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Photos and positive memories

halcyonCloud2036 January 24th, 2022

One thing that really helps me to find a sense of peace and relaxation is to go through my photo roll on my phone. Typically, when we are taking pics, those are during positive experiences of places and people that make us happy. So sometimes when I am feeling stress creeping in (like waiting in a long line or right before a test or something that has me on edge), I just whip out my phone and scroll through my pics and it always brings a smile to my face in the end.

Not sure that this qualifies as creative, but it definitely brings me a sense of well-being and happiness.

Have you ever thought about how looking back at pics can bring you joy?

globalBraid3744 January 25th, 2022


Hey, I definitely agree with you that looking at old photos can bring joy. Sometimes I also take a look at my old photos to think back on my positive experiences. However, I have never thought that it can actually be a strategy to cheer myself up purposely! Thank you for this post.

KindnessMatters2020 January 25th, 2022


I love this idea! Definitely going to give it a try!

sereneSunset26 January 26th, 2022


Have you ever thought about how looking back at pics can bring you joy?

This is a really interesting question!!

When I look back on the pictures in my phone, I feel like I literally get a glimpse as to my mood(s) at the time. It's also interesting, especially with regard to selfies, at how I can look at my own face and see where I was at, at the time.

And of course, the weight that I have lost is reflected through the photos as well.

So yeah, I would say that the visual sense of positive progression in my life has definitely brought me joy.

Dallady April 12th, 2022


Big question. I’ll give a small answer. Due to trauma, no I don’t really think about that these days. Apparently it has to do maybe with my parents divorce, the holes in the system and my personality and a lot of crap that went down in my life that I still have a chipboard on my shoulder and bad attitude about sometimes. Abuse. Humiliation. Being ignored and rejected. Getting seriously hurt by service and health care providers and people that are supposed to protect. Being told my whole life I am not worthy in a billion different ways.

So you know. I don’t have many pictures except the ones in the last month or so. Because fun stuff like that that keep me running and hurt and seeking somewhere that I can heal. Somewhere non toxic. Which everyone keeps telling me is a problem and doesn’t exist and then does nothing about.

Dallady April 12th, 2022

*chip on my shoulder

LucianX April 12th, 2022

I have photos dating back to the early 60s when I was just a child. My mother loved taking pictures. I actually have 2 large storage bins full of photos.

I want to arrange them into photo albums but for now, I just enjoy looking through them and reminiscing.

It was such a simpler time when I was young.

WarriorForHim April 12th, 2022

As a photographer, I often sit back and examine a lot of my work and remember the joy on the faces of clients. -or even my kids-

Photography is one of my favorite things in the world. I can absolutely see where you can find peace looking back on pictures you have taken. On my website, some of my favorite photography quotes are there and one of my absolute favorite ones is "Photographs are Return Tickets to a Moment Otherwise Gone" and I love this because it is so true. ❤️ so for me, I get the happiness of being able to relive one moment out of a particular day.

affectionateCat9553 April 12th, 2022


I like to look at pictures from my childhood. It reminds me of happier and simpler times; and my Father was still here.

lovelyTime3172 April 12th, 2022

@halcyonCloud2036 yes it's give nostalgia and bringing back the memories that can be beautiful.