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Have you completed a custom Growth Path!! Let us know here!

Heather225 March 20th, 2021

Thank you for taking part in the Growth Path Playlist!

We're curious to know how you're liking them so far!

Please fill out this form to let us know which one(s) and what you think: HERE.

If you are a Builder and can include this survey at the end of your paths, that would help us greatly in collecting more valuable data!

soulsings March 22nd, 2021

Building Self Esteem is my first custom path.

SupportCat101 April 3rd, 2021

My first custom path I took part in is Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups and it was so good! Definitely made me feel a lot less guilty about taking breaks when I need them.

gentleLight37 November 3rd, 2021

@SupportCat101 That's awesome :) I just completed that path, too

warmheartedApple5285 April 13th, 2021

I did Leadership Basics as my first Community Path. I think it needs more guidance regarding the tests how to use the information they give, how they are not necessarily scientifically backed up. It would be useful to explain how they can be used. Also, some of the pages were very hard to read due to background / text combination, very hard on the eyes. I think it's a good start, maybe needs expanding.

LightWhisper May 3rd, 2021

It is really a wonderful help to have more resources with a peaceful feeling along ^^

intuitiveChestnut6652 May 10th, 2021

Completed "How to be brave" growth path.

intuitiveChestnut6652 May 12th, 2021

Completed belly breathing to relax right now-SESAME STREET yescustomised path.

Storyhymns1234 May 31st, 2021

Moving forward with positive focus @obs

It is great. Thankyou.

Now I am on...moving forward with postive focus by starmedia

I will tell later about it after completing it.

Hava a good day :)

gentleLight37 November 3rd, 2021

I completed Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups. It was good! :) I feel like I have better boundaries and strategies in place now. :)

xandia December 9th, 2021

Relationship Solutions was wonderful. Learned quite a few tips on how to recognize and deal with certain types of people that I have to interact and deal with. Great path. And I have taken many of them. However, it would be nice to have more growth points; the low amount may be a reason many people stay on the original growth path.
rrretsuko January 15th, 2022

@Heather225 i just took the "prevent burnout at 7 cups" path <3 it made me a lot more aware about my own mental health when listening on the site and being apart of the community <3 i'm really happy to have this info now :)

IloveHorses00 March 15th, 2022


this was my first custom growth path: Friend-Making Loneliness-Ending Growth Path

melonMeloncholy April 11th, 2022

At long last, I've completed the following general care growth path:

Melon's Self-Care Stepping Stones Path

This path can be found in several categories. It includes coping methods for both in-the-moment stress and long-term challenges, with self-love suggestions, as well as healthy distractions, and grounding techniques. Many of these have been compiled from the 7cups community through forum posts, or from 7cups Self-Help guides, and other resources.

Please add your own coping methods to this forum thread here so others may be inspired. It may even become the next step.

EmbStitcher33 August 22nd, 2022

Moving Forward with Self-Forgiveness is the one I just finished. For the situation that I chose, it didn't really fit well. But I'm glad I did it anyway. The finally scoring part was very confusing. I'm sure I didn't do it right.

Overthinker13579TU October 9th, 2022


Completed Increasing Confidence and Self-Esteem growth path playlist by @GlenM

samaira06 November 5th, 2022

I just completed Increasing Confidence and Self-Esteem path and I feel so much better about myself!

Espejo December 24th, 2022


Just finished Increasing Confidence and Self-Esteem. It was manageable and easy to understand. I've been working on confidence and self-esteem for a while so I found the topics helpful and further reinforced what I've been trying to internalize :) Thanks for creating it @GlenM!

wishfulHero585 May 23rd, 2023

@Heather225 I just finished the Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups growth path! I found it super helpful, and I've started implementing some of the tips into my daily routine :)

Aivle July 10th, 2023

My current path is to build a secure attachment style.

SimonNocedaStevenson September 17th, 2023

Completed "Touch of Everything"

starryCandy6123 December 12th, 2023


I changed paths many times. because they were more to my needs 

Heather225 OP December 12th, 2023


were there some favorites of yours?

MusokeHere January 16th


I have completed twice the path 'Preventing Burnout at 7Cups'. So far, it has been a refreshing approach towards burnout within a theoretical context as well as including some initial great ideas towards self-care and mental wellness, especially, for those of us who are currently volunteering.

However, I do hope that this path is accompanied by a burnout community when we have actual and efficient support as well along with additional formation. This path feels weak itself since the number of ways of free support are mostly lacking consistency, especially, when we have to switch to a member account, as well as lack of closeness and supporting roles within a practical sense. Also, for people who jump in all of a sudden, mentors should also focus on giving them some tips about self-care guides. Furthermore, a self-care course and discussion should be required as well as full transparency within our team so that this community is actually working on better towards a deeper understanding and commitment of a community and mutual support.

It's highly relevant to address specifically and strengthen the ways of care and support we have within this community and while volunteering which such delicate topics. Also, burnout is also caused by a weak formation and our own consistent limitations as individuals. Therefore, it is a must that 7Cups continue to strike for updated training on a wholesome and international viewpoint. 

Thank you.

kindhearted5345 March 19th

@Heather225 how to build self esteem growth path

Heather225 OP March 20th


we have one here!

snugglesnow April 27th

@Heather225 completed "Preventing Burnout at 7 Cups" path :) definitely very helpful!

Heather225 OP April 29th


great to hear! one of the best paths out there!!