Uplifting quotes & Inspiring Thoughts
I hope you can help me add uplifting and inspiring quotes here.
Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life
?Start dream building. Raise your standards to excellence. Imagine yourself at your best and work on self-improvement. Transform yourself to a higher state of being, by concentrating on becoming excellent at what you want.?
― Mark LaMoure
?Do one thing today to move yourself towards a big goal. Repeat tomorrow, and the next day. You'll be surprised at how fast you'll attain it!?
― Lorraine Reguly
?Hope is not gone. YOU are hope. And so is everybody else?
― Amelia Kahaney
"The moment you stop accepting challenges, is he moment you stop moving forward."
?Finish the work, otherwise an unfinished work will finish you.?
― Amit Kalantri
?Our experiences teach us how to live, what to learn, when to grow and what to create.?
― Deborah Carey
?The Greatest challenge in one person's lifetime is the challenge within yourself.?
― Harel R. Lawrence, Take a Closer Look: A Spiritual Journey Into the Soul
?Small but growing is better than big and stuck.?
― David Waweru, Champion
?You need to silence the voices that say you cannot do what you set out to.?
― David Waweru, Champion
?Make the right choices
For the right reasons
and the right things will happen.?
― Charles F. Glassman, Brain Drain The Breakthrough That Will Change Your Life