Uplifting quotes & Inspiring Thoughts
I hope you can help me add uplifting and inspiring quotes here.
Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life
It's not about who can or who can't. It's about who will and who won't.
If life's tough, don't say "why me?" but "try me!"
If someone can't see the wrong in themselves,
don't expect them to see the right in you!!
" A gentleman is simply a patient wolf "
-- Lana Turner --
Treat people how you want to be treated x
"Do all the good you can and don't make a fuss about it."--Charles Dickens
I love this quote it's something I need to repeat to myself.
Today I wish you a day of ordinary miracles
"If you can't run, you walk...if you can't walk, you crawl...and if you can't do that, you find someone to carry you." - from a cancelled tv show called Firefly
"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley
"Suicide doesn't end the pain, it just passes it on to someone else."
"keep smiling
Not with your face ,
with your heart " 😊
- ask yourself ( myself )