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Uplifting quotes & Inspiring Thoughts

Eugene March 22nd, 2014

I hope you can help me add uplifting and inspiring quotes here.

Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life


CamiOstenson March 8th, 2016

My dad died, and I had never met my grandmother. I've never seen a picture of her, and she's never seen me. This year I went up to North Dakota to see her for the first time. She didn't recognize my sister. She recognized me. She told me she's loved and known me since the day I was born. She died a month later.

Ryanallester March 8th, 2016

@CamiOstenson Condolences to you! This post reminded me of my grandmother. I call her Lola. Lola B. is strong, industrious and caring to a fault. I miss her because I moved many miles away from home.

TytoAlba0 March 8th, 2016

People are always looking for a new beginning. Every second in this world there is a sunrise somewhere.
Every second this world is waiting for you to start living.

flipyeahdreapdrops March 8th, 2016

Every wound will shape you. Every scar will build your throne. - bring me the horizon

BigFatPanda March 8th, 2016

Whatever you're feeling it'll pass. So if you're feeling down, just wait it out. And what do we do when we wait for a train to arrive? We do stuff to keep our mind busy. I don't know how to put this clearly. I'm not that good in English, but i hope you get the message.

Wait it out

Hugyourstingray March 8th, 2016

You are beautiful, stranger.

queenieexx March 8th, 2016

we go forward

no matter what kind of shit is going on in our lives, we have to keep moving on + pushing forwards. even if you grind your heels into the floor or find yourself to be a complete mess, you'll keep being pushed on to new times.

Cloudydragon March 8th, 2016

Hold on sweetheart.

Hold on.

And never EVER forget to wear your invisible crown.

MagicalKoala March 8th, 2016

This is one of my favorite quote from The Beatles

"There's nothing you can do that can't be done."

Yellowbirde March 8th, 2016

@MagicalKoala my favourite one is

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. "

Deesirable101 March 8th, 2016

Ive been having trouble with voices since i was nearly 10 but ive been getting better latley

bluePlum1426 March 8th, 2016

Be thankful for everyday!!! wink

Kamnaj March 8th, 2016

What is made for you will not pass you.

Ryanallester March 8th, 2016

At the 60th step in my growth path, I don't have a job, I feel worried for my sister (I think that her boyfriend is hurting her), and I am alone and single (I wish for a boyfriend who will truly love me).

But I have not lost the capacity to "stay positive." Evidence is my frequent visits to 7cups. And my gratitude for my Personal Saviour, my family, and my home.

Elire March 8th, 2016

Have faith in yourself and you can achieve anything you wish for and have looked forward too. :)


workinprogress23 March 8th, 2016

It doesn't matter how far you fell, but how you pick yourself up, that matters the most

alltimetanya182 March 8th, 2016

"Cause here I am fearless, weightless, unbreakable, the greatest" - Tonight Alive, "The greatest"

Xala March 8th, 2016

The beauty of you is not where you are perfect. It is where you are fearless.

This is helping me through my perfectionism anxiety.

Jesslou March 8th, 2016

To feel relaxed and free for at least a while feels good

peacefulSoul8 March 9th, 2016

Your value doesn

theleakypen March 9th, 2016

"Your goodness is more important than your greatness. Your compassion is more important than your passion." —Sam Mockbee

RainbowButterflyGirl123 March 9th, 2016

almondsloth March 9th, 2016

'Struggling doesn't mean you've lost the fight'
Never give up

DevonneLeiFisheye March 9th, 2016

If you say you can't do it, you are right. But, if you say that you are going to do it, you are right as well...

proactivePeach4399 March 9th, 2016

"You're beautiful no matter what people say about you" -Unknown

sinamynlee March 9th, 2016

It's okay to cry. I know some people may not understand why I feel this is "uplifting" but I spent years trying to stop myself from crying, when the tears fell for no reason and i couldn't stop them and i couldn't breathe... until one day a woman told me it was okay to cry and that I should let myself get it out. After that, I stopped trying to stop the tears... and they stopped on their own.

So please know that it IS okay to cry.

(also drink water afterward, it is dehydrating on the body)

DeniseB March 10th, 2016

I like this!

Ebruuu March 10th, 2016

@sinamynlee yeslaughlaughlaugh

BigFatPanda March 10th, 2016

it's okay, whatever you're going through right now. life is full of ups and downs. and whenever you feel down, know that it's simply a part of life. if you're hurt, it's alright. it happens. and know that happiness is just around the corner because that is also a part of our life.

so we just do what we gotta do, to get by. living from moment to moment. dealing with it. enjoining fully the happiest moments. and dealing with sorrows, in the sad ones

Syahfiq March 10th, 2016

Don't think of the rain..

Think of the rainbows that will show up after the rain..

-A friend of mine

ForgetMeNot28569 March 10th, 2016

You're going to go trough tough times - that's life. But, I say "Nothing happens to you, it happens for you". See the positive in negative events. Joel Osteen

CaringJoy March 10th, 2016

Life is like a game of chess. To win you have to make a move. Knowing which move to make comes with IN-SIGHT and knowledge, and by learning the lessons that are accumulated along the way. We become each and every piece within the game called life!
― Allan Rufus

sinamynlee March 10th, 2016

I don't know what you're going through right now, but I can promise you others are going through it, some have survived it. You are not ever alone in your struggles. You are not a freak (in the negative way), a monster, ugly or stupid. Whatever life throws at you, you are always strong enough to prevail... You don't have to "act strong" or "be strong" for anyone else, you simply are strong. It may not be okay right now... but it will be.

8steplisten March 10th, 2016

A artist

8steplisten March 10th, 2016

Stop thinking about why everyone is wrong. Listen to why they think they

hugsandtea March 10th, 2016

Believe that you can succeed and you will.

sinamynlee March 11th, 2016

You are loved. You deserve love. You matter.

comealongpond1988 June 26th, 2016

@sinamynlee This is so important, and good to remember smiley

sinamynlee June 27th, 2016

@comealongpond1988 I just read back through the pages to find this response, and i wanted to say two things: 1. thanks :) and two: omg i'm such a horrible horrible whovian <3 <3