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POM because I finished a project

Krank January 10th, 2016

It took a few practice pieces but I finally finished two boxes yesterday. They're not perfect either, but I feel like I can let that go for once because there's more to make and I can see the little improvements each box has. It's helped quite a bit to be working for my friend who's very supportive and doesn't care about the flaws in the piece like I get hung up over. I can look at the progressing pieces and not say "This should be perfect but it's not." I'm seeing it more as "This one is good but the next will be better because I'm going to do such and such differently." It helps too that I had till' May or June to get these done, and I didn't procrastinate and have deadline pressure to try to work under too. I'm ashamed of how many things I've quit on in the past, so even these little boxes mean a lot of me. :)

Anyhow here's what one looks like:

cristiana33 January 10th, 2016

The box looks great!

Thank you so much for sharing here with us what you did. The colour is great!

You have all the reasons to be proud of yourself. For finishing it and for the way you are thinking now, to improve little by little in the future!

Great job!

Krank OP January 10th, 2016


Thank you very much! :)

Celaeno January 10th, 2016

@Krank, I'm proud of you, too! Currently I have a lot of troubles with finishing projects and learning about your achievements is really inspiring ^^ Your work looks fantastic. I'm curious, how long did it take for you to finish each boxes, if I may ask?

Wishing you all the best!

Krank OP January 10th, 2016


Thank you!

I really wasn't keeping track of time on these. I can only guess about 3 or 4 hours a piece. Most of the time is in polishing and I'm getting faster with that as I gain experience with different sanding tools and buffing wheels. Like my dad has always told me "let the machine do the work for you."

Celaeno January 10th, 2016

@Krank, cool, thank you for replying ^^ It sounds so interesting - are you already a professional or are you training to become one?

Krank OP January 10th, 2016


Well, I've been working in manufacturing for 9 years now, so some of the hands on skills are already there, but now I'm hoping to hone and expand my skills with more artistic stuff. I'd like to get more experience in sheet metal work, and these have been a good introduction to basic forming. I'd love to someday do more advanced stuff like fenders and body work for my motorcycle.