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Hi, I am the new Forum Supporter!

User Profile: aCalmOasis
aCalmOasis February 8th

Hi everyone, I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself as the new forum supporter for this sub-community. I am a proud mama of two daughters aged 21 and 13. I was also a birth and labor doula from about 2014-2019.

In that time, I supported, educated, and advocated for women and their families on the pregnancy journey and watched in awe as they transitioned into motherhood. Its not a one-size-fits-all experience or approach, as each of us come from different backgrounds, cultural traditions, and our own lens and frame of what parenting and raising a family should look like.

One thing for certain is that pregnancy, birth and the postpartum periods are major markers in the transition of a woman into a mother. It is a sacred transformation that changes you forever on an emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical level. In conclusion, I am happy to be here and bring my professional and personal experience to this community. Looking forward to chatting with you!


User Profile: HannahSupportBuddy
HannahSupportBuddy February 8th


Congratulations! Thank you for all your service for other mamas, and for being a sweet mama to your own two. Looking forward to having you as a forum supporter! ❤️❤️❤️