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LGBTQ+ / MOGII Support

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🌈 Share Your Coming Out Story & Offer Support! 🌈
by CheeryMango
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...See more Hey everyone! Pride Month is a time to celebrate our identities, honor our journeys, and support one another. One of the most personal and powerful experiences for many in the LGBTQ+ community is the act of coming out. Whether you’ve already come out, are considering it, or are just here to support others, this is a safe space for you to share your story and offer encouragement. How to Participate: * Share Your Story: If you’re comfortable, share your coming out story with us. How did you come out? What was the experience like for you? How did it impact your life? * Offer Support: For those who have already come out, please offer advice, support, and encouragement to others who might be considering taking this step. * Ask for Advice: If you’re thinking about coming out and have questions or need support, don’t hesitate to ask here. We’re all here to help each other. ------------------------- Note: Please be respectful and supportive of everyone’s experiences. We are here to create a safe and welcoming environment for all.
Weekly Prompt #3: What helped you understand and accept your sexuality/gender identity
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 9th
...See more Hi everyone, I hope you are all well. Last time we discussed, What one piece of advice would you give to your younger self? [] In today's prompt, I want us to take a minute of reflection and share what was the journey of coming out looked like for you. The prompt: What helped you understand and accept your sexuality/gender identity? What was that journey like for you? Share your thoughts with us. Join us in the LGBTQ Support Chat today! [] [] ------------------------- [] [/sharer/sharer.php?]
🌈 Pride Month 2024 Forum Discussion Masterpost
by tommy
Last post
June 22nd
...See more  Happy Pride everyone! I hope you are enjoying the month so far and are taking advantage of the different opportunities available to you across 7 Cups to celebrate. Please click here [] for a thread outlining how we are celebrating Pride for 2024! We wanted to compile together all of the different forum posts, discussions and icebreakers/games into one place so you do not miss out on anything.  This is an inclusive celebration and many (if not all) of the discussions/threads are suited to everyone, not just those who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Please let me know if you have posted a thread which you'd like adding to this list and thank you to everyone for making this celebration so wonderful!  🏳️‍🌈 Say hi and introduce yourself here [] 🏳️‍🌈 Share your coming out story and offer support [] 🏳️‍🌈 Pride playlist: share your favourite songs [] 🏳️‍🌈 How does your country celebrate pride? [] 🏳️‍🌈 What tip would you give to maintain a healthy relationship? [] 🏳️‍🌈 [] What is your favorite book with LGBTQ+ representation? [] 🏳️‍🌈 [] Pride Parade! EmotionsListener 7 Cups pfps generator [] 🏳️‍🌈 [] Supporting a Loved One Who Identifies as Belonging to the LGBTQIA+ Community [] 🏳️‍🌈 [] AMA with a 7 Cups Therapist [] This masterlist will be updated each time a new thread is posted. Last update: 1 July 2024
Will reaching out to my ex bring closure? How do I heal a pain that won't go away?
by navyPear8364
Last post
September 3rd
...See more I'll try to condense this story as much as I can; but I am still hurting over the loss of my best friend/first love 10 years later. I, a woman (whose gender identity has fluctuated throughout time), had a crush on my best friend as long as I could remember. She confessed in our senior year of highschool and that summer was one of the happiest times in my life. Once we went to university she went to a different school than me and she broke up with me a few months later after revealing she had cheated on me with a guy. We tried to stay friends, because we meant too much to each other but it was painful. We stopped talking in 2014. Then when I came home from university in 2018 I was helping her stepmom (we still remained close) and she said my ex wanted to reach out, but I burst into tears and said I would like to but it's painful. I don't know if she ever passed my message on, but I do regret not talking to her then then. I left home again for graduate school and now that I'm back at home with my parents and unpacking things, I'm seeing how much of my life in highschool and before involved her and has reopened the wound I healed living on my own. I found that he has begun transitioning to transmasc and now uses he/they/she pronouns and his partner (the one I was cheated on with) transitioned to female. I don't feel attraction anymore, since I don't know what person he has become and I don't want to get back together, that's not what this is about. It's just painful having a person so important in shaping who I am and being in my life for major events, to nothing. I want to know if he's doing well and how life has treated him. And it feels odd my family still keeps in contact his family, but I haven't seen him in years. I just have a feeling I'm going to leave my hometown at some point for my career, and the time I have at home again means I could reach out before I move away. But is that wise and will that help me heal? 
