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Talking = @toastydoodler




i wonder if you've read the cruel prince series haha. well its nighttime for me now so I'll talk to you tomorrow! have a nice day =)

toastydoodler July 27th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload that’s so real. in my opinion the later books are the better ones but i don’t think i’m qualified enough to say that say that since i didn’t read all of the first ones sooooo 🤷‍♀️ 

toastydoodler July 27th

@toastydoodler shoot sorry that was for the other thread mb, no i haven’t read the cruel prince but it sounds interesting and when school starts again i can look for it in the library.



itsok! the forum is so long it went on page 2 and I was surprised at first too lol. The cruel prince was pretty good actually. No spoilers tho! you haven't started school yet? Damn, lucky you. I have school and examinations in a week and I am literally so stressed. But its school so its normal to be. After the break which is in 4 weeks is only a week long and after that is another 3 weeks of constant exams :/ I just need a big break lol. Hope you're doing okay! I'm listening to Conan Gray and Olivia Rodrigo as well as listening to podcasts like rotten mango to cope. so yeah! :)

toastydoodler July 28th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload my school hasn’t started up yet but once we do we go p much until christmas, get a break, go to mid february, get a break, and then go to april and have the last break until we leave for summer in mid-june. i am not excited for it to start again (i got two electives that i really didn’t want)! i hope it gets better for you. i’ve been listening to dominic fike on repeat these days. putting the cruel prince on hold right now! also just want to let you know that chatting makes me really happy, be it every day or once a week. you make my day.



ohhh now I know more about the school systems haha. Im doing fine with my stress i guess it happens all the time so I'm fine and used to it. Thanks for being there =) talking here every day always provides me with a place to feel truly safe. And I have been trying to talk everyday here as well so thanks for that <3 :). That's nice! I never heard of him but I'll be happy to give it a listen. 



I get the elective thing. I hate history soooo much omg. But we can always get through it together! School is just the journey to being independent i guess. Like I would think of the life that I would get after college or university. Just stay positive i guess!

toastydoodler July 29th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload love the mindset! i honestly don’t know what i’m going to do after all of my schooling is done, how about you? any big dreams? i think just being able to be in control of my life would be nice. 



I want to be a doctor. Its the classic job anyway. I do want to own an animal rescue shelter though. Or have a pharmaceutical company. So yes, I need to work hard to get them. and don't worry about it! having big dreams early on can have more cons than pros sometimes haha! But I totally get your control thing. It must be nice to have everyone not judge for once. But yea stay positive is the goal!



Im in school right now and I have to stay for like 7 more hours :( cuz of some photography club. But ill get through it i hope. So yea Ill talk to you sometime later

toastydoodler July 31st

@SeparationAnxietyOverload that’s an awful long time to be at school! i hope you have fun with your club. i’m not in any clubs but i do play some sports (softball and field hockey for the most part). i think you’re right about big dreams early. i’m probably just going to float around for a while, see where life takes me. who knows. is photography one of your hobbies? it sounds cool. we’ll talk more soon! :)



hi yes it was a long time and I just came home lol. But yea having a club or a commitment is compulsory in my country so like at a certain grade, you are required to join one and have at least 2 sessions a week or one big session a week. so yea it sucks :(. But that's okay ill get used to it. Those sound fun! I've always liked sports but I don't really play them much. Only badminton i guess. I love the word "float" around like to me, its just peaceful like floating around in space haha. But yeah i'd do that too if I were you. 



I love photography and especially if I can get good photos. Just the pride of having taken such a nice photo really delights me and I like it. Scenery photography is my forte as well and it is way easier than portrait photography because its harder to deal with people haha. But this week im going to this firework show with my club to take pictures. I hope everything is well for you too! anything interesting happening during your break? I'd love to hear about it =)

toastydoodler August 1st

@SeparationAnxietyOverload i love getting good photos too! you’re so right, people can be the worst to deal with. at least sunsets don’t talk rudely. float is a nice airy word which i like very much because it seems like a happy word. another one is “sunrays”, which im not sure if it’s actually a word but i like it anyway. over break i’ve done a softball camp and went camping with my grandparents (it was more like glamping since we used a trailer but whatever). i’ve started painting again too. nothing extraordinary, just little things in my spare time. i think i like those the best. tonight i also have tryouts for a softball travel team and im kind of nervous. i don’t think im going to get on. i hope you have fun at the fireworks show!



