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I'm a cis gay male who wants to be more feminine.

buttonfire1234 January 9th, 2023

I am struggling with how I want to be seen in life, but I'm currently trying to become more feminine. I'm not trans, and I feel like a guy, but I don't like the idea of being a traditional male. I'm worried about shaving my legs, arms, or facial hair because I also like the idea of being large and intimidating because it allows me to be a strong and stable support for the ones I love. Do I want to be slim and feminine, or large and masculine? I like the idea of both, so I don't know what to choose.

CheetahCub January 10th, 2023

I’m not sure you have to choose, @buttonfire1234. Maybe you can try changing up a few things and see how it feels.

I’m a cis hetero woman, but sometimes I wake up feeling more masculine so I dress accordingly. But I still have more feminine clothes in my dresser for the days I wake up feeling more comfortable as a woman.
buttonfire1234 OP January 10th, 2023

@CheetahCub Thank you. I'm going to be attending a group support meeting while cross dressing today so I will post an update on how it goes.

EmotionsListener January 10th, 2023


It sounds like you may be finding that you would like to have a more feminine gender expression, gender expression does not necessarily have to align with your gender identity, so even someone who is cisgender may have a gender expression that doesn't adhere to socialized gender roles.

Sometimes, fearing potential consequences, or worrying about what others will think or assume can make it hard to see what we want. So, if there were no rules, what would you want? Do you have any ideas or thoughts?

buttonfire1234 OP January 10th, 2023

@EmotionsListener I would probably shave some more body hair to start, I will think about it more though. Thank you for the advice!

LonleyCheese January 12th, 2023

The thought in my brain when you were like "I want to femme a bit but also be big scary to protect fam" Sorta thing was just amazing. Yknow, just a cute lil guy and then like boom. Scary to protect. Good luck!