What happened to the LGBTQIA room
by AlanaGirl
Last post
August 27th
...See more What happened to the LGBTQIA room? Is it ever going to come back?
I’m not feeling very good
by katiethefuckingbitchloser
Last post
August 11th
...See more My parents are transphobic, all my allies are like nowhere close to me, my life sucks, I’m in an unhappy relationship, idfk what to do. I don’t want to life anymore 
closeted bisexual (lesbian??? idekkk) she/her
by jazleenem
Last post
August 11th
...See more hii everyone. my name is em , she/her 22 years old and im new to 7 cups haha. im closeted and bi (leaning towards woman idk what to label myself anymore) and just looking for friends in the community. i honestly feel so alone , i just went through a tough breakup with my first real love and can’t talk to anyone about it bc everyone around me is homophobic . and yeah haha, feel free to dm me (: 
I’m worried my sister won’t accept me.
by AriMay
Last post
August 2nd
...See more Hello. I’m new here and I’m feeling anxious and I’d like some advice. Me and my sister are really close. I don’t have any friends and she is really all I have. I love her a lot and we get along really well but there are things we disagree about. The biggest being LGBTQ stuff. I told her recently that I am attracted to people of all genders, including trans people. I was hoping she would be really accepting and open to the idea of me falling in love one day with someone, no matter their gender. But she was just kind of uncomfortable. She told me she doesn’t agree with transgender people, that she believes it’s a mental illness. We ended the conversation with her telling me she loves me no matter what and we quickly moved on. But I still feel anxious. Like I said, I have no friends and I desperately want to connect with people. What if my sister, who I love, doesn’t accept the people I want to connect with? Sorry if I’m rambling. I Joe talking about it will make me feel better. 💙
Am i nonbinary?
by crimsonJet9935
Last post
July 17th
...See more I grew up and still live in a very religious household, and only within the last few years have a realized i dont at all align with Christianity or any religion. Ive also gone to catholic private schools my whole life and am very grateful for that opportunity but am now realizing how sheltered i was. I’m trying to figure out who i am, but I’ve only ever thought of myself as a woman. I realized just a few months ago that i dont always have to think of myself as a girl, and that felt right. So i dont know if I’m genderfluid or nonbinary, because i don’t ever really feel like a man, and i do sometimes feel like a girl. Like i said, I’m really new to the whole LGBTQ+ community and am still trying to figure out my sexuality and gender. 
23 and confused...
by AxolotlEnjoyer420
Last post
July 5th
...See more As the title states I am 23 and confused. From a very young age I always knew I liked girls.  I grew up around religious people, I remember once asking my dad  "If any of your kids were gay, what would you do?" "I'd beat the gay out of them" was his reply and I never brought it back up to him till years later. I came out to him at 16 as being bi and introduced him to my at the time girlfriend.  Ever sense he has shown me support.  My birth giver however, stands by being homophobic.  She and my grandmother threw a fit when my niece was saying she was a lesbian. That side of the family did tbh. So idk if she still thinks that of herself or not. I can be in a relationship with a guy. No issues. I find them cute. Well, found them cute. Due to recent events in my life I find myself very put off by dudes. I only have my eyes open to other women now. But I've been talking to a trans girl and she's honestly such a sweetie. I am very attractive to her.  I've always labeled myself as bi/demi ((Bi with a female lean)) But lately I've been questioning if I am bi and I just dated men because of how I was raised. "Compulsory heterosexuality" This is what sits in my mind.  It's a struggle sometimes. Because from age 14 to 17 I labeled myself a lesbian but the moment a guy showed interest I dropped it?....I was a weird teen.  