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Help I think I’m gay

navyPenguin8610 December 23rd, 2022

Had sex with a trans women yesterday . I’ve never been attracted to men but trans women are really attractive to me even over average women. *** excites me more than *** 27 and you’d think I’d figure it out by now but I’m really struggling to accept it. being Reassured is all I want I work in a tough trade. Just want to love and be loved so I follow my heart or do what everyone else expects from me.

(edited to remove mention of su - EmotionsListener 23 Dec 2022)

EmotionsListener December 23rd, 2022


Hello, I understand you are having a bit of questioning about yourself, though typically transwomen are considered woman so experiencing attraction to them would still be attraction to women. However it does sound like you may find yourself attracted to masculine traits so may indeed feel attraction toward men. When questioning it can lead to a lot of hurt feelings on all sides, so it's important to be cautious with respecting other's identities even while we find our own.

That said, if you were to identify as gay, what would that mean for you? How would things change for you?