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Dealing with homophobia at work

MuchAdoAboutNothing August 4th, 2020


I've always had to face homophobic comments at work but lately it's been harder and harder to get past it. I wondered how you dealt with that. Especially if like me, you're in a situation where you can't really do anything to change your work environement.

DepressySpaghetti August 20th, 2020

@MuchAdoAboutNothing so I don't have experience with homophobia comments, but this is how I deal with verbal abuse:

1. I can talk back to them but it's only good if you can have quick comebacks

2. Record everything they say and review the works policy on abuse and homophobia

3. Whenever someone says anything to you, remind yourself that only you can decide what's offensive. Their words mean nothing and you have control on what you let hurt you or not

Hope this helps in some way 💜

perpetualfear August 4th, 2020


Not so much at work, but my family is heavily Christian and the reality is I have never came out about my pansexuality to them and when I hear about things like this I try to remember that these feelings stem from many places. In some cases like with my family it has to do with upbring which given I live with my grandparents is hard to change the mindsets of. Some people are believe it or not self hating for such desires and lash out about it because they themselves struggle with being so. Then there are those who believe some stereotyping thoughts and those who just don't understand. This may or may not make you feel better, just remember you have not created this negative environment, you don't support it or enjoy it and that is what matters. You are what is good in that environment. You are a good person even if they aren't. Also I love the play Much Ado About Nothing!

MuchAdoAboutNothing OP August 6th, 2020


Thanks for sharing, but that's not really what I meant. I know I'm not the problem but it doesn't change the fact that people spit in my face everyday and might ruin my career after all the work I put into it. My post is more about anger and stress managment than self acceptance

Seannie October 23rd, 2020

@MuchAdoAboutNothing There are a lot of resources on this website that can help with feeling better after these incidents that have helped me. You are strong, even if you dont feel like it. Don't let yourself forget how strong you are underneath what you are going through. Dig deep and you will find strength. Never stop looking for it.

helloPomegranate4677 November 11th, 2020


This is harrasment and you need to bring it up to management or HR or whatever the equivalent to that is for you. I udnerstand it can be scary but this should be kept confidential. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.