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Conquering your Goals Series: It is a wrap!

Hope September 24th

Hi everyone! I hope you’re doing well. Over the past few weeks, we’ve embarked on a journey of Conquering Your Goal. First, we explored whether we are setting the right goals and then looked into the learning tools, strategies, and mindset shifts to help you succeed, no matter how big or small your goals may be.

The series has ended and it is time to revise what we have covered. Here is a brief overview of all our posts. 

Recap of What We’ve Learned:

  • Setting the Right Goals: We began by exploring how to set goals that align with your core values. Not all goals are worth achieving!
  • Systems vs. Goals: While goals give us direction, it’s the systems—the daily routines and habits—that bring consistent progress. Focus less on the outcome and more on the small steps you take daily. This creates long-term success.
  • Mastery and Pleasure in Goal Setting: Success isn’t just about reaching the finish line. it’s about finding pleasure in the journey and mastering new skills along the way. This keeps you engaged and prevents burnout.
  • SMART Goals and Techniques: Using tools like SMART goals, OKRs, and backward planning helps structure your progress. 
  • Dealing with Setbacks: Setbacks are part of the process. What matters is how you respond to them. Embrace flexibility, use the 2-minute rule, and remember that some progress is better than none. Approach setbacks with curiosity, not judgment.
  • Motivation, Discipline, and Grit: Motivation (both intrinsic and extrinsic) gets you started, but discipline is what keeps you moving forward when motivation fades. By showing up consistently and cultivating grit and perseverance, you’ll push through even when things get tough.
  • Accountability and Visual Progress: Staying accountable—whether through a friend, app, or planner—is key to sticking with your goals. Making progress visual, like tracking your steps or tasks on a calendar, keeps you honest and aware of how far you’ve come, even on challenging days.
  • Celebrating Milestones: Finally, don’t wait until the end to celebrate. Break your goals into smaller milestones, and reward yourself along the way. It helps you stay motivated and appreciate the journey, not just the destination.

You have until October 6, 2024, to complete your participation in the series. To avail of the certificate associated with the series. To be eligible for the certificate, you must participate in all tasks of the series as required by the instructions provided in each post and do so before October 6, 2024. 

🏆Submit this form once you have completed all participation (It is an open-book quiz, you can refer back to the posts. Minimum score is 16/20 to pass)

This post is part of the Conquering Your Goals Series. Check out all the posts here. 

Hope OP September 24th

@communicativePond1728 @Gargi07 @daydreammemories @mytwistedsoul @exuberantBlackberry9105 @Celestine22 @Zarram77 @CordialDancer @selfdisciplinedPenny281 @Maslow @Blahblah1805 @Ndyprogress @WeEarth @PiecesOfWhoeverIWas @pamharley003 @caringezra @Clio9876 @Gettingbettertoday @conscientiousNorth8778 @Mellietronx @YourCaringConfidant @Mohan75 @Purplesea7109 @redWest3902 @KatePersephone @unassumingEyes @IsayUncle @Admirablerainbow2825 @gloriouPuppy3656 @Admirablerainbow282t @determinedHickory8146 @Fortunata67Anima @Puffy2009

Heather225 September 26th


mytwistedsoul September 26th

Done :) 18/20