea of helping people , like you said, the stitch-up-people doctor. I don't like the idea of researching and idling when there are people out there that can be saved. there it is again! the way you talk is just so beautiful like the way you perceive and express things can be so nice. especially the stitch doctor part. :) Well, thanks for listening and talk soon! Btw, what's your mbti? (its a personality thing)

toastydoodler August 26th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload thank you! i think i did an mbti test once and forgot my result 😅 i’ll take it again and tell you what i got. i totally understand about not having time to study. i feel like i’m barely home anymore. and i feel the same way about saving people. it’s what i’ve always wanted to do, i just never knew how. also i don’t know if this is weird but i just really like people??? like not in an extrovert way but like i just love humanity. like when you’re on a boat and you see another boat and everyone waves. or when you mention something and someone shares a silly story about it, or when you make a face at a baby and it laughs. i just think it’s so nice, how humans innately just want to be connected and loved and happy. we’re all just doing our best with the time we have and i think that’s wonderful. idk, just wanted to share. thanks for the chat, talk soon! :) <3

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 27th


no problem :). Okay! Yeah, sometimes I have to do other things not related to studying, especially with teachers' day coming up in 2 days. I also had to prepare for my trip in 4days ://. But I hope everything is fine with you! <3 I think that that is pretty nice, everybody should be like you and want to save others :). Yesss!! i totally get this feeling. Like, one time I saw someone faint while hiking and everybody immediately went to go help him, giving him water, food, etc. and it was sooo wholesome to look at and I just felt this sense of warmth because humanity does have some hope after all haha. But yes the boat thing is so real, especially when people you don't know can be so nice :). the inner connection is totally real sometimes, because when I'm at my worst, certain humans just know when and they offer help, even though they don't seem like the type. Like, when I was talking randomly in the teen community room on here and met you! I honestly was so depressed then. I'm more stable now i think. But I hope you're feeling the same way! I hope that any past problems you may have faced will have less of an impact on you <3. No problem, I'm here anytime :). thanks for the chat and talk soon! <3

toastydoodler August 27th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload i’m so glad you’re doing better! i’m doing okay too. not terrible but i’m in a situation that definitely lowers my mental health a bit right now. i’m just doing my best to deal with self esteem stuff, and some other depression related things. i don’t know if i can call them that because i haven’t been clinically diagnosed but that’s what’s most accurate. but talking to you always helps! i feel so happy when we talk. i hope we can keep it going. what’s a teacher’s day? is it for grades and things like that? here we have parent teacher conferences where the parents go in and talk to teachers about their kids’ grades, is it like that? it’s so interesting to learn about how other places do things. also kind of unrelated but i’ve heard that other places don’t do this, at the beginning of each school day we have to stand up and face the flag and do the pledge of allegiance. do you do that? sorry for the overload of questions. school starts again tomorrow morning. i’m not very excited lol. i didn’t get either elective that i wanted. hopefully i’ll learn to like the ones i got. best wishes for finals and your trip! chat soon :) <3

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 28th


I totally get that! I'm so proud of you for having the courage to overcome challenges <3 I understand the mental health problems, and its totally valid to be emotionally low, but what matters is how you move on. I get the self esteem thing too, but you're amazing and a nice person and please don't feel that way about yourself, you're perfect in my eyes :). I haven't been clinically diagnosed or anything either, but I do show symptoms of depression and generalized anxiety disorder sometimes. But its totally fine, what matters is that you know what are the problems that you're facing, and that's good! Yup! I feel so happy that you seek pleasure from our chats, I do too! It's like having a best friend <3. A teacher's day is bascially a day where students celebrate teachers, give them gifts, flowers, cards, what not. And usually school ends really early and we get to go home early too! For this term, teacher's day celebration is tomorrow, technicallly today, since i'm writing this at 3am, and the day after is a public holiday, so no school. After which is our termly break which is the end of term 3 and the start of term 4. Oh! we also have those conferences, we call them PTC, parent teacher consultation. They do discuss our grades a little but its mostly about our behaviour, but it's the same concept im pretty sure! Mhm, I totally get that, its pretty nice to discover something unique and unfamiliar. We do that everyday too! We sing the national anthem, recite the pledge, and on Mondays, sing the school song after. The stand at attention thing also applies. Its totally fine! I love questions and talking haha! All the best for your school! I hope it is smooth-sailing for you! What elective was it? That's a good positive mindset and I wish I could have that haha! But yes, sometimes we do need to adapt to our environment. Ok good talk! Again, good luck for school (i know it sucks but we can do it together) and the elective! <3 Talk soon :) 

toastydoodler August 28th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload thanks for the luck! i definitely needed it. the electives were ceramics and contemporary issues (talking about world problems) and i got fiber arts and backyard sustainability (sewing and gardening). i didn’t get to have fiber arts today but backyard sustainability seems fun. the teacher’s not my favorite but i think the class will be cool. i have so much homework already! three pages for french, a small slideshow for math, and a bunch of forms for the other classes. wow, i wish we had a teacher day, that sounds cool! i guess we have labor day, but that’s a little different. we celebrate the workers who built the country and all of the labor put into it, hence the name. teachers are technically workers though, so maybe it counts. guess what? at the end of the year, after we finish standardized testing, we get to dissect a rat in biology. i’m not sure if i’m excited or not lol. good chat, talk soon! :) <3