that's so me! I love that feeling too. The feeling of utter peace and silencec with yourself can be very healing <3. But yeah im so happy someone finally gets me. I love sunrays too! i can't think of my fav word on the spot rn but they probably have the same idea haha! Good luck for it! Itsok to be nervous but you just have to enjoy the process! have funnnn! 



ill try to have fun too! text you soon :)



p.s. I love trailers. and the idea of like coziness. I love it when I can read a nice book and snuggle with my plushie and blankets while looking and hearing the raindrops pitter patter on the glass. Its so calming. I hope you enjoyed the glamping! I'm sure those paintings are beautiful! I've never been a art person, I like art but can't do it haha! but yeah catch you later!!

toastydoodler August 2nd

@SeparationAnxietyOverload it certainly is nice to have someone understand. i also love curling up in the rain with a book. i have a whole system: i turn on some chill jazz and dim the lights low and chill in a beanbag chair. i love it so much <3. also some good news for you: photography counts as art! so yes you absolutely can, it just takes a little practice. i always paint more abstract so there’s no rules and nobody can tell me what to do. it definitely took a while to learn that you can’t really “mess up” art, but it’s worth it. i’ll keep you posted on my tryout status! anything new with you? talk soon :) <3



getting lost in a fictional world is the best way to heal <3. Im glad you enjoy it as much as I do haha! The routine is so real and I usually listen to rain beats instead of jazz but its good too! I guess I would consider photography as art so maybe im just better at these types of arts rather than classical art. I love abstract and contemporary art! its so deep and i don't know why people dislike modern art. I mean, its just another person's way of expressing their thoughts. Nothing to hate about. Its different but you don't have to like it, you just have to understand and accept it. But yeah I totally love abstract art and its so nice that you are doing that! Do update me soon about it! I don't have anything apart from the fireworks show so ill talk to you soon as well! Enjoy!

toastydoodler August 3rd

@SeparationAnxietyOverload you’re so right about the art thing! so long as it’s enjoyable and not hurting anyone people should be able to do what makes them happy. different opinions are great and needed but just because they clash doesn’t mean people shouldn’t have their opinions. rain sounds are so nice for sleep, they send me right off. i love all kinds of art. i just wish that they could pay the bills so i could do it for my whole life. talk soon! :)



art is amazing and that's so nice of you to think that way as well! I love art and when I grow old I would probably do it too lol. But yeah i totally agree with the art thing. The fireworks show ended like 3 hours ago and it was okay i guess. how about you?

toastydoodler August 3rd

@SeparationAnxietyOverload i haven’t seen fireworks in an awful long time. did you get any good pictures? i like the colors but not the loud sounds. not much going on for me right now. i’m watching the olympics. it’s crazy how these athletes can do things like this. the paralympics are super cool too. have you been watching them? it seems pretty cloudy and grey there from what i can tell. hopefully they won’t have to do their sports in the rain! have a wonderful day :)

toastydoodler August 3rd

@toastydoodler i made the team!!!! :D



I don't really like fireworks but I was really fortunate to be able to experience them! I totally get you when you say you dislike the loud noises it always catches me off guard :). I only got like 3 good pictures but I suppose that's fine. My parents have been watching the olympics and I only saw a few games because I wasn't too interested in the sports lol. But the badminton and volleyball games are so interesting to watch! I totally applaud the people who participate in the paralympics because they are able to overcome the odds and do something amazing which is so cool. Good for them I guess. 



