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🌈 Share Your Coming Out Story & Offer Support! 🌈
by CheeryMango
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...See more Hey everyone! Pride Month is a time to celebrate our identities, honor our journeys, and support one another. One of the most personal and powerful experiences for many in the LGBTQ+ community is the act of coming out. Whether you’ve already come out, are considering it, or are just here to support others, this is a safe space for you to share your story and offer encouragement. How to Participate: * Share Your Story: If you’re comfortable, share your coming out story with us. How did you come out? What was the experience like for you? How did it impact your life? * Offer Support: For those who have already come out, please offer advice, support, and encouragement to others who might be considering taking this step. * Ask for Advice: If you’re thinking about coming out and have questions or need support, don’t hesitate to ask here. We’re all here to help each other. ------------------------- Note: Please be respectful and supportive of everyone’s experiences. We are here to create a safe and welcoming environment for all.
Weekly Prompt #3: What helped you understand and accept your sexuality/gender identity
by ASilentObserver
Last post
September 9th
...See more Hi everyone, I hope you are all well. Last time we discussed, What one piece of advice would you give to your younger self? [] In today's prompt, I want us to take a minute of reflection and share what was the journey of coming out looked like for you. The prompt: What helped you understand and accept your sexuality/gender identity? What was that journey like for you? Share your thoughts with us. Join us in the LGBTQ Support Chat today! [] [] ------------------------- [] [/sharer/sharer.php?]
🌈 Pride Month 2024 Forum Discussion Masterpost
by tommy
Last post
June 22nd
...See more  Happy Pride everyone! I hope you are enjoying the month so far and are taking advantage of the different opportunities available to you across 7 Cups to celebrate. Please click here [] for a thread outlining how we are celebrating Pride for 2024! We wanted to compile together all of the different forum posts, discussions and icebreakers/games into one place so you do not miss out on anything.  This is an inclusive celebration and many (if not all) of the discussions/threads are suited to everyone, not just those who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Please let me know if you have posted a thread which you'd like adding to this list and thank you to everyone for making this celebration so wonderful!  🏳️‍🌈 Say hi and introduce yourself here [] 🏳️‍🌈 Share your coming out story and offer support [] 🏳️‍🌈 Pride playlist: share your favourite songs [] 🏳️‍🌈 How does your country celebrate pride? [] 🏳️‍🌈 What tip would you give to maintain a healthy relationship? [] 🏳️‍🌈 [] What is your favorite book with LGBTQ+ representation? [] 🏳️‍🌈 [] Pride Parade! EmotionsListener 7 Cups pfps generator [] 🏳️‍🌈 [] Supporting a Loved One Who Identifies as Belonging to the LGBTQIA+ Community [] 🏳️‍🌈 [] AMA with a 7 Cups Therapist [] This masterlist will be updated each time a new thread is posted. Last update: 1 July 2024
I Don't Know What I Am
by TheeBoy
Last post
September 3rd
...See more Posted this on Reddit to no response so maybe it's just a me thing and I need professional help but let's see. I'm a young chap and I'm used to lying for attention. It sounds bad and it is, I don't know why I do it but I do. I lie so much I start to believe my own lies. With that being said, I didn't technically lie this time I don't think. I accidentally told my friend I was bisexual when I meant to say "I think I'm bi". It's harder to come out than I thought. Regardless, I can't tell the difference between guys and girls anymore and I don't know why. I think I have a "crush" on like 3 guys and I forget how to walk when I'm near them but I don't know if it's just confirmation bias. Honestly, no one has been attractive to me in these past few days and I don't even have a sexual drive anymore. I'm confused and I've literally been fighting with myself inside my own head on where I actually like guys or if it's just a confirmation bias. I need help.
My gender is completely broken
by TheChaotic1
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September 2nd
...See more Hey, so I'm genderfluid and I kinda hate it. I go between hating my body because I'm too feminine, then hating it because I'm not feminine enough. And I constantly want to change the name I go by, if I could find ONE that worked for all the genders, I'd be okay.  It's just a bit frustrating
Parents not supportive, i feel unsafe.
by Kris2415
Last post
August 29th
