let’s play word association! 🏆🐝
hey all 🫶🏽
can we all join in on a fun ice-breaker game? it’s called word association!
* how to play:
comment a word that comes to mind, then the next person replying has to say a word that is associated with the previous one ( eg. ‘clouds’ could be followed by ‘puffy’ ).
don’t be shy to get creative. feel free to tag a friend that you think would be interested in playing the game with us. NB: you can still participate without being tagged 😊
i’ll go first: motorcycle
tagging : @SrtaSunrise @PetiteSouris @hopedreamlove @Sunisshiningandsoareyou
@chyni Speeding
great answer Desiree 🤗 do you have a word in mind?
@chyni Your word was motorcycle. When I think of motorcycles, I think of going really fast so I said speeding. :)
Oooh funsieees, thanks for the tag, friend.💖
Speeding <-> Safety!
Inviting- @genericbeing @PhoenixthePoised @kindlemissie to join the game.🤗
Cozy ~~☆~~ Couch
couch —> relaxation
Relaxation ~~~~ reading
@chyni its sad to know you are not active anymore on 7cups, I hope you are doing alright.