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MarilynJ July 21st, 2018


charmingApple17 July 21st, 2018

@MarilynJ I still find this hard to do. I am still learning and will hopefully feel comfortable enough to speak about my internal struggles openly

MarilynJ OP July 21st, 2018

@charmingApple17 Believe me, I know how you feel. I still struggle with talking about my fears and worries. But keeping everything inside is like a balloon. To some extent, its ok to keep your most intimate feelings for yourself, but once you keep too many struggles inside, the balloon pops. And then you suffer again... Try to open up to someone you trust first (your partner, a good friend or a listener here). It really helps me. I believe in you. You have all that it takes ☺️

charmingApple17 July 21st, 2018

@MarilynJ I dont have a lot of people that I can talk to. A few people that I am close with wont understand. I've tried, and they've asked me to just be happy. Like, I have a choice. It's like asking a homeless girl who hasn't eaten for days to just go and feel full. They don't understand. They think that I'm in a "phase" that will pass when I decide to cheer up.

MarilynJ OP July 22nd, 2018

@charmingApple17 Yeah, I know what you mean. When I told my family that I am struggling inside, they said:

charmingApple17 July 25th, 2018

@MarilynJ thanks for the recommendation. Will definitely look into it. Also., thank you for for offering to listen. It means more to me than you realize:)

MarilynJ OP July 27th, 2018

@charmingApple17 No worries at all! Good luck on your journey and I truly hope that you start to feel better soon ☺️