I think I just wanted male validation like everyone else around me was getting. Being the only openly queer person around my school was really rough until I started dating a guy, people seemed to want to be my friend again.  I have dated men and women over the years. I always found myself happier with a woman or a more fem presenting person. I think this is more of me yapping now.  I just want to know if others have this struggle.  I question myself a lot over the years and it gets tiring.  Am I scared to be the real me due to who i grew up around and my family's views? Or am I just really unstable and all over the place.... The important questions I have: 1:Would it be wrong to label myself as les if I am with a trans girl? -I only ask this because of some people I've tried to talk to before.  2:Should I stick with the label bi if I never intend on dating a cis male again? -I only ask because of some recent bad events involving cis/straight men... Thank you to whoever takes the time to read this. It feels nice to get it out of my head and somewhere written down so I can look at it fully.
Coming Out( kind of)
by WellsFiction
Last post
June 17th
...See more Since it's Pride month and EVERYONE is talking about it I feel like it's time I share my thoughts. Let's go! I've always felt different from others viewpoints on sex and gender. I grew up in a very small, rural and conservative family, so being so different from my norms has always felt more normal and honestly rebellious. I remember when I was a kid while on vacation I watched a film where two teenaged girls were kissing and dating and I was like wow that's real that's possible lol. I consider myself to be nonbinary and trans. I just always sort of knew I was even though I couldn't really talk about it with anyone cause they either disagreed or honestly didn't know. Yet as I grew older I find myself more attracted to like feminine stuff. I've always preferred being around females. I'm struggling constantly to fit in based on the sex I was born as and plus being myself around my friends.  Gender is such a wide and massive spectrum. Figuring out who you exactly are can be challenging, especially without help. I guess my question is how can I come out without actually coming out?  How do I stop being so afraid to be myself without worrying about how others may feel? No one should feel shame or guilt about who they're. There is a little girl inside of me who desires to be seen and heard. She's ready to be the woman who she was created to be :)
The Heterosexual Agenda: Trying to Turn Me Straight!
by HazeltheHeretic
Last post
June 17th
...See more The Heterosexual Agenda: Trying to Turn Me Straight! In this video, I open up about how my journey to discovering I'm bisexual totally clashed with how I was raised. Growing up in a super Christian household, there wasn't much room to talk about anything outside their beliefs, let alone LGBTQ+ stuff. It felt like the only option was to be straight.
Does finding myself really matter at this point in time?
by Iamwhoiamwhoami
Last post
June 14th
...See more I know I am a woman on the inside , but with all of my issues and plus my age, what are the chances of my learning to live life and not just survive it? I don’t know what to do anymore. I am destined to be this way for whatever amount of is left for me. Happiness and positivity are things reserved for others not me. Even if progress could be made I am not sure if I could have the strength to start over in a world that is tolerant not accepting.
LGBTQ+ Ally Showing Up-Being Present
by CaringCharlie
Last post
June 13th
...See more Greetings to all LGBT+ friends. LGBTQ+ Ally here. I am showing up, being counted and being present.  Hard core LGBTQ+ friendly Listener here. If you need someone to chat with I'm here. Talk to me. I promise you, you can feel safe, have confidentiality, and know you are among friends or just drop by to say hi.  #PrideMonth LGBTQ-Pride-Flags [] Don't assume you have no allies.
by TheArtistSystem
Last post
June 3rd
...See more WELCOME TO THE GAY CONNER!! its the first day of June 2024!! I just wanted to ask all my ally's and all my Lgbtqia+ and MORGI people weather your  Lesbian- I wanna hear your story! gay-I wanna hear your story!  Bisexual-I wanna hear your story! Transgender-I wanna hear your story! Queer-I wanna hear your story!  Intersex-I wanna hear your story!  Asexual-I wanna hear your story!  and more I want to hear your story all of them and if you want to know your story know you are loved by me and all of us I personally am a Transgender man (Female to Male) and I am 16 and came out (somewhat) at 12 but I officially came out at 15 so share your story with me or share your art for pride month! I love you so much  you trans friend Noah


