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All right everybody, make that phone call!

sadcat13 March 5th

Hello my fellow phone anxiety peers! A lot of us know the dread of that phone call we have to make, whether it is making a doctors appointment, asking the customer service center for help with the problems you are experiencing, calling the plumber or something else. We push these calls for later, dreading them more and more, as the time starts to pressure us. Usually, the calls we need to make accumulate, and we soon end up avoiding an entire list of calls we really should make.


I found that once I get myself to handle one of them, it is easier for me to immediately handle the rest of them too as i feel encouraged by making it through the first one, often even happy for one of my issues being solved. Therefore, I like to have an errands/calls day where i spend the day handling the calls and other procrastinated chores and contacts like going to the post office etc.ย I personally found it helpful to act immediately on the impulse of I should call - dial the number so overthinking doesnยดt have time to kick in.ย 


Soooo, letยดs have a make that call day! Tell us about the calls/procrastinated errands you really should get done and take this as a sign to take a deep breath and do it. You are brave for facing your fear, and remember, the people on the other side are there to help you, and often genuinely want to do soย ๐Ÿ˜Š Making a call is not dangerous, noone will hurt you, and even if your brain perceives it as a bear attack, take a deep breath and remind yourself that there is no bear chasing you and you are safe ๐ŸŒป The people on the other side get paid to handle your stuff and they often even want you to call them ๐ŸŒป I believe in you and you got thisย ๐Ÿ˜Š If you feel like you need some encouragement, tell us what your fears are and encourage each other to make your calls. Donยดt forget to celebrate your wins, and let us know if you made a call, you are doing great and we are proud of you ๐Ÿ˜Š

toughTiger6481 March 5th


This is a good reminder and i a long time ago had this sort of issue .... and once you get over a couple of calls made you will see it is never as bad as i had imagined.ย 

sadcat13 OP March 5th

@toughTiger6481 yessss. Making a phone call is something you can totally get comfortable with with time. It just needs some practiceย ๐Ÿ˜Š

cloudySummer March 5th

@sadcat13 I wish it were possible to do everything by email, lol. There are multiple calls in my queue, and I probably won't make them until I get real problems that I can't ignore anymore.

But I did make one call this year that I had procrastinated on for a year. The only things that get me over breaking the procrastination are shame, and physical pain.

sadcat13 OP March 5th

@cloudySummer i feel you there, i also struggle with it hard. I am currently challanging myself to find an eye doctor as mine retired what inspired me to make this thread so we can all encourage each other. Made the first call today, but sadly noone picked up so will need to repeat soon again. Calls are hard and I believe in you. You got this. Make some tea. Dial the first in the queue. You got this and you are not alone with it ๐Ÿ˜Š

cloudySummer March 5th

@sadcat13 You've actually already done most of the task - identified a potential candidate, found out their number and times, and called them. The next time, it'll just be a repetition of the part you did today :) - and it will probably be short and boring, too. They'll either give you an appointment, or not because they're full. My candidates were all full last time I tried ... and then I lost steam.

sadcat13 OP March 5th

@cloudySummer i totally feel it, getting a doc appointment here if you donยดt have one is pain because the lack of medical professionals but told myself if i donยดt get one i will just go to a private one and pay for it ๐Ÿ˜ข