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What do you like about your body?

domitalks May 14th


Today in society, it can be hard to look at yourself and actually like what you see. ☹️

Many people are very picky when it comes to their own body saying "I hate how my hair looks", "I don't look good in these jeans" or "I wish my eyes were a different color".

However, it could be so easy to compliment someone else rather than your own appearance. So I challenge you to comment something you LOVE about yourself. 💪

Here are some examples: 

"I love how my eyelashes look" 

"I love the way my nails grow"

"I'm proud of my smile"

"I look great in tank tops!" 

Treat your body nicely, it's the only one you got and you'll have it for a long time! 😊


I love my long, beautiful, wavy hair <3

PineTreeTree May 15th

Well one owner original with the lifetime warranty and I have never had to take it in for major service. It still runs fairly well considering all the miles I put on it. I think I’ll just hang on to it till it dies because I won’t hardly get anything on the trade in. Who knows, maybe it will become one of those classics someone wants to polish and showcase someday, otherwise maybe it might be good for spare parts 😂

Peacedaniel May 15th

I love my eyes, the color of my lips, my ears, my nails, my height

Oh, I love a lot of things when I think about it.

SancastleSunrise June 26th

I love the color and shape of my eyes, my button nose, and my big beautiful smile! 💜

akunknown Friday


I’ll just say this with all honesty:

There is not one thing - ABSOLUTELY NOT ONE THING AT ALL - about my body and anything else about myself for that matter that I don’t like. I completely and infinitely ❤️ myself internally and in every single way. Yes this is definitely 100% true. I don’t need fake and temporary whatever people get from drinking, smoking, drugs, being popular, etc. I already love, respect, appreciate, admire, accept and am close friends and life partner with myself. 


@domitalks I love that no matter how many times I cut my hair it grows back.

I love that when I eat bad food it digests it and lets me know what it wants to eat.

I love how it takes healthy food and turns it into pure motivation.

How it heals after trauma and injury and keeps going when I need it to.

I love how it day-dreams, sleeps, processes water, imagines vacations and great things and works out issues and problems. 

Tinywhisper11 Saturday

@domitalks I'm ok looking from the neck up. The rest is a disaster😂😂😂

You’re BEAUTIFUL. Stop telling yourself lies! <3

TJItalia 3 days ago


I really love my eyes, they shine when I am happy and get cloudy when I am not feeling well. The are like the weather.