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Uplifting quotes & Inspiring Thoughts

Eugene March 22nd, 2014

I hope you can help me add uplifting and inspiring quotes here.

Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life


RainbowButterflyGirl123 March 3rd, 2016

KingJosephIv March 3rd, 2016

@RainbowButterflyGirl123. Sometimes I forget that I have control over my happiness I just need to have the courage to change the things that are keeping me from inner peace and a life of fulfillment

Ashley1798 March 3rd, 2016

This too shall pass

KingJosephIv March 3rd, 2016

@Ashley1798. Yes part of my crisis management plan with my family is for them to tell me this when I'm starting to go over the edge or want to give up

Walkyria March 3rd, 2016

Please know you are not alone. We can all get out of this together.

reallylostinside March 3rd, 2016

A Smooth sea never made a skilled sailor

Krissyboo75 March 3rd, 2016

Not all those who wander are lost.

TinyTheGiraffe March 3rd, 2016

Half my life's
In books' written pages
Lived and learned from fools and
From sages
~Dream On~Aerosmith
K333 March 3rd, 2016

Sinclare March 3rd, 2016

"Stop minimizing and discounting your feelings. You have every right to feel the way you do. Your feelings may not always be logical, but they are always valid. Because if you feel something, then you feel it and its real to you. Its not something you can ignore or wish away. Its there, gnawing at you, tugging at your core, and in order to find peace, you have to give yourself permission to feel whatever it is you feel. You have to let go of what youve been told you should or shouldnt feel. You have to drown out the voices of people who try to shame you into silence. You have to listen to the sound of your own breathing and honor the truth inside you. Because despite what you may believe, you dont need anyones validation or approval to feel what you feel. Your feelings are inherently right and true. Theyre important and they matter — you matter — and it is more than okay to feel what you feel. Dont let anyone, including yourself, convince you otherwise."

Daniell Koepke

strudalzzz March 3rd, 2016

mosaics are made from broken pieces of glass but they're still works of art and so are you

Alwayskeepfighting193 March 3rd, 2016

Our passion is our strength.

knight010 March 3rd, 2016

@Alwayskeepfighting193 how can I keep intravenous

Seaghdha March 3rd, 2016

Your first thought is not what you actually think, but what you have trained yourself to think. You are not as bad as you think you are.

selfconfidentOwl6002 March 3rd, 2016

Explore, Dream, Discover.heart

thewintershadow March 3rd, 2016

"When the army doesn't come for you, when no one chooses to fight for you, when no one dives in after you with fairy tales and promises, you write a different story. You write a tale of adventure and chaos, of survival and fortitude, and instead of wishing to be saved, you save yourself."
— Kelton Wright

MeteorShower March 3rd, 2016

Hold fast to dreams,for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.

faitheve March 3rd, 2016

"Be an encourager. The world has plenty of critics already." -- Dave Willlis

shelock March 3rd, 2016

always be gratful,it's the key to be happiness...!

allineh March 3rd, 2016

You don't have to have it all figured out to move forward.

aquaClementine1773 March 3rd, 2016

we should learn to trust ourselves no matter how hard. a little faith goes a long way!

Blackkaht March 3rd, 2016

We are all worthy of love even when we think we are not. Open your heart. Open your mind. The possibilities of the and kindness are infinite. heart

indecisiveTurtle March 3rd, 2016

Remember, the darkness is like a dementor; the only way to get rid of it is light. If you can't defeat it alone, ask someone for help you and together you will be able to cast a patronus.

AW111 March 3rd, 2016

It will all be better in the morning. It brings a new day.

magicalharryyy March 3rd, 2016

I dont know... This is my first post.. I will gladly admit I had to be drunk to do this. I don't know what is wrong with me. I cry and upset all the time

Ang25 March 3rd, 2016

"But still, I find the need to remind myself of the temporariness of a day, to reassure myself that I got through yesterday, I'll get through today."

sinamynlee March 3rd, 2016

You are a WARRIOR. No matter how much you do or don't accomplish that others see - you wake up each day, you fight, and you even came here today to find a little more help fighting. You ARE strong. you are beautiful and you can make it today.

Maria5678 March 3rd, 2016

I will love with urgency and not with haste.

StrawberryShaeCake March 4th, 2016

Life Isn't About Waiting For the Storm to Pass it's about learning to Dance in the Rain

jenniellerose March 4th, 2016

You're worth it, you'll alway be good enough. You can do anything you want in live. I believe in you

Huski March 4th, 2016

Everything is possible, I, and all 7cup members believe in your ♡

Akshayshr23 March 4th, 2016

We Are All Born EQUAL.
But Where We Are In Life Now
Is Of Our Own Making!

VeronicaRainbows March 4th, 2016


Roseberrytealeaves March 4th, 2016

Helloheart and Good morning!

Close your eyes, Take a deep breath in, and let it all out yesterday is behind you and right now your only looking forward to a bright NEW beautiful day. Today is your day to shine and be happy ! Make something out of it even if it's just smiling by yourself or with a pet , be happy because your alive and it's a new day for a new start and new feelings.

Everyone please have a great day !😊😊😊😊

Pnick March 4th, 2016


thank you this is very helpful

Loveisme42 March 4th, 2016


I greatly thank you for those encouraging words!!! Happiness does begin with me and in me!!!

tashyxx90 March 4th, 2016

"A great attitude becomes a great day, which becomes a great month, which becomes a great year, which becomes a great life"

LiveLifeOutLoud388 March 4th, 2016

You can do anything!

Just get up and do it, follow your dreams...

Pandas4ever March 4th, 2016

Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere but in the middle of nowhere you find yourself.

Aaron1293 March 4th, 2016

Its important to make someone happy, and its important to start with yourself.