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 29th


no problem! Ceramics is soooo cool and I love pottery. The electives you've chosen are so interesting! The electives you've gotten sound pretty okay to me and I hope you enjoy it as much as you can :). Gardening seems fun though, and you grow tomatoes which is pretty fitting. that's good! We also have labour day, where everybody gets a day off work, school and pretty much everything. Sounds pretty similar to be honest. I suppose that is true, that teachers are workers as well. sounds like school is pretty packed for you as well, I guess our school systems have one thing in common: giving a lot of work haha! I do like the feeling of being productive and busy though. The biology dissection sounds pretty interesting! In my country, I don't think that we get to dissect things in lower secondary, but i'm sure I'll be able to do so in the years to come. It sounds pretty enlightening and it will definitely be an unforgettable experience to learn from :) okay, thanks for talking. Talk soon <3 :)

toastydoodler August 29th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload i know, i’d been looking forward to using clay because every time i have art they promise that we’ll do it and we never do. it’s one of my favorite mediums. i need to do ceramics one before i do ceramics two and that’s when we use the potting wheels. but my new electives aren’t bad. i went to the gardening class yesterday and the teacher was talking about what we might do this year and it actually sounds super cool! it’s right up my alley. apparently it’s all food based, so we’re going to learn how to do things like make our own cheese and yogurt and bread, and make compost for soil, and mend clothes. basically what you would need to learn to be self sufficient. the teacher’s not my favorite but the class sounds super fun. i haven’t had fiber arts yet but i’ll get back to you when i do. wow, you have that too? i can’t believe how alike the places we live are! you’re definitely right about the workload. i can already feel my back aching from my backpack. there were so many forms to fill out! i’m exhausted. the dissection does sound fun. i’m hearing a lot of people who aren’t very excited to though, because some of them are squeamish. i hope i don’t get nervous, i don’t want to miss it! glad to hear from you, talk soon! :) <3

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 29th


mhm I love clay too! They always do that here too, they always lecture us about the preparations and we only ever get to do it once or twice at the end of the term :// I never tried the potting wheels, but its sounds pretty interesting! That gardening elective class sounds so cool! I would love the yogurt making one, I love yogurt :) I think that self-sustenance is pretty useful to learn cuz I barely know how to survive if I ever need to. Ok!! Yup, I totally get the workload thing. I have 20 assignments to do over the span of a week :(( Ugh the back pain is also really annoying isn't it? I try to lighten my load so there isn't a lot of exertion on my back or it'll hurt very bad. I guess we'll just have to get used to it :/. I also need to rant a bit about my family if that's okay

SeparationAnxietyOverload OP August 29th


like I'm sorry if I'm ranting too much, or letting you not rant enough but my life is absolutely just horrible. My mother hates this one girl that is friends with me. My mom doesn't like me being around her. We used to be in the same school but since we've moved onto high school, we are in different schools. But today, it was the day for the alumni of the previous school to come back and celebrate for the teachers and stuff. So we ended up meeting there, and I knew that my mom would be mad as *** at me for talking to her but I took pictures with everybody, and I tried not to get her in any of them. I like that girl in a platonic way and I have no freaking idea why my mom is that obsessed with her when she did nothing. Honestly, I emailed my friend in secret so my mom wouldn't know, but I wouldn't have to do that if my mom didn't randomly hate her. And her excuse for it is absolutely pathetic. But eventually I was showing my family the pictures I took of everybody and I told them that I saw my friend, but didn't socialize with her. I thought that'd be okay. But then they found a picture I took of a wide angle shot of everybody surrounding my teacher, and she was in it. So they randomly assumed that I was "hiding" it away from them because they think I'm trying to like secretly communicate or some stuff. I genuinely didn't do it that much and I thought that if I socialized one time, it would be fine. I just can't with my family. My mom got mad, she confiscated my phone, I have 2 photo competitions due soon and I can't submit my entry if she doesn't give it, and I just can't live with the feeling of uncompleted stuff. I honestly just cannot deal with my life anymore (TW) and I've already broken my clean streak and the only thing I'm thinking of is suicide because if I die, my mom can't hit me or do some petty *** or same some mean things. And honestly, if she does do it, she didn't just now, just do it until I die because I can't handle it all anymore. Like I've come to accept the fact that life is horrible and I only have 2 people, you and my other other friend (not the one my mom hates). So i'm just so tired and done and im sorry