...See more I (16, ftM) came out around three years ago to my friends, and only around a year ago to my parents via my Therapist. (She told them i was trans, not me, because i was too scared). They never expressed support, and i thought that was okay. They didn't have to. My father came to me one night, as i cried, and he told me "Whatever happens, you'll always be my little girl". Obviously affected me and pretty much made it clear that they were not supporting me, but i recently found out that my mother (and probably my father too) are part of an online Group Chat that is full of parents to trans children, who share information about their kids and "support" eachother about having kids with a mental illness. The group chat's description says "No child is born in the wrong body, it's their minds that need healing". My mom even send a message there talking about me and my boyfriend (also ftM). My boyfriend asked me to tell my parent that's he's trans, to avoid any issues. When i told her, she seemed ok with it, but in the message she sent, she stated: "My daughter thinks she is a boy, and recently she's been dating a guy. I encouraged their relationship because I thought that at least she's dating a male, and maybe she forgets all this nonsense trans stuff, but she came to me and told me this boy was actually born a girl. My heart dropped to the floor. I don't know what to do." I feel betrayed in so many ways, and unsafe in my own home. They don't know i found out about this group they're in, and I'm afraid that if they do I'll get punished. I'm in a crisis state, unable to get help. Please help me.
by RJTheGreat
Last post
August 23rd
...See more I am getting death threats from kids at my high school and there not being taken seriously what should i do
26 here, recently coming to terms with my gender identity and need vent out some feelings
by Ghostintheflame
Last post
August 4th
...See more I feel like I should see a therapist before stating I’m definitively transgender but that’s where everything in my mind has been leading me towards. I was born male but I’ve been experiencing issues related to my gender identity for at least 10 years now, possibly and probably longer. I at first tried to keep these thoughts down, at first being confused and later wanting to not want to deal with something as stressful as this. But as time has gone the more I can’t deny what’s really inside me. Thoughts of wishing, longing to be a woman have become constant thoughts throughout everyday. Imagining how life would be different if I could start over and be a woman. I know being a woman isn’t easier than being a man but I do think it would be easier for me, particularly my mental health.  Sadly though, I’m not in a position to afford therapy and HRT or even to afford new feminine clothes to help me feel more comfortable. I hope to be in a more stable position soon but it does feel like time for me to really start expressing myself the way I want to is running out. 26 is still young, 27 is still young but if I still can’t actually transition soon idk what I’ll do. I’m hoping by 30 I can start to live my new life, my true life. I can still handle presenting as a man in the short term but if I still am by 30 I feel my mental state will come crashing down by a lot.  For now, I’m trying to present more as feminine online to see how that makes me feel. So far it feels really nice in the couple instances I have done it since coming to terms with my gender identity recently and it also felt really nice when I would do it before fully coming to terms with it. Soon I’ll be shaving off my beard I have had for a while and seeing how that makes me feel, it’ll either make my dysphoria worse by actually being able to see my face or help by being more easily able to imagine myself as a woman. I have naturally really short hair, idk if there’s many treatments for it to grow naturally but I would adore having long hair. Maybe I’ll try to get some wigs, would probably do good since I also adore the idea of having different colored hair.  I’m really excited that the new game of my favorite video game series, Dragon Age: The Veilguard, will have the option to make the player character transgender. That’ll definitely be an even further step for me from playing as women in most video games nowadays when given the option. Don’t have much else to say, hope whoever reads this has a great day. 
Is this normal?
Last post
July 16th
...See more I am a trans dude who just found out they were trans last spring. I like a lot of trans people have a new name. Whenever I speak in third person in my head though I accidentally call myself my deadname. Is that normal?
I don’t want to be trans anymore
Last post
June 19th
...See more I hate being a tran masc youth. I live in America and there are 355 anti trans laws. Politicians want me to be dead or taken from my parents and they won’t listen to professionals. I hate the way my body is. I wake up everyday looking in the mirror and hating who I see, sometimes I can’t even look at myself in the mirror. I can’t even come out to everyone because they won’t accept me and they’d leave me. And the people I am out to keep forgetting my name and pronouns but I’m too much of a coward to correct them. The state that I live in isn’t the worse but I always get weird looks because I have a girl body and short masc hair and face. I wish I could stop being trans. No matter what I do nobody will truly see me as a boy or they will want me dead. I feel like I’m not living im just barely surviving.