Mhm. If it rains the games will probably be postponed to another day or maybe even be held in the rain. It would be SO COLD though. I love the rain :). CONGRATS FOR MAKING THE TEAMM!!!!! Yay!! how was the tryouts? Did anything interesting happen? Did you do anything to celebrate? I look forward to the next time we speak! Congrats!🥳

toastydoodler August 4th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload nothing super interesting at tryouts and we didn’t do anything to celebrate, but that’s ok. something tells me some calm is going to be nice before everything starts to pick up again. i love the rain too <3 i hope you’re doing well and having fun even if the fireworks weren’t worth it. they’re outlawed in my state so no firework shows or anything here but since we live in the middle of nowhere people do it anyway. the plants in the garden are getting close to being ready to eat, so i’m excited for that. i love growing and taking care of plants. 🌱 excited to hear from you :D



Yup that's totally fine. Sometimes having a little bit of time with yourself counts as a celebration too! I love that! I really hope that happens. Oh I see. In my country, fireworks aren't allowed to be placed by civilians or else we can go to jail :/ so only the approved government can so yeah. The place sounds so nice! Everything here is so noisy and full of buildings and stuff I would love to go to somewhere quiet and has nature. I love growing plants too! Im trying to grow cabbages and cherry tomatoes. I have a bonsai plant called groot! I know, its not very original but I like it. I go out on my balcony everyday and water them while singing to them. Its like a myth that they grow better once you sing or talk to them so that's what I do HAHA. But yes right now its relatively calm for me too. One of my other hobbies are building things! I built a revolving globe with cardboard and it was super fun. the mess not so but that's fine. But yeah that's all from me right now. I'll talk to you soon! 😊🌱<3



p.s. I love the idea of picking the edibles from the plants during harvest its so soothing. I remember one time I went to vacation and I went to a berry farm and we could pick as many as we wanted and paid for them later. it was so cute :) I love salads, random I know. I just felt the need to say it now that we mentioned plants HAHA. But have fun growing plants! oh and that reminds me, I need to water my baby's breath. Talk to you soon! <3

toastydoodler August 5th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload no way, i grow the same types of tomatoes! and also a bunch of heirloom varieties. my grandparents have a big garden and their “thing” is tomatoes. so for as long as i can remember every summer has been filled with tomatoes and sunflowers. now they’re guaranteed to be in any garden of mine. maybe i’ll try singing to my plants sometime! i’ve always been pretty shy about singing in front of people (stage fright, amirite?) but plants don’t judge. i think i’ll give it a try. my sister builds things too! she makes all sorts of stuff out of cardboard and hot glue. once she made a mini refrigerator to go onto the big refrigerator which i thought was cute. i would love to see your globe, and I'm sure cleanup was horrendous based off of what a mess my sister makes! but hey, it came out nice so it’s worth it. and you’re right about picking your own food, it really is healing. it tastes better than store things too. can’t wait to hear from you! <3



oh wow! what a coincidence! your family sounds so cool! I can't really communicate with my grandparents because I can't speak their language so yeah :/ but I'm super happy for you! it sounds soooo interesting! when you described your garden it was giving the secret garden haha! I wish I could have a biggg garden... in our country its rare to have backyards unless you live in a big bungalow. But if I did, I would have a little greenhouse with strawberries and lemons! and little orchid rows with melons...planting is so therapeutic lol. Its okay! I get that too so I usually plug in noise cancelling headphones and sing so that I can't hear myself (HAHA). mhm that's true. That sounds so interesting! I loved lego since like 2 lol. im so happy that you get me! I truly love preparing the food myself even though im horrible at cooking. I love the process of baking except the cleaning but I have to because I get the urge haha! do you like baking? (i only know how to bake waffles 🤭 ) well hear from you soon! <3 🤗

toastydoodler August 6th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload in a lot of places here, especially cities, gardens and backyards aren’t very big or there at all but since i live in a pretty rural place we have room for a big backyard. strawberries and lemons are a wonderful combination! they taste so good together, i love it. may i add: strawberry and rhubarb. it’s sweet and tangy also and it makes a nice sauce for ice cream. caution with rhubarb though because the leaves are poisonous if you eat them so you can only eat the stem. delicious though. i also love cooking and baking and am not very good at it. i’m getting better though! can’t wait to talk to you next :) <3



oh! its like that for us too, though most of the country is urban. I love rural areas though! I never heard of it! I guess I need to learn more haha! You sound so cool when you describe it, you're so experienced! Same lol. I like baking but im not very good at it. If I had a chance, I would visit Korea again! it's so nice and peaceful, especially in the winter or autumn. How about you? Where would you like to go? Looking forward to your reply! <3 :)



