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Parenting Hacks

SoulfullyAButterfly June 18th, 2023


What are your favorite parenting tips/hacks?

YourCaringConfidant June 18th, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterfly Don't be a helicopter mom because it will only do more harm than good.

Thanhx4 June 19th, 2023


I agree, from personal experience, my mom and I do not have the strongest relationship and her parenting choices was a big factor.

slowdecline48 June 19th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant +1 on that. When I was a kid my mother was a bit too into her a certain point, mothering becomes smothering. That only worked when I was little. Once I was in my teens I started seeing the downside of it; after I reached adulthood, my mother's inability to adjust to that life change was one reason why our relationship gradually turned sour--& why I eventually kicked her to the curb entirely.

lyricalAngel70 June 18th, 2023
Be your children's best friend. It will help them open up to you just like how they share everything with their best friends. ♥️ @SoulfullyAButterfly
TawkToMe June 20th, 2023

@lyricalAngel70 parent first, friend second.

6 kids here, all productive members of society.

lyricalAngel70 June 20th, 2023

Thank you so much for your valuable comment. I am not married or have kids yet. Anyhow, what I meant was from my experience of how my mother raised me and my other 3 siblings. She has been my best friend throughout my life to make it easier for me and it has helped me a lot to open up to her.

Much love,

-Angel 💜💙 @TawkTooMe

jae26 June 19th, 2023

Laugh with y our kids they need it an so do you

Lexipain June 19th, 2023

Listen to their stories and ask questions.

June 19th, 2023


Catch them doing good

SirenOfSerenity June 19th, 2023

Not a parent yet but I appreciate everyone openly sharing these tips 💙

Thanhx4 June 19th, 2023


Lol me too! It's always a good idea to keep an eye open for tips. <3

Truth22 June 19th, 2023

“They” tell you not to bargain with your kids…..bargain with them. It gives them a chance to be heard. 30 more minutes of their favorite tv show will not kill them or you.

Jon7Cups June 19th, 2023

These are great!

amusingPeach4550 June 19th, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterfly When flying with toddlers, always arrive a little early and find a moving walkway. You can walk down it for a while but in the opposite direction, so that it acts like a treadmill. A few people may give you strange looks, but it will work wonders and the kids will be all tired out by the time you board! This way you can spend your flight without any overexcited children almost bouncing out of their seats. :)

Linognathus June 19th, 2023

Funny but amazing tips. Surely will try this someday!

slowdecline48 January 31st

That's the best idea in this thread so far.

NewYorker11 June 19th, 2023


i am not actually a parent, but as the eldest grandson on both sides of my family, i had alot of time to be the big brother, which is kind of like parenting!

my one favorite parenting tip is to never use negative emotions when reacting to a child. two wrongs don't make a right.

SleeplessVet June 19th, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterfly Please, don’t do everything or too much for your child. They need to learn how to problem solve and that they can help themselves sometimes. Also, let them know it is ok to lose once in a while. Try to do it with a little class and self-control. Be happy for the others who won and maybe try harder next time if it is important to them. Consideration and empathy are wonderful traits for people, and our society could use a bit more of it if possible. Any chance to let them develop those traits would be great for all.

lyricalAngel70 June 20th, 2023

You are so right, Vest. Pampering must be done to a limit and not to the degree where it paralyzes children from doing things. Otherwise, even after being adults, they won't be able to do things on their own. Absolutely important. Thank you so much for sharing this much-needed insight.

Much love,

-Angel 💙💜


thoughtfulmomma June 19th, 2023

Learn to listen without judging. Learn to listen without solving the problem. Without saying "what you need to do is..."

A lot of the time your kids just want someone who will listen to them for a little while. Let them vent. Let them share joys and pains. Let them know you are there for them, always.

You're going to have some tough talks as they get older, and you're going to hear things you really don't want to hear. But you have to listen. You don't have to like what they say, but they will feel better and more connected knowing that you were willing to let them talk.

slowdecline48 June 19th, 2023
  • Encourage active engagement with the physical world. Do this mostly by modelling it, but also by making opportunities and, to some extent, toys that make it easy and fun, available. Allow mistakes. Expect accidents, falls, minor injuries. ...Remember that people do not learn exclusively from being told what others have learned--especially physical truths. They have to have the close calls themselves.
  • Expect that static rules will get gamed. Becoming an adult is, in part, about learning what the system is, where its weaknesses are, and how to take advantage of those weaknesses. Children learn this in the system that their...home provides. Make honorable systems, listen to children when they have grievances, take them seriously from an early age, but do not pretend to them or yourself or anyone else that yours is a friendship rather than a parent-child relationship. Stop manipulation every time that it starts.

The above tips are two of several, from A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century by Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying. You can find out more about the book here.

