Tape Collection 2010
I know longer own any tapes. I hear that cassettes are making a come back. I used them for years. As the technology was kinda going away, I noticed that the quality of tape seemed to be declining. Around 2010 I finally got rid of m tape collection. But my CD collection continued to grow. Now days I mostly maintain a mp3 collection. But sometimes I still buy CDs.
Tag: @Tinywhisper11
@tryingtosurvive2024 wow! Yeah I've never seen a tape before, those things are old. Butttt! Records are making a huge comeback, so maybe one-day tapes will too ❤
@Tinywhisper11 They have I saw a yt video about it.
Woah it is so cool! (: it's beautiful that you still keep that.
@helianthus19 I don't have them anymore. I don't own a good tape deck anymore either.
Oh, sorry, it's alright too. It's amazing that you have a CD collection.