p.s. the talk about the leaves being poisonous and the stems being edible reminds me of the hunger games though I have no idea why lol. Have you read the hunger games yet? Talk to you soon! <3

toastydoodler August 7th
@SeparationAnxietyOverload i’ve read the hunger games before too! i also saw the new movie. have you seen it? i thought it was really good. i went to london once and i thought it was nice. i’d be happy to go again. there are so many places i want to visit. tokyo sounds cool from what i’ve heard, and greece is so full of history. i love to travel. what was korea like? was it fun? can’t wait to hear from you <3


I loved the hunger games omg. The first book was the best, like any other series to be fair. you mean the ballad of songbirds and snakes? I've read the book but haven't watched the movie but I've seen tons of clips and reviews about it. I will watch it during the holidays lol. I've never been to London, I wish I could. The rainy gloomy vibes are all me lol. I didn't like Japan, it seemed to like cold for me like not temperature wise, just like the people. Did you feel it too? I haven't been to Greece either but I would LOVE to visit there to get a feel of the Percy Jackson vibes yk? Korea is just so aesthetically pleasing and fun. The people there, especially the aunties, are so nice! The stallowners at the sides of the roads are so nice and accommodating and they always treat you like family <3. The food is soooo good and the atmosphere in the morning is just straight sunshine, coffee, autumn leaves and rainbows. Its literally breathtaking. At night its upbeat but not unbearably so, busy yet cozy because the night markets are so nice! they sell many comforting foods like cheese filled pastries and meat skewers. Like omg its literally so beautiful. I've been there twice, as well as twice to Japan and twice to Australia. Did you like anything about your trips to London and Japan? Are you going anywhere soon? Looking forward to hearing from you! :) <3



oh mb, I thought you said you went to Japan. Sorry! But I love travelling too! What are your likes and dislikes? Talk to you soon! <3

toastydoodler August 8th
@SeparationAnxietyOverload gosh, i might need to go to korea now! it sounds so nice! london was much cleaner than our cities here and, interestingly, shared snack foods like m&ms and tic tacs were overall better in the uk. probably because theirs don’t have innumerable chemicals lol. you’re so right about the percy jackson vibes in greece, i really want to visit the pantheon. i love greek myths. i find them fascinating. and the first book of any series is totally the best one. i thought the second one was okay and the third one was kind of confusing, like i couldn’t keep track of what was going on. for likes and dislikes i like flying in airplanes. i especially love takeoff and landing, the feeling in your stomach when you realize you started going up, i find it incredible. what i don’t like is being the annoying tourist or the sleep deprivation from long flights lol. to get to london we had to take two different planes and none of us could sleep. jet lag for the win ***. so happy to hear from you! <3


Haha definitely! Now I need to go to London :). I’ve always found my country's sweets to be very uh limited i guess because its not a country which has like american candy or the typical candies found. But we do have sweets imported from other countries. I really want to try some candy like jolly ranchers, trolli and sour patch kids haha! And question, what is your favourite candy? What does it taste like?  I’ve always thought of London as an industrial city so hearing that the food tastes cleaner is quite a surprise! Though I totally agree with you about the chemical things, so many different foods are found to have harmless things in it I don’t even know how to react anymore. This is why home-grown foods are better :0. Yes!! The pantheon I used to have a whole Greek mythology phase when I was younger. I memorised all the lore of every god and even tried to memorise the roman equivalents (haha). I just feel that the magical feel of the new plot of a series dies down past the first book so what you’re saying is really relatable. I love the taking off and the process but I hate the last few parts of the plane ride because I just feel super motion sick and stimulated due to the fact that you have to be ready to get out of the plane and you need to pack your bags,etc. So yeah, I also hate going to the toilet on plane rides and I love it when I find the perfect position on the seat so that it's cosy haha! Weird thing: I love turbulence, like not fatal dangerous hurricane turbulence but more of a bump turbulence. But absolutely not in the toilet. But in my seat it's just kind of exhilarating. I love roller coasters by the way, if you couldn’t already tell. Oh and one more thing I was (and still am) so so so death afraid of the flushing toilet in the aeroplane. It's so loud and scary and I usually flush the moment I exit with the door open so like idk, I don’t get sucked in HAHA. Mhm you’re so right about the sleep deprivation, I can totally get cranky with bad sleep in a cramped plane or no sleep at all. I have mixed feelings about the stop-overs before reaching the destination, thoughts? And the funny thing is that I manage to sleep if I want to lol. Its just that part of my body wants to stay awake to enjoy the flight but my head starts to hurt so I have no choice but to sleep lol. What’s your favourite thing to buy from the airport convenience store? Mine is haribo gummy bears. I always make it a point to download my fav songs onto my phone and bring a snack box of candy because my blood sugar can get low and I can get lightheaded sometimes. But yeah thanks for listening and sorry for the long message :/. But hope to hear from you soon! <3 :)

