Uplifting quotes & Inspiring Thoughts
I hope you can help me add uplifting and inspiring quotes here.
Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life
It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
"You are free to choose but you are not free from the consequences of your choice."
"Sometimes we do things for the right reasons, sometimes for the wrong ones, and sometimes it's impossible to tell the difference"
~Everything, Everything
"Time is your greater ally through the journey of your life"
Everything happens for a reason ❤️
the past is a memory It's a Thought arising in the present, The future is merely anticipated, It's another thought arising now What we truly have is this moment.
- Sam Harris -
"It is I; Don't be afraid"
- Jesus Christ
"Even the models we see in magazines wish they could look like their own images."
But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time.
Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time.
So many of Taylor's lyrics are so inspiring <3
@EvieBird And I love all of them.