GlenM June 19th, 2023

I'm a big believer in simple fining. Like hey need you to not leave your shoes right in front of the door. If I see them there next time then you'll be fined $5 (this actually just happened to me). And if no cash, then they can pay with stuffed animals (they get returned after hanging out with me for a little while). Easy to get frustrated when kids just keep doing or not doing things over and over and over again. I've found that fines are surprisingly effective. They work with adults too. e.g., caught speeding, that is a fine; run a stop light, another fine etc.

And loads of great ideas in this thread! Makes me think we need a hacks for everything section along with corresponding growth paths that capture our community hacks.

lyricalAngel70 June 20th, 2023

Hahahaha! Paying you with a stuffed animal toy is such adorable (and obviously, the part where they get their toys back after hanging out with you) ♥️

Thank you so much for sharing!

Much love,

-Angel💙💜 @GlenM

gracefulpomegranate01923 June 19th, 2023


Don’t be a parent if you don’t have enough knowledge on how to empower your child in all aspects eg. Physically, mentally, emotionally etc. And if you aren’t ready and aren’t knowledgeable to raise another individual.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 20th, 2023


Sorry, caps necessary here lol!


Couldn't have said it better, it's the number one "hack", minus all the unfortunate situations, where it's just the reality you have to accept and learn along the way!

People shouldn't expect their children to *teach* them what parenting is, it is not their job to teach you. People should show their children, what (good) parenting feels like.

Thanks for sharing!❤

TawkToMe June 20th, 2023

In my house, we had what we called 'The Eww Rule".

The rule was, say "Eww" and you're taking a taste. Later we had to amend it that if you said "Eww" because you wanted a taste, it didn't count.

Before you tell me that it's abuse to make a child eat something they don't like, keep in mind: all they had to do was not say "Eww". My kids are all grown now and when they tell stories about their childhood, they all laugh at the stuff they had to taste because they said "Eww".

And oh by the way, they ALL have VERY diverse palates.

Danny0101 June 20th, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterfly what i really wish that my parents do to me is not comparing me with other and make me feel safe ,, not over protecting also , just trust what i'm doing ... trust my mind and my power and show some emotion like hugs and kisses ...

WinterRose9 June 20th, 2023

After recently discovering my daughter and myself are autistic,I took the liberty of creating a feeling/mood month by month chart for my daughter

GlenM June 22nd, 2023

@PhoenixButterfly97 very good idea!

truthfulbliss222 June 21st, 2023

To love my son and have fun with him. Just bring you around you kid, they love you no matter what.

WickedlyBewitching June 21st, 2023

Compromise. There are things you can meet in the middle on. Not everything should work like that, but kids are far more agreeable and listen better when you give them room to make choices and small decisions. In contrast, a great way to make your child(ren) feel like they have zero control over themselves and their lives is to not meet in the middle on anything at all. When you take that route, be prepared for your child to start making not very good choices simply because they are choices that the child is able to make for themselves.

ChocolateCupcake24 June 21st, 2023

Be aware that you can't be perfect... you will mess up, and it's okay. Acknowledge your vulnerability and make it a way to get closer to your spouse and child rather than going on an endless guilt trip.

BlueVase9178 June 22nd, 2023

My son has been lying alot recently, I started telling him I knew when he lied because his ears turn red. Now he covers his ears when he lies, and he's learning to be honest without me having to investigate everything. This works on younger kids though and it's helped alot with his behavior!

RaeOSunshine89 June 22nd, 2023

My favorite parenting tips/hacks is to keep a tote in my trunk full of extra stuff for my kids in case of an emergency and to simply have it on hand. My To-Go Tote consists of quick grab and go snacks, juice pouches and bottled waters, blankets, flash lights, a few toys and activities to keeps my kids occupied, portable DVD player with movies, extra set of clothes both warm and cold weather and a First Aid kit.

lunasMoon June 22nd, 2023

Don't yell and get angry at your children as their math or Their physics grade are low, cuz one of them actually a genius in art, acting, football, or even singing.

GnomedBinary December 31st, 2023


If your kids are wearing headphones, tap them on the shoulder to get their attention - don't yell half-way across the house and expect them to hear you over their games, music or YT videos.

slowdecline48 January 31st

@SoulfullyAButterfly Earlier I forgot to add the most important "hack" of all:

"If you can't feed 'em, don't breed 'em."

That doesn't just apply in the literal meaning, either. Parenting is not for everyone, as it requires certain personality traits in abundance...I suspect that more than anything else, parenting requires tremendous patience & a sense of balance: knowing when to discipline strictly & when to let things slide, when to listen to your kid's truths & knowing when (s)he is feeding you 🐮💩 (& so not to take it seriously), etc. If you don't possess these characteristics; if you cannot afford to keep a growing child fed & in clothes & shoes; if you just can't spare the time & attention a child needs to learn & grow...then don't pop out a baby. Because all you'll do is screw up his/her life as well as your own. Then the kid will hate you once (s)he grows up & realizes what a mess you made.

DCcat1989 June 11th


When you are at the pool/water park/splash pad etc get in with the kids don't just sit in the lawn chair and watch them watch you..... We are more inclined to swim and play when we see you do it. Monkey see monkey do