toastydoodler August 9th

@SeparationAnxietyOverload you get it! turbulence is so fun when it’s not dangerous. it definitely makes the flight more exciting! most of my favorite candies are chocolate things, but i especially love mallow cups. they’re an older candy (think parents’ age or more) and they’re chocolate cups filled with marshmallow. if you’ve ever seen a reese’s peanut butter cup that’s what they look like. i just like marshmallow and chocolate together. you’re right about london being an industrial city. it’s very busy and you can see all sorts of things being build. their health and food laws are a lot stricter than what they have here in the u.s. though, so the chemicals and things that the u.s. let’s people put in food are illegal there, and their sanitation systems are better/used more. home grown foods are better without a doubt. i can’t sleep at all on planes, they’re just so loud and cold and there’s strangers everywhere. i had an 8 hour overnight flight once and i slept for maybe 10 minutes. i was so tired after lol. i normally get apple chips or chocolate covered raisins from the convenience store, but i do love gummy bears! they’re so jiggly i love it. the downloading songs is so real. i need music to function. it’s rare i go anywhere without my headphones in case i get overwhelmed or something and i want music. do you ever get overwhelmed? if so do you listen to anything? i listen to girl in red because i think she has a really calming voice. that or i listen to some of the calmer george ezra songs. stop overs for different destinations can be nice in the daytime but at night they’re annoying because you have to get out of your warm chair and go into the cold airport only to get into another chair but it’s cold and then you’re cold and you don’t get warm until you have to leave. don’t be sorry for a long message, i love listening to you. can’t wait to hear from you again :D <3



Haha yeah it's so nice to have someone who thinks that way too. The mallow cups sound soooo good. I love toasted marshmallows but not marshmallows itself. I'm a super picky eater though but a very nice memory of marshmallows was when I went to this island in korea and it was super misty and like pretty (reference: Taylor Swift Folklore album cover, that’s basically what it looked like) and we had a little fire to toast our marshmallows it was super good! But I’d love to try those if I could. I love London and those factors mentioned are totally my vibe. Another place is probably like New York or something. I always dream of owning a penthouse with a skyline view. But yeah the U.S food laws definitely need some work. The stranger thing is so real. Like I'm super anxious whenever I board a plane so I over analyse everybody and it doesn’t help much. But it's pretty normal for me to get at least a couple hours of sleep. I always bring my plushie with me. It's like my comfort object (giver reference) and it helps me sleep and the scent can be changed and it helps with my weekly migraines as well. I love apple chips, banana chips and carrot chips. They are soooo good and so underrated. I love dried mangoes too. lol.I do get overwhelmed sometimes when I’m in a rush and trying to get something done and the people around me don’t seem to have the sense of urgency and I get overstimulated and my emotions go haywire. I usually just talk to my plushie because I always forget my headphones at home. Those artists sound interesting! Unpopular opinion: I love nighttime flights and I hate hate hate afternoon flights. When you reach the destination, if it was a nighttime flight, it would be the morning and like the start of a fresh new day of adventure but like if it was afternoon, it would kinda still be evening and you feel so tired and depressed and annoyed.. But that’s probably a me thing haha! Thanks so much for listening I do love reading your messages too , you just seem like a very nice person :) talk to you next time! <3