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LGBTQ+ / MOGII Support

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🌈 Share Your Coming Out Story & Offer Support! 🌈
by CheeryMango
Last post
...See more Hey everyone! Pride Month is a time to celebrate our identities, honor our journeys, and support one another. One of the most personal and powerful experiences for many in the LGBTQ+ community is the act of coming out. Whether you’ve already come out, are considering it, or are just here to support others, this is a safe space for you to share your story and offer encouragement. How to Participate: * Share Your Story: If you’re comfortable, share your coming out story with us. How did you come out? What was the experience like for you? How did it impact your life? * Offer Support: For those who have already come out, please offer advice, support, and encouragement to others who might be considering taking this step. * Ask for Advice: If you’re thinking about coming out and have questions or need support, don’t hesitate to ask here. We’re all here to help each other. ------------------------- Note: Please be respectful and supportive of everyone’s experiences. We are here to create a safe and welcoming environment for all.
Weekly Prompt #3: What helped you understand and accept your sexuality/gender identity
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 9th
...See more Hi everyone, I hope you are all well. Last time we discussed, What one piece of advice would you give to your younger self? [] In today's prompt, I want us to take a minute of reflection and share what was the journey of coming out looked like for you. The prompt: What helped you understand and accept your sexuality/gender identity? What was that journey like for you? Share your thoughts with us. Join us in the LGBTQ Support Chat today! [] [] ------------------------- [] [/sharer/sharer.php?]
🌈 Pride Month 2024 Forum Discussion Masterpost
by tommy
Last post
June 22nd
...See more  Happy Pride everyone! I hope you are enjoying the month so far and are taking advantage of the different opportunities available to you across 7 Cups to celebrate. Please click here [] for a thread outlining how we are celebrating Pride for 2024! We wanted to compile together all of the different forum posts, discussions and icebreakers/games into one place so you do not miss out on anything.  This is an inclusive celebration and many (if not all) of the discussions/threads are suited to everyone, not just those who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Please let me know if you have posted a thread which you'd like adding to this list and thank you to everyone for making this celebration so wonderful!  🏳️‍🌈 Say hi and introduce yourself here [] 🏳️‍🌈 Share your coming out story and offer support [] 🏳️‍🌈 Pride playlist: share your favourite songs [] 🏳️‍🌈 How does your country celebrate pride? [] 🏳️‍🌈 What tip would you give to maintain a healthy relationship? [] 🏳️‍🌈 [] What is your favorite book with LGBTQ+ representation? [] 🏳️‍🌈 [] Pride Parade! EmotionsListener 7 Cups pfps generator [] 🏳️‍🌈 [] Supporting a Loved One Who Identifies as Belonging to the LGBTQIA+ Community [] 🏳️‍🌈 [] AMA with a 7 Cups Therapist [] This masterlist will be updated each time a new thread is posted. Last update: 1 July 2024
I need someone to help me find out if I'm gay
by Hiddenvalley700
Last post
13 hours ago
...See more I'm a guy and I don't know what my sexual orientation is because I don't know how to find out if I'm gay or straight. I just want to know, how are you supposed to find out what your sexual orientation is. What do I have to do to find out my sexual orientation? Please help me, I really need to know.
by ambitiousStrings2824
Last post
August 14th
...See more So I'm new here and do yall have any tests for  Sexuality? If not that's fine I just whant to know 
Mixed orientation relationships - Adivce
by JasonneedsinTx
Last post
July 2nd
...See more I'm hoping to connect with a woman that has had a successful mixed orientation relationship with a bi man. As a bi guy, I am always struggling to be open/honest with perspective partners, and I am thinking this has hindered my ability to connect on an emotional level. I'd love to hear how couples can overcome this problem. 
Should I come out to my friends?
Last post
June 17th
...See more I am a trans dude who is in middle school. I am out to 6 of my friends but I want to come out to my whole class. One person I’m scared to come out to is my best friend. He is generally nice and always ask if something he said was offensive or not but he has said some transphobic things in the past but I think that’s just because he’s a middle school boy. I really don’t want to lose him as a friend or for him to out me to my family. Context: He comes over almost everyday and my whole family thinks he’s amazing
Scared of People Knowing the Truth
by xKenzieGotNoLifex
Last post
June 16th
...See more Hello. I'm Kenz! I'm a 15 and soon-to-be 16-year-old. I've always known I was a lesbian since I was in late elementary through middle school. Throughout my life, a few people at my school(s) figured I was gay considering who I hung out with, how I dress (I dress more masc than most females), and how I carry myself as a person. Currently, I have a girlfriend and obviously, we try to be around each other as much as possible. There have been some speculations from people that I am dating a female, which is true. However, everytime someone askes, I feel hesitant to tell and just brush it off. I don't want to be ashamed of who I am, but I also get nervous when someone questions if I'm with a girl. My school is overall very LGBTQ inclusive but the students, mostly male students, aren't as supportive and will call people F slurs, etc. I'm just scared to tell people that I am a lesbian if they ask. My close friends know since I trust them. If anyone has advice, please let me know! Thank you! 💗 