Please note: bolded grey text is hyperlinked.

Welcome to LGBTQ+/MOGII Support! We are so pleased that you have found our little rainbow here in the 7 cups forums. Our community is here to support you as an LGBTQ+/MOGII person, family member, friend and/or ally. Whether you are curious and questioning, or out and proud, and all the stages in between, this is a place where you can find support in being who you are and coping with the challenges that come with it. We strive to keep this a safe space for all. Here you can discuss anything and everything related to the LGBTQ+/MOGII community and being LGBTQ+/MOGII.

What are the different forum topics for LGBTQ+/MOGII Support?

Asexual Umbrella Support: Got a question or want to share more about asexuality? Explore more here!

Checking in and breaking the ice: A place for you to introduce yourself, take part in our community check-ins and get to know other community members by participating in fun games!

Community & Culture: Want to know more about the LGBTQ+/MOGII community and cultural contributions? This is the place to learn more!

Discussions and Resources: Want to participate in meaningful discussions and access additional resources? Join in here!

Gay Support: Got a question or want to share more about being gay? Uncover more here!

Gender Identity Support: Questioning your gender identity? Want to share your experiences? Discuss it here!

Intersex Support: Got a question or want to share more about being intersex? Learn more here!

LGBTQ+ General SupportStruggling with other issues as an LGBTQ+/MOGII person? Working to cope with issues impacting the wider LGBTQ+/MOGII community? Find more support here! 

Lesbian Support: Got a question or want to share more about being a lesbian? Share your experiences here!

Multisexual Umbrella Support: Got a question or want to share more about multisexuality? Discuss more here!

Questioning & Coming Out: Are you questioning? Thinking about coming out? Maybe you already have? Share your struggles and stories here!

How can I heIp?

You can help us by simply responding to threads and sharing your story (if you're comfortable to). Alternatively, you may wish to join us as a Forum Leader. Check out this thread for more information. Even just participating in events, check-ins and group chats can be a great way to help build and support the community!

Helpful Threads

Taglist: Do you want to stay up to date with our community? Then join our taglist to be notified every time a new discussion or update is posted!


Are there any sub-community specific guidelines that we need to adhere to? All sub-community specific guidelines can be found below and should be followed in addition to the general forum guidelines.

HelpI still have a question!

You can ask your questions in this thread and someone will respond to you as soon as possible.
Community Guidelines

1) Be kind & open minded at all times!

2) Do not impose any beliefs onto another in any harmful way!

3) Please don't express judgments or attack anyone within the community!

4) Please respect each other's gender, pronouns, sexual orientation, identities in general!


Community Leaders
Group Support Mentor / Teen Star
Room Supporter
Community Resources

1. Abuse, Violence, Discrimination & Safety

(Abuse guides and resources, violence prevention and staying safe, normativity, discrimination, privilege)

2. Allies, Families & Friends

(Resources for allies, caregivers, families, organisations, communities, schools...)

3. Asexual & Aromantic Spectrum

(Resources, guides and websites, finding your identity, gray-asexuality and demisexuality)

4. Coming Out

(Resources for you before, while and after coming out)

5. Emergency & Crisis Resources

(Helplines, hotlines, emergency numbers, crisis information)

6. Gender Expression

(Understanding gender expression, feminising, masculising & binding, names and pronouns)

7. Gender Identity

(Understanding and finding gender and gender identity, gender terminology and glossaries)

8. Health, Dysphoria & Transitioning

(Gender Dysphoria help, transitioning resources, LGBTQ+ health information)

9. Religion

(LGBTQ+ supportive religious resources by denomination)

10. Sex Diversity & Intersex

(Understanding sex diversity and intersex, resoruces)

11. Sexual & Romantic Orientations

(Understanding attraction and orientation, finding and accepting your identity, gay, lesbian, bi, pan resources)

12. Workplace & Education

(Being LGBTQ+, coming out at and seeking work, university or school)

13. Trans Resources

(Resourses for the Trans community)

Full LGBTQIA+ Resource Spreadsheet