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How do you cope with having severe O.C.D. and children?


I have 4 kids, and I am always on edge and freaking out. I feel so much guilt for it, but for a little context I also have BPD. So I try so hard not to let it bother me, but I have a pretty severe case and it makes me physically sick when certain things aren't a certain way. Anyone else struggle with this? Any advice?

CheeryMango May 27th

It's tough when certain things trigger intense reactions, and the guilt that comes with it can be really heavy. You're not alone in this struggle, and it's brave of you to reach out for support.Have you found any coping strategies that help you manage these intense emotions? Sometimes, even small changes in routine or self-care activities can make a big difference. And remember, it's okay to ask for help when you need it. Your feelings are valid, and you deserve support and understanding. If you ever need to talk, I'm here to listen without judgment.

cbailey September 6th

Hi there, I have two kids, and I completely understand how you feel. I have just extremely recently come to light that I have severe anxiety and possibly OCD. The feeling of always being on edge and freaking out is so. So. Exhausting. And things having to be a certain way is such an anxiety trigger for me, and when it’s not, like wow it’s so hard to handle the fear/anger response. I don’t have any advice for you as I’m at the very beginning of my journey here but if you ever want to talk, I’m here 💛