Coming out as trans to my friend
Last post
June 13th
...See more I am a trans dude who uses he/they pronouns. I’m only out to 2 people and I’m about to come out to one of my best friends on Monday or Wednesday. He isn’t the most accepting and sometimes says offensive stuff but I help him learn what to say. He has said bad stuff about trans people but I think that’s because he’s a middle school boy. I was going to either hand him a card saying stuff about it or try to say it really casually. Can anyone help me on this? I think I want to come out but I don’t want him to get mad or stop being my friend or treat me differently.
My story. Thank you for the pride everyone in this community gives me
by placidSea8181
Last post
June 4th
...See more Hey! As a 14 year old, I’ve been questioning myself since I was 12. I always had crushes on guys but when I had just turned 12 I met a girl who became my best best friend. We texted everyday and hung out as often as possible, as she went to another school. I realized like wow I love hanging out with her we really clicked and I feel so free and myself around her. I started watching heart stopper bc it was one of her shows she was watching as well and it kinda opened my eyes. I started questioning and researching for a while I thought I was bi then pan then demiromantic. I was confused because I really thought I was bi but also thought I could be demiromantic. I know for sure I’m bi but I feel like I’m both bi and demiromantic. I don’t know. I just call myself queer to myself bc I’m not super sure. And tbh I don’t have to be. I don’t need to know exactly what is happening to know what I like and don’t. I live in a Christian home where nobody knows except my sister I am queer. my mom thinks all the pride stuff is stupid and I could never tell her. My dad neither but he doesn’t make as much jokes and things about it as my mom as he works at a place with high schoolers/people in college and he is pretty respectful of it and the people who are. Even the other day in my town my sis said they where having a pride parade so we had to go another way my mom was making comments about it being stupid and stuff. I am a Christian and I believe that god forgives all sins and when people say being gay is a sin, They need to remember god forgives that and loves everyone. I am very strong in my faith and I volunteer at the church and with kid events such as vbs and children’s church on Sundays. I am very active in my youth group and my church. I believe you can be queer and still be a Christian.  For me when I see pride things even tho I know I will never be to a parade, and I will never buy anything pride related, I just see so much community. So much joy. So much Expression. And just so many people free and that is the most important thing to me. I will look up just “pride month” on google every day this month and read the articles and just feel so happy. So thank you everyone for making this possible that me, a closeted 14 year old  can feel so happy and free even though I haven’t told anyone, I feel free to myself for knowing who I am. Feeling free in knowing even though there is so much hate there is a community who loves me even tho they don’t know me. im sorry if I use terms wrong lol
How do I confirm that I am bisexual
by ApurvaSingh123
Last post
June 4th
...See more I am 49.999% sure that I am bi. please help me! ALSO: I live in India and LGBT rights are nearly non existent because government removed the law which jails homosexuals 10 years ago but doesn't want to recognize anything else because it endangers Sanatani philosophy.  
How do I tell my friend to stop disrespecting trans people?
Last post
May 7th
...See more I am out as trans to 2 of my friends. One of my friends is perfectly accepting but the other is slightly trans phobic. Whenever she sees a trans man she’s say that they are technically a woman. It makes me uncomfortable and whenever I try to correct her she always says well they are technically a woman. I don’t knows what to do can someone help please
how can i tell my friend my new name?
Last post
April 21st
...See more I (13) am a transgender man and I go by he/they pronouns. My birth name is kind of feminine and I don't like it very much. I decided on the new name of Charlie because it suits me best in my opinion. My friend already knows about me being trans and is very supportive of the community but I don't know how to tell her. Can someone please help me? I have no one to ask so I hope random people on the internet can help me.
Coming out
by thoughtfulFarm7315
Last post
April 15th
...See more Hello
I live in a very conservative area and most of my friends are closed minded idk what to do😭😭🙏
by tho0r
Last post
March 18th
...See more I identify as bisexual and I’ve known since the end of 6th or the beginning of 7th grade(I’m now in 9th grade). Only my mom, dad, and 2 of my friends know. I want to come out to my other friends but they’re not as accepting, or open minded, as I live in a very conservative part of Georgia. I’m worried if I tell them they will treat me differently, as that’s what happened when my other friend came out to them. Normally I wouldn’t care what people think, but they are very important to me. What should I do?


