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Parenting & Pregnancy Automated Taglist!
by tommy
Last post
July 5th
...See more Welcome to the Parenting & Pregnancy Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply to this thread and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 12th July 2024 (updated by @Misty) @KindCatEars @Iyyana @MistyMagic @tommy @Truth22
Come and Check-in For All!
by MistyMagic
Last post
June 20th
...See more I am posting this on a Frijayyyyyy! The start of the weekend when many people are thinking of relaxing and having a lie-in but for many of us the weekend routine is not really that different from the weekdays. So I have found some tips and tricks for you all Pregnancy Tips1. Rest and Relaxation * Nap Time: Take short naps to boost your energy levels. * Prenatal Yoga: Try prenatal yoga or gentle stretching exercises to relax your body and mind. 2. Healthy Eating * Meal Prep: Prepare healthy meals and snacks ahead of time to ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need. * Hydration: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. 3. Pampering Yourself * Massage: Consider a prenatal massage to relieve aches and pains. * Bath Time: Enjoy a warm (not hot) bath to soothe sore muscles. 4. Bonding with Your Baby * Talk to Your Baby: Spend a few minutes talking or singing to your baby bump. * Reading: Start reading baby books to get into the parenting mindset. * Play music: (not too loud and no concerts yet lol!) 5. Education and Preparation * Prenatal Classes: Sign up for online prenatal classes to learn about childbirth and baby care. * Nursery Setup: Use the weekend to organize the nursery and ensure everything is ready for the baby’s arrival. Parenting Tips1. Quality Time * Family Activities: Plan activities that everyone can enjoy, like a trip to the park, a picnic, or a family game night. * Reading Time: Spend time reading with your baby or children to promote literacy and bonding. 2. Routine and Structure * Consistent Schedule: Try to keep a consistent schedule for meals, naps, and bedtime to provide a sense of security. * Chore Time: Involve kids in age-appropriate chores to teach responsibility. 3. Outdoor Fun * Nature Walks: Go for a nature walk or hike to explore the outdoors and get some fresh air. * Sports and Games: Play sports or engage in physical activities to burn off energy. * Garden play: Show them gardening and grow from seeds. 4. Creative Activities * Craft Projects: Set up a craft station with supplies for drawing, painting, or building. * Baking Together: Bake some simple treats like cookies or cupcakes with your kids. * Pizza Making!: Never too young to start on healthy pizza making, get them to arrange their own toppings from healthy vegetables. 5. Parent Self-Care * Relaxation: Make sure to set aside some time for yourself, whether it’s reading a book, taking a bath, or enjoying a hobby. * Date Night: If possible, arrange a date night with your partner to reconnect and recharge. General Tips for Both1. Plan Ahead * Make a To-Do List: Write down the activities you want to accomplish over the weekend to stay organized. * Flexible Planning: Be flexible with your plans and open to spontaneous activities. 2. Social Connections * Playdates: Arrange playdates with other families to provide social interaction for both kids and parents. * Support Groups: Join a parenting or pregnancy support group to share experiences and advice. 3. Mindfulness and Mental Health * Meditation: Practice mindfulness or meditation to reduce stress and stay present. * Journaling: Keep a journal to document your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. By incorporating these tips, you can have a balanced and enjoyable weekend whether you’re expecting a baby or already parenting. So now it's your turn. Please introduce yourself so we can all get to know each other. Pick out a few tips that you do already or that you may start to use. How are you feeling this week?
Parenting Hacks
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
June 11th
...See more What are your favorite parenting tips/hacks?
New Mom
by LovelyBrei
Last post
August 29th
...See more Hello everyone , I haven’t been on here in ages but since then I’ve had an exciting thing happen . I became a mom six months ago 🥰. Honestly wouldn’t change it for the world best feeling ever. I thought I would never be able to become a mom not naturally anyways. I found these supplements on Amazon & they worked after trying a different product that didn’t. Loving mom life my daughter is the best thing that’s happened to me thus far ❤️.
Parent caregiver Burnout
by independentCamp6187
Last post
June 16th
...See more As a single parent to teen with autism, I feel like I have given up my life and have zero places to vent get support. 
Parenting Hacks
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
June 11th
...See more What are your favorite parenting tips/hacks?
Sick Kid - just venting
by Iyyana
Last post
June 5th
...See more i guess i just need a place to vent. One of my little ones has pink eye and it's been super exhausting this entire weekend. I took my other kiddos to the park and they had a blast but when i got home the one that couldn't go was just incredibly hard to deal with it overwhelmed me. my husband helped alot and he deserved a break so im glad he got that. getting our son to take the eye drops is a task in itself. he's just so cranky and i know it's because he feels terrible. i just wish there was more i could do. hopefully it all subsides in the next few days.😕
I inherited a baby
by CallMeRachel4
Last post
June 5th
...See more TW: death, adoption, orphans . . . . Hi. So, my best friend died. When she was pregnant, she found out she couldn't breastfeed, so I induced lactation and started to pump for the baby. When he was 1 month old, she passed away. She was 20, 2 years younger than me. And yet, she left me 340k, an apartment and her baby. She didn't want him to be with anybody else. I guess it's because I was the one who supported her during pregnancy. The grandmother of the child brang him to me only 3 days after with a pack of diapers. It was the most terrifying night of my life. She brought his forniture and I painted the spare room in my house blue. I started actually breastfeeding and not sleeping at all. I would cry when he'd cry. I would ask myself why my friend would think I was fit for that. I doubted myself all the time. It's been half-a-month. I may not know exactly what I'm doing, but I'm doing my best. For him. For her.
Found out I'm becoming a full-time guardian, on short notice...? How do you adjust?
by BeachyAnne
Last post
June 5th
...See more Hey there everyone! Apologies for not knowing where exactly to post this. But, just thought I'd ask, in case anyone has some pointers for a situation I've found myself in. Long story short, I'm being given fulltime (kinship) custody, of my little nephew (5.5 yrs old), on VERY short notice-- and am feeling quite unprepared and clueless. How on earth do you transition from being a part-time aunt, to a full-time, 24/7 parent, in a blink? It's already felt equally awkward for both myself, and my nephew (who is used to me being his silly, goofy, crazy aunt). But, trying to make it work out! :)
Parenting with step children
by helloOcean562
Last post
July 3rd, 2023
...See more I would like to stay a topic regarding Parenting with step children and everything that comes with it. Perspective is refreshing. I'm curious to see what everyone has to say regarding the questions below. Perhaps share your story, advice, experiences etc. Have a blessed day Tips? Boundaries? Lines to not cross? Formal respect for all parties involved? Full time step parents
Positive Parenting Tips
by Truth22
Last post
July 2nd, 2023
...See more Each link below takes you to the CDC website with helpful information on positively nurturing your child from ages 0-17. Remember, we will never be perfect parents – but the links below are lovely guidelines. Infants (0-1 years) | CDC [] Toddlers (1-2 years old) | CDC [] Toddlers (2-3 years old) | CDC [] Preschooler (3-5 years old) | CDC [] Middle Childhood (6-8 years old) | CDC [] Middle Childhood (9-11 years old) | CDC [] Young Teens (12-14 years old) | CDC [] Adolescence (15-17 years old) | CDC []
Baby Milestones Chart: 4 Powerful Guides to Development of Your Baby’s Potential
by philosophicalHemlock5268
Last post
July 1st, 2023
...See more As your little one grows, it's essential to keep track of their developmental milestones to ensure they are progressing as expected. In this article, I will provide you with a comprehensive baby milestone chart []to help you monitor your baby's growth and development. From their first smile to their first steps, these milestones are key indicators of your baby's progress. 1. Physical Development Milestones H1: Rolling Over (4-6 months) H2: Sitting Up (6-8 months) H3: Crawling (7-10 months) H4: Standing and Walking (9-12 months) 2. Cognitive Development Milestones H1: Object Permanence (4-7 months) H2: Cause and Effect (8-12 months) H3: Problem Solving (12-18 months) H4: Pretend Play (18-24 months) 3. Social and Emotional Development Milestones H1: Smiling and Laughing (2-3 months) H2: Stranger Anxiety (6-9 months) H3: Separation Anxiety (9-12 months) H4: Empathy (12-18 months) 4. Language and Communication Development Milestones H1: Babbling (6-8 months) H2: First Words (10-14 months) H3: Vocabulary Expansion (18-24 months) H4: Following Simple Instructions (24-36 months) Learn more: * Baby Milestones Chart: Unlock Your Baby’s Potential with 4 Powerful Guides to Development []
Discussion: Parenting Fears
by Truth22
Last post
June 15th, 2023
...See more Good morning, everyone! Happy Tuesday! For those that don't know me my name is Truth. :) I wanted to open up a discussion in this subcommunity. Feel free to chime in. New Parents, Soon-to-be Parents and Hope-to-be Parents: What is one thing you fear about parenting? What is one thing you're excited about when it comes to parenting? Why? "Not-so-new" Parents: - What is one thing you feared about parenting that you no longer fear? What is one thing you thought would be super exciting that you later found wasn't as exciting as you thought it would be? Why? I'll go first. One thing I feared about parenting was that my depression and anxiety would make me a terrible mother. I struggled heavily with perinatal depression and had a terrible time with depression and anxiety before I got pregnant. I truly believed that it disqualified me as a mother. I later found out that it had nothing to do with my qualifications to parent my daughter. She's a happy, healthy kid. One thing I thought would be super exciting was the solid food stage. I couldn't wait to have her try all kinds of baby food just to see what she liked. She liked none of it. She hated everything. She was soooo picky and still is. 😂

