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💕 Eva and Bri’s secret place 💕

justmeeva February 8th

heyy!🩷 wait.. you don’t look like @briiiiiiiiiiiiiii to me 🤔.. *gives you a cookie that makes you forget about this place so it can remain a ~secret~* -> *you are now confused* -> *sends you down a fun water(<-optional)slide* -> *waves* hehe ✨

oki doki, now all i’m left with is the one and only briiii 🧁🩷

this place will be a secret talking space for just me and you, where we can do and talk about ✨anything✨ ✨anytime✨ (vents, thoughts, feelings, life, hangout, literally anything 🫶)

please don’t read or post here unless you’re @justmeeva or @briiiiiiiiiiiiiii, thank you ❤️

justmeeva OP July 7th


*hugs forever ever ever* 💗💗

modestSugar4438 July 7th


*hugs back forever and ever*

modestSugar4438 July 7th


I have perfect timing huh lol

justmeeva OP July 7th


me too lol

justmeeva OP July 7th

*18 minutes late*

modestSugar4438 July 7th


its all gooddd what are you doing?? and how you been??

justmeeva OP July 7th


looking outside because the sky is so pretty with pink clouds rn 🩷 

i’ve been fine 🩷 what about you? :0

modestSugar4438 July 7th


it has pink clouds?? that so prettyy and i'm okay and nothing really btw do you have socials like *** or sc?

justmeeva OP July 7th


no, i have literally nothing :’) my mom has the stupid parental controls and so the only things i have is messages and whatsapp :’) stupid i know :’) :’) i’m sorry

modestSugar4438 July 7th


hmmm I can maybe get whatsapp and DW about it trust me I understand lolll 

justmeeva OP July 7th


whatsapp is also related to phone number tho so i dunno about that :’)

modestSugar4438 July 7th


oooo maybe idk but we cant talk on here bruhhh I missed you bubbles 

justmeeva OP July 7th


i missed you toooo cupcake 🧁🩷

modestSugar4438 July 7th


when is your birthday?? and your turning 14 right??

justmeeva OP July 7th


july 14th and i’m 14 right now so i’ll be 15 <33

modestSugar4438 July 7th


yayyy i'm so proud of you bubblesss like your so strong, I know how hard it is but you I know you'll get through it and I'm so glad your still alive :) your an extraordinary personn

justmeeva OP July 7th


eeeeee you’re so sweet cupcake 🩷🩷 i’m glad you’re alive and here and still going aswell, and veryveryveryvery proud of you <3

modestSugar4438 July 7th


awwww thank youuu <3333 btw I'm sorry I left for so long I never meant to make you worry or nth alot of stuff happened to me and I couldn't be on 7 cups for a while and then I forgot my password and stuff lol but i'm back nowwww :))

justmeeva OP July 7th


(replying here because the words of the messages half disappear for me-) 

it’s okay, i’m just really really glad you’re here now 🩷🩷

modestSugar4438 July 7th


me tooo :))) what's been new though? bf or crush or school yk like whats been new

justmeeva OP July 7th


hmm idek what to say to that, no bfs or crushes, most of my life revolves around mental health right now tbh heh


modestSugar4438 July 7th


I have a bfff :))) but also the same ngl rn i'm trying to work on mental health

justmeeva OP July 7th



modestSugar4438 July 7th


he's amazing and we have been together for 7 months

justmeeva OP July 7th


eeeeee that’s so cool i’m so happy for you :0 🩷🩷

modestSugar4438 July 7th


thank youuuu <333 yk when I first talked to you I realized you were fr my twin 

justmeeva OP July 7th


i know right it was like an instant match lol we just clicked right away

modestSugar4438 July 7th


frrrr like we understood each other so quickly and I was like now your my best friend 

justmeeva OP July 7th


yhhh and then we just started and continued having all those similarities and everything 

modestSugar4438 July 7th


for reallll I've never had anyone like that nglll

justmeeva OP July 7th


me neitherr best friends at first sight lol

modestSugar4438 July 7th


for reallll i'm so glad I met youuu :))

justmeeva OP July 7th


me toooo i love you sm ❤️❤️

modestSugar4438 July 7th


I love you moreee ❤❤

justmeeva OP July 7th


not possibleeeeee 🩷💕

modestSugar4438 July 7th


yessss it issss anddd what time is it for youuu?

justmeeva OP July 7th


it isss 12:39ammm

modestSugar4438 July 7th


that's so lateeee 

justmeeva OP July 7th


oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️ (((:

modestSugar4438 July 7th


you need to sleep sooonnnn