[OLD THREAD] Track Your Progress!
Once you have established a connection with your member or listener, please use this thread to let us know how it's going!
Listeners post here every time you:
- Follow up with your member
- How you've supported your member
Members Post Here every time:
- You hear from your supporting listener
- The steps you've taken to reach your goal
- How it's going!
First time posting in this thread, but I've started PAYG challenge on January 4th. It's my third and last week and I'd like to write a short overview of my progress so far.
My goal is to study min. 1 hour every day. I gathered a wonderful team of 3 listeners who are checking up on me respectively twice a week. I don't know if I can mentioned them by their username, but I'm really grateful for the support - it was essential to help me overcome my deep procrastination issue and help me keep going. They are incredibly encouraging and also provide me with insightful tips and hacks.
#1 week:
4.01 = 1hr, 5.01 = 30min, 6.01 = 30min., 7.01 = 3hrs, 8.01 = 15min., 9.01 = 1hr, 10.01 = none.
Total = 6 hrs 15min. / 7hrs
#2 week:
11.01 = 20min., 12.01 = 5hrs, 13.01 = 1hrs, 14.01 = 4hrs, 15.01 = 4hrs, 16.01 = none, 17.01 = 5hrs.
Total = 19hrs 20min. / 7hrs
As you can see my productivity is caught in the parabola ^^; Still I recognize that I made progress. It's easier for me to start working, even if I still have a tendency to put aside tasks until they become urgent and stressful. There is a long road ahead of me until I can fully manage my self-sabotage tendencies, but it's as great start as any. My challenge will be finished on at the end of this week (Sunday, January 24th), but I hope to keep up with it.
I hope everyone is doing fine on their own goals. Best wishes to all of you!
#3 week:
18.01 = none, 19.01 = none, 20.01 = 3hrs, 21.01 = 30min., 22.01 = 1hr., 23.01 = 45min., 24.01 = 6hrs.
Total = .11hrs 15min. / 7hrs
And that's a wrap ^^ I've completed the Project "Achieve Your Goals" in adults section.
@Laura or anybody else on the PAYG team (which unfortunately I can't find info who's on that side) - would you be so kind to tell me how can I nominate my wonderful listeners who helped me with establishing my new habit? Is there a form to do that? Can I post their usernames in here? Can I nominate myself for accomplishing this challenge?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated ^^ Best wishes!
Go to their profile page & nominate them for a badge. This orange nomination badge is located beneath all of their beadges.
I don't know how this is done, so I am tagging someone who I hope knows :)