Parenting and Pregnancy Support

Welcome to the Pregnancy and Parenting Support! We are so pleased you have stumbled across our little internet corner. Our community is here to support you through your parenting and pregnancy journey. From pregnancy woes and wins, milestones with your little ones, resources, general support, offering personal experiences, and more! Feel free to discuss anything and everything related to the life that is raising a child, growing a child, supporting someone who is growing and or raising a child, or co-parenting while raising a child. 

What are the different forum topics for Parenting and Pregnancy?

Community Space: A place to introduce yourself and participate in our community check-ins, games, and more!

CoParenting: A place to connect with others in a co-parenting arrangement, share your story, and support others!

Parenting: A place to receive support, ask questions, and start and participate in discussions regarding the parenting journey!

Pregnancy: Want to share your pregnancy experience? Have questions and want to hear the experiences of others? Discuss it here!

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A: You can find Sub-community-specific guidelines below, which you should follow in addition to the general forum guidelines.

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Community Guidelines

1. Include a trigger warning (TW) when referencing sensitive topics such as miscarriages, death, abortion, etc.

2. Respect the views of other members within the sub-community. Parenting is not easy and is often done differently from person to person.

3. Do not attempt to diagnose another member's child. You may share your experience with your child with the same or similar symptoms and the outcome, but diagnosing should be left to a medical professional. 

Not Helpful: “[I think] Your child has [xxx].

Helpful: “My child had/has symptoms [xxx] and [xxx] and was/is diagnosed with [xxx]; you might consider taking your child to a medical professional to rule this out.”

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