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Mindfulness and Music

User Profile: fruityflamingo
fruityflamingo November 30th, 2015

Hello everyone!

From our lasted group discussion in the mindfulness room, I'd thought I'd start a thread for you to post your favourite music that lets you be mindful :)

We started with Frou Frou- !

Can't wait to hear your music and how it helps you :)

User Profile: fruityflamingo
fruityflamingo OP November 30th, 2015

My favourite mindful music at the moment is a band called "A Winged Victory for the Sullen' and their album Atomos. The classic music is so beautiful and the emotions it captures is incredible. I find listening to this music with earphones and focusing on my breathing, as well as the different sounds and crescendos really helps me focus on the music. :)

User Profile: fruityflamingo
fruityflamingo OP December 1st, 2015

Today's 2nd part of the mindfulness exercise was listening to Rumi: Don't Go Back To Sleep (Sufi Poem)

@wonderfulPumpkin71 wrote:

''Stay with the sounds.

Listen intently, but without straining.

This is all about being "here and now" - nothing more.''

What did you think of the song? Were you able to focus and be mindful? What do the lyrics mean to you?

User Profile: Flinch59
Flinch59 December 24th, 2015

My favorite band is Boards of Canada, been loving them since 2006 :P

That's one of my favorite songs by them. Whenever I want to chill out, I put on some headphones, turn off all the lights and sit in a chair far away from my computer...

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User Profile: Simie
Simie December 24th, 2015


I'm a huge BoC fan too, Fruity also likes them haha :).
I love Boards of Canada - Echus
​A very quaint track.

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User Profile: Flinch59
Flinch59 December 24th, 2015


Wow! It's quite rare I find someone else who is a fan :) Another track I loved from Campfire Headphase was Farewell Fire, but the fadeout always bugged me. Here's a version with it removed:

What did you think of Tomorrow's Harvest? I thought it was a bit overrated :P

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User Profile: Simie
Simie December 24th, 2015

Yeah haha I love that I listen to it a lot. I guess mindful people like Boards, I felt the same a bit, I found it to be more experimental and not as melodic as the best known tracks. my favourites are kid for today, left side drive, Dayvan Cowboy, Macquarie Ridge, Echus, Buckie High, Finity

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User Profile: politeCup86
politeCup86 December 24th, 2015

Lost by coldplay is amazing booster for me :)

User Profile: Lightworker1111
Lightworker1111 April 2nd, 2016

"Lightworker's Mindfulness Music List"

(1) Deva Premal & Miten

(2) Enigma

(3) Enya

(4) Kitaro

(5) Ben Harper

(6) Dave Matthews Band

(7) Jack Johnson

(8) India.Arie