Hey! ask a transgender Teen anything!(keep it safe I'm 16)
by TheArtistSystem
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June 14th
...See more hey! I'm Noah and I am a transgender boy Female to male! also the abbreviation FTM! So i've begun to realize the longer I have been on cups some people have asked some questions that I can answer right now!  What Is FTM/MTF? well FTM is Female to male someone who is born female but feels male sometimes is said to be a "tomboy" witch is generally the case with this but the other half is that she is a he and so He is a boy (FYI THERE'S A LOT MORE THINGS THAT GO INTO THIS! THIS IS THE SHORT VERSION)so they bind their chest with a binder (DO NOT USE ACE BANDAGES PLEASE) and can get top and bottom surgery. While MTF is male to female the same applies somewhat for this sometimes guys just like feminine clothing or like to do "female" activities such as painting their nails,wearing makeup (guys can do these if they wish i don't care you do you my friend!) they are sometimes known as "femboys" generally this could be the case but sometimes he is a she.   so they may grow out their hair start using breast pads (not sure what they're called I'm a trans guy not girl PLEASE CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG-)  there's more like I said there's a lot of research on this! also Please correct me if I am wrong!  Please be safe with your choices within transitioning you are loved by your trans brother Noah <3
Trans stuff
Last post
May 22nd
...See more TW: Gender Dysphoria I’ve been having really bad gender dysphoria recently. I am a transmasc who isn’t out to my parents. I have tried almost every hack to help it. I don’t have a binder but I’m saving up for one. My chest is too big, my hair is too long, and I’ll never be a real boy. Also I have a friend who is just being *** about me being trans so that isn’t helping. I just don’t know what to do. I feel like sh!t basically 24/7.
what to do as a tiny trans male? (FTM)
by TheArtistSystem
Last post
May 22nd
...See more TW: wight and body talking!!( @Sompo2402 ) So I am a transgender boy (FTM) and I'm quite small for a 16 y/o. I'm 5'5 and 93.4 lbs (as of last night 5/13/24) and I am VERY pattie I'm small for a human- barely any muscle on me... but being small and looking feminine as heck yes I am a femboy but I mainly wear masc clothes or oversized hoodies and basketball shorts... I do have a small chest size (breast wise) I get anxious when I have to go out in public at times because I do get weird stares sometimes..  yes, I do have pink hair No, I do not bind yet  Yes, my parents accept me  Yes, I am safe and I know how to defend myself if I need to! No, nobody has tried anything (yet)
Idk what to do
by courteousOcean9942
Last post
May 20th
...See more This is embarrassing for me to write but it’s eating me away. I’m comfortable with my gender identity but not with my expression. Sometimes I want to transition or something but I’m too scared to. I’m scared that I’m wrong and I’m scared of telling anyone. I know people would accept me but it’s such an uncomfortable and embarrassing topic. I know exactly what I want but I’m just so scared I’m wrong. I like being the way I am some days but not so much on others, part of my identity I guess. I just don’t know what to do. I can’t ever be honest because I don’t know if I really am or if it’s all in my head.
Struggling with my identity, am I trans? I don't know and it worries me.
by SneeblerGurl
Last post
May 16th
...See more I'm really struggling with my identity, like whether I am or aren't trans, it's really hard to figure out who on earth I am. I’ve always grown up as straight male. But there have been times, especially recently, where I would give anything to be a girl, like anything. But in my mind I’m not LGBT or anything and the idea of actually telling people about it and transitioning embarrasses me. Part of me thinks "Your not trans it's just a phase" but the other part of me knows that isn't true, like I have two different versions of me warring in my head. The almost right wing version that got views from the people I grew up around and then actual me, or at least who I think I am, who has the complete opposite views. Like I myself am conflicting with the version of me that others SEE be but not who I actually am. You'd think if I was really trans I should just know? Right? I mean I should know who I am, at least I think so. Why is it such a struggle, I definitely don't wanna talk to my parents about it at all and I don't really have any friends I can talk to either.