Please note: bolded grey text is hyperlinked.

Welcome to LGBTQ+/MOGII Support! We are so pleased that you have found our little rainbow here in the 7 cups forums. Our community is here to support you as an LGBTQ+/MOGII person, family member, friend and/or ally. Whether you are curious and questioning, or out and proud, and all the stages in between, this is a place where you can find support in being who you are and coping with the challenges that come with it. We strive to keep this a safe space for all. Here you can discuss anything and everything related to the LGBTQ+/MOGII community and being LGBTQ+/MOGII.

What are the different forum topics for LGBTQ+/MOGII Support?

Asexual Umbrella Support: Got a question or want to share more about asexuality? Explore more here!

Checking in and breaking the ice: A place for you to introduce yourself, take part in our community check-ins and get to know other community members by participating in fun games!

Community & Culture: Want to know more about the LGBTQ+/MOGII community and cultural contributions? This is the place to learn more!

Discussions and Resources: Want to participate in meaningful discussions and access additional resources? Join in here!

Gay Support: Got a question or want to share more about being gay? Uncover more here!

Gender Identity Support: Questioning your gender identity? Want to share your experiences? Discuss it here!

Intersex Support: Got a question or want to share more about being intersex? Learn more here!

LGBTQ+ General SupportStruggling with other issues as an LGBTQ+/MOGII person? Working to cope with issues impacting the wider LGBTQ+/MOGII community? Find more support here! 

Lesbian Support: Got a question or want to share more about being a lesbian? Share your experiences here!

Multisexual Umbrella Support: Got a question or want to share more about multisexuality? Discuss more here!

Questioning & Coming Out: Are you questioning? Thinking about coming out? Maybe you already have? Share your struggles and stories here!

How can I heIp?

You can help us by simply responding to threads and sharing your story (if you're comfortable to). Alternatively, you may wish to join us as a Forum Leader. Check out this thread for more information. Even just participating in events, check-ins and group chats can be a great way to help build and support the community!

Helpful Threads

Taglist: Do you want to stay up to date with our community? Then join our taglist to be notified every time a new discussion or update is posted!


Are there any sub-community specific guidelines that we need to adhere to? All sub-community specific guidelines can be found below and should be followed in addition to the general forum guidelines.

HelpI still have a question!

You can ask your questions in this thread and someone will respond to you as soon as possible.
Community Guidelines

1) Be kind & open minded at all times!

2) Do not impose any beliefs onto another in any harmful way!

3) Please don't express judgments or attack anyone within the community!

4) Please respect each other's gender, pronouns, sexual orientation, identities in general!


Community Leaders
Group Support Mentor / Teen Star
Room Supporter
Community Resources

1. Abuse, Violence, Discrimination & Safety

(Abuse guides and resources, violence prevention and staying safe, normativity, discrimination, privilege)

2. Allies, Families & Friends

(Resources for allies, caregivers, families, organisations, communities, schools...)

3. Asexual & Aromantic Spectrum

(Resources, guides and websites, finding your identity, gray-asexuality and demisexuality)

4. Coming Out

(Resources for you before, while and after coming out)

5. Emergency & Crisis Resources

(Helplines, hotlines, emergency numbers, crisis information)

6. Gender Expression

(Understanding gender expression, feminising, masculising & binding, names and pronouns)

7. Gender Identity

(Understanding and finding gender and gender identity, gender terminology and glossaries)

8. Health, Dysphoria & Transitioning

(Gender Dysphoria help, transitioning resources, LGBTQ+ health information)

9. Religion

(LGBTQ+ supportive religious resources by denomination)

10. Sex Diversity & Intersex

(Understanding sex diversity and intersex, resoruces)

11. Sexual & Romantic Orientations

(Understanding attraction and orientation, finding and accepting your identity, gay, lesbian, bi, pan resources)

12. Workplace & Education

(Being LGBTQ+, coming out at and seeking work, university or school)

13. Trans Resources

(Resourses for the Trans community)

Full LGBTQIA+ Resource Spreadsheet