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pamharley003 June 25th

When we are wanting to change things inside ourselves we often come to bumps ( obstacles ) that are in the road to a peaceful and well being life. Meditation is not an obstacle course it is about finding the hidden resources we have and the things we have in our minds.

Meditation teaches us gains insight into the how our mind works, opening our hearts and enabling us to work on the bumps we may have. There are 5 hindrances in meditation they are: 




                                    being doubtful

                                    desirous of sensory

if wanting to learn more about the hindrances click the following link :

When meditating how do you feel going into it and how are you feeling afterwards?

how many times a week would you say you meditate?

is it easier to meditate in the morning or night and why? 

@4551SP @adventurousBranch3786 @alexandralee @AllAboutThePeace11 @amiablePeace77 @avistaco @CaringSub @CatHanderOutNoah @cloudySummer @communicativeJet616 @daydreammemories @EchoOrAsh @etherealize @FloraBelle @frankPark1546 @hardworkingBeechwood6063 @iloveyouxx @infiniteforever12 @InsightfulPhoenix @JarofSeeds627 @Jeffy5 @Kickan75 @kindRiver6 @Littlejoy11 @nessapressure05 @NotAllHere713 @onwardforevenmore @pamharley003 @PeacefulBeach3454 @peacefulDovex @PopPunkPrincess17 @Rainboho @rebeccastgo @sky2Ocean20 @Snowy00 @Swordpsalm @tallZebra8032 @warmMemory6263 @yzzil @Zeraphim



So well said, thank youu for sharing, Pam!

I've trying to meditate on some nights lately, and it is quite calming. I'd like to do it in the morning though, right after I fix my schedule a bit haha!

How about you? What hindrances have you experienced and how do you overcome them?^^



Great questions Pam!

For me, I've been a long time meditator with formal trainings spanning decades.

I find it isn't about going deep into mind, but realizing it's untamed and that's it's nature. It's full of chatter, anxiety and chaos. The goal has always been to find that sense of presence and Self that is outside of mind. The expansiveness is endless. It is where all the peace is.

After learning this practice over the years, life is the meditation, the opening.

The mind eventually quiets it's chatter from lack of attention.

Clear seeing is the result, both day and night.