Please note: bolded grey text is hyperlinked.

Welcome to LGBTQ+/MOGII Support! We are so pleased that you have found our little rainbow here in the 7 cups forums. Our community is here to support you as an LGBTQ+/MOGII person, family member, friend and/or ally. Whether you are curious and questioning, or out and proud, and all the stages in between, this is a place where you can find support in being who you are and coping with the challenges that come with it. We strive to keep this a safe space for all. Here you can discuss anything and everything related to the LGBTQ+/MOGII community and being LGBTQ+/MOGII.

What are the different forum topics for LGBTQ+/MOGII Support?

Asexual Umbrella Support: Got a question or want to share more about asexuality? Explore more here!

Checking in and breaking the ice: A place for you to introduce yourself, take part in our community check-ins and get to know other community members by participating in fun games!

Community & Culture: Want to know more about the LGBTQ+/MOGII community and cultural contributions? This is the place to learn more!

Discussions and Resources: Want to participate in meaningful discussions and access additional resources? Join in here!

Gay Support: Got a question or want to share more about being gay? Uncover more here!

Gender Identity Support: Questioning your gender identity? Want to share your experiences? Discuss it here!

Intersex Support: Got a question or want to share more about being intersex? Learn more here!

LGBTQ+ General SupportStruggling with other issues as an LGBTQ+/MOGII person? Working to cope with issues impacting the wider LGBTQ+/MOGII community? Find more support here! 

Lesbian Support: Got a question or want to share more about being a lesbian? Share your experiences here!

Multisexual Umbrella Support: Got a question or want to share more about multisexuality? Discuss more here!

Questioning & Coming Out: Are you questioning? Thinking about coming out? Maybe you already have? Share your struggles and stories here!

How can I heIp?

You can help us by simply responding to threads and sharing your story (if you're comfortable to). Alternatively, you may wish to join us as a Forum Leader. Check out this thread for more information. Even just participating in events, check-ins and group chats can be a great way to help build and support the community!

Helpful Threads

Taglist: Do you want to stay up to date with our community? Then join our taglist to be notified every time a new discussion or update is posted!


Are there any sub-community specific guidelines that we need to adhere to? All sub-community specific guidelines can be found below and should be followed in addition to the general forum guidelines.

HelpI still have a question!

You can ask your questions in this thread and someone will respond to you as soon as possible.
Community Guidelines

1) Be kind & open minded at all times!

2) Do not impose any beliefs onto another in any harmful way!

3) Please don't express judgments or attack anyone within the community!

4) Please respect each other's gender, pronouns, sexual orientation, identities in general!


Community Leaders
Group Support Mentor / Teen Star
Room Supporter
Community Resources

1. Abuse, Violence, Discrimination & Safety

(Abuse guides and resources, violence prevention and staying safe, normativity, discrimination, privilege)

2. Allies, Families & Friends

(Resources for allies, caregivers, families, organisations, communities, schools...)

3. Asexual & Aromantic Spectrum

(Resources, guides and websites, finding your identity, gray-asexuality and demisexuality)

4. Coming Out

(Resources for you before, while and after coming out)

5. Emergency & Crisis Resources

(Helplines, hotlines, emergency numbers, crisis information)

6. Gender Expression

(Understanding gender expression, feminising, masculising & binding, names and pronouns)

7. Gender Identity

(Understanding and finding gender and gender identity, gender terminology and glossaries)

8. Health, Dysphoria & Transitioning

(Gender Dysphoria help, transitioning resources, LGBTQ+ health information)

9. Religion

(LGBTQ+ supportive religious resources by denomination)

10. Sex Diversity & Intersex

(Understanding sex diversity and intersex, resoruces)

11. Sexual & Romantic Orientations

(Understanding attraction and orientation, finding and accepting your identity, gay, lesbian, bi, pan resources)

12. Workplace & Education

(Being LGBTQ+, coming out at and seeking work, university or school)

13. Trans Resources

(Resourses for the Trans community)

Full LGBTQIA+ Resource Spreadsheet