Weekly Prompt #2: What one advice would you give to your younger self?
Hi everyone, I hope you are all well.
Last time we discussed What challenges have you or others faced as an LGBTQ+/MOGII Person? If you haven't shared your thoughts, share here.
In today's prompt, I want us to take a step back when you were struggling to come out. I am sure even if you had some people there with you to comfort and support you, there were things that were going in your thoughts and you were stressed out.
So, if You (Today's you) can give advice to your younger self (stressed you), what that would be?
Share your thoughts with us.
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My words to my younger self would be simply this:
While you do not want to be hated for loving, do not let that hate cost you the beauty of love. There will always be those who hate us without just cause, but we can choose to focus on the love, let ourselves feel it, experience it and remain wrapped within that love instead. It may not be an easy road, but love is worth the journey.
@EmotionsListener That is resonating one, emo. focusing on surrounding yourself with love despite hate or judgement from others is so important for peace and happiness. The journey may not always be easy when navigating difficulties, but embracing love and choosing to remain wrapped in its warmth can make the hardships more bearable.
I find while we can't always choose who will accept us, or who will hate us, or how they will express those things, we can make choices about what we give our energy and focus to. It is tempting to focus on the hurt, but it is often a hurt we can do nothing to change. I find focusing on it leaves us feeling hopeless and helpless. So I don't deny it exists, but I also give my energy to things that will build me up and make me stronger instead of tearing me down.
Similarly when I encounter someone with a closed mind or hateful attitude, I won't argue with someone who has locked their mind shut and is unwilling to see any other side, that's a lot of energy to get no where and only leaves me drained. So here too I give my energy and hope to smaller change with minds that aren't locked tight, not with anger and pushing my thoughts, but with openness and sharing who I am.
You can take back a lot of your personal power when you choose what you give your energy and focus to,
Some people are going to respond better than you think, and others worse. Give them the chance to show you who they are, then believe their behavior. Make choices about who stays in your life based on who they prove themselves to be!
OH this would be a super hard one.
I guess the biggest thing would be to guard your heart, keep your mouth shut MORE, While you might be curious ... DON'T DO IT
@Barltik2065 good one Barltik, While we can't change the past, we can use it to shape a wiser present and future.
How true!
It might feel like you're in the spotlight for a moment and everyone is judging but some are not phased at all and want to get to know you better. Those are your people.
The ones who mind don't matter and the ones who matter won't mind.
Always seek out resources and know where to go for support
Focus on your strengths to rise above
What is Mog-
Hello, MOGII is the acronym "Marginalized Orientations, Gender Identities and Intersex" it's another term for LGBTQ+ that some find more inclusive.
Hope that helps!
Come out to everyone as bi and explore more...you don't have to conform to comp het....I was a teen in the 90s no one came out in my high school at that point
High school for me would have been a sure way to get beaten, picked on more, by hundreds of people.
There would be no hiding.
Two things I could say to my younger self. One: save your money as much as you can and get out on your own and away from your blood relatives as soon as possible.
Two: don't let your self hatred stop you from knowing your true self. Because then you might actually learn to love yourself.
That's what I'd say to me I guess.
So, if You (Today's you) can give advice to your younger self (stressed you), what that would be?
Build resilience. Build your support system. Because the road will probably be hard, depending where you live, what the 'political' atmosphere is at the time. And remember:
"You are STRONG, You are Brave, You are CAPABLE, You are WORTHY, You are BEAUTIFUL, You are AMAZING, You are LOVED"
So, if You (Today's you) can give advice to your younger self (stressed you), what that would be?
Dear self: "Find your 'tribe', for initial, ongoing, & open, lasting support. There will be ongoing challenges for just being yourself, that really have nothing to do with you, but the 'fear' from within those who, for whatever reason, who 'choose' not to understand. That is not your responsibility. Your responsibility is to be yourself. Be careful, as others will/have put into law, restrictions/bans from being yourself. Find and lean on your strong, solid allies.
@GreenCircleGaia I am sorry to hear you are going through a tough time right now. It is natural to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Your reflection is insightful. I agree that having a supportive community can make a world of difference.
Not a tough time. Just reality.