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Stepping Under the Asexual Umbrella for Ace Week

EmotionsListener October 28th, 2022

This week we’ve been celebrating Ace Week, trying to raise awareness and educate people about the experiences of people under the “asexual umbrella” including, but certainly not limited to, those who identify as asexual, aromanic, demisexual, and grey-asexual.

_1666974818.Ace Flag.jpg

[Image depicts the asexual flag]

So first some basic definitions:

  • Asexual - a person who does not experience sexual attraction.

  • Aromantic - a person who doesn’t experience romantic attraction.

  • Demisexual - a person who can only experience sexual attraction after an emotional bond is formed.

  • Grey-asexual/Grey-a/Greysexual - a person who identifies in the area between asexuality and sexuality, which may include only experiencing attraction very rarely, in specific circumstances or at such a low intensity it’s almost non-existent.

  • Attraction is a force that draws people together. Some types of attraction can include aesthetic, romantic, sensual, and sexual.

  • Aesthetic attraction - attraction based on appearance that is not romantic or sexual.

  • Romantic attraction - having strong romantic feelings for or wanting to be romantically involved with someone.

  • Sensual attraction - desire to have non-sexual physical contact with someone else, which can include cuddling, hugging, and kissing that doesn’t lead to sex.

  • Sexual attraction - desire to have sexual contact or share sexuality with someone else.

_1666974889.Ace Umbrella Cards.png

[Image consists of a set of ace of hearts cards depicting artistic interpretations of the asexual, aromantic, demisexual and greysexual flags.]

While there can be many myths and misunderstandings about asexuality, here are some basic facts:

Asexuality isn’t broken, it’s not a disorder or an imbalance of hormones, and does not need to be cured, though some ace people may have physical or mental conditions.

Asexuality doesn’t prevent people from experiencing aesthetic, romantic or sensual attraction, though some ace people won’t experience those either.

Asexuality doesn’t mean a person won’t have romantic relationships and/or engage in sexual activity.

Asexuality is not the same as celibacy or abstinence, though some ace people may be celibate or abstinent.

Asexuality is not a fear of sex, though there may be ace people who experience fear or have an aversion to sex and relationships.

And a bonus:

Demisexuality isn’t the same as a person simply choosing to abstain from sexual activity until an emotional bond is established, it’s about attraction not action.


  1. Can you think of any other misconceptions about asexuality that need to be addressed? If you are asexual, what is one thing you wish more people understood?

  1. Asexuality is often stigmatized and looked over as an identity, making people who are asexual feel marginalized by both mainstream culture and the LGBT+ community, what can we do to be more inclusive and understanding?

  1. As we wrap up Ace week, do you have a message you wish you could send to all people who identify under the asexual umbrella?


[Image depicts the asexual flag and pride flag]

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@bread4 @brendenjensen @brendenjnsn @BrooklynM @BubbleTea15 @BumbleBee1523 @CallmeKir @calmPine4337 @celestialnova @centremid @chaoticneutraldreamer @Charcoaldust @Charlielloyd11 @Charmingplum4444 @charpercharlie @CherryBlossom7717 @chronosrose @CindyIsNotOkay @Civciv1453 @CivilJay @Clouldystarz @Cloverrz @cocoafp191 @colorfulHeart78 @comfortingAngel @compassion4you14 @compassionateCreature2268 @compassionateThinker6493 @confidentialuser3322 @Confusedpear237 @considerateHeart21 @CoolRainboom @creativeLand811 @creativePenguin5165 @crimsonVillage5753 @Crismerlyn @cUsTaRdGiRl @cyanOrange9429 @dagaz13th @Daisymayes @DanceDanceMCRFOB @dapperThunderstorm17 @Davide @Dazzaboi @Deathdream13 @DebbieSapiosexual @DecayingPuppet @decisiveScarf8956 @Deerpark49 @delightfulBeauty9501 @DevinJG @Dinosaur @DinoSour @Dogbone17 @dreus1974 @DrowningWords @DylanletterR @dynamicSea7676 @easywest5007 @ElixirLove887 @ella2si @Elliot8Waugh @ElliotAnxiety27 @elxirr @EmiLou05 @EmmyKawaii @EnbyFreind @ErosLovely @ethanrsmith @FaboulousUnicornPotateo @fairmindedLychee7474 @fairmindedMap8489 @FantasyChapters @Fardec46 @Feirylesbian @FentonDnD @FeureVox @figFog @Flowerinthewind @FluffyHamster666 @forcefulStrawberries7963 @ForestFern12 @FranklyMaple @Frankpenny3679 @Gagaintheroom @galactictroubles @galacticwolfspirit @GayLisaSimpson @GeriatricWeasels @GlitteringNights @Gloomybubble @goldenbeach22 @GoldenDog9992 @Gr33nIvy @Grace8402 @Gracie815 @greatfulRainfall46 @GwennyGwenya @h9y43n @HadesAzander @HalliB23 @Harper5555555555 @HawkM @hazelhorizons @heavenshadow @helloLime5675 @helpfulSummer9270 @Heybecca96 @heyitsalli @HeyItsMish @hippylonglegs @HisokaChan @honest13 @Hyacinth22 @HydroTobo @i @IcarusFlew @Icean @Idk @Idk1405 @imaginativeSouth302 @Imkindawierd @ImpartialBirch1435 @impartialOwl3393 @imrose123 @IndecisiveClementine186 @InfinityPhoenix2001 @inolasnasadnarim @Insertnamehere45 @IntergalacticRaven @intuitivePond9315 @inventiveWalker6918 @iraismyname @ItsJustLauren @ItsReganingRain @ItzLeo @ivoryCircle1219 @IvyL @Ivywater @jammiedodgerrr @Jane27 @jayden173 @JaytheNinja @jazzyrainbow15 @Jisola @jKempy @jkwon @johnny77 @Josefina93 @jprouv @Julianna2 @justanotherpersonbehindascreen2 @Justmeforyou @KalleeSmith @Kashew11 @kasperkat @KateDoskocilova @Kay63 @KeiSocolov @KimByeongIn @kinchaxel @kindowl400 @KingdomKey1314 @KinkyTheSilentWitch @Kira09 @Kirahhhh @Kiraiki @Kittycatra13 @koopwei @Kou @Kpopcat2020 @Krish29 @kwheelz @LadyDair @laicrose @Lakomb @LanaSwift89 @Lasagna1 @lavenderTree2843 @Lazmaxwell @lazyfudge @Lazypotato786 @lemongrasstea07 @LeoSun4 @LeoTheLittleLoinCub @libra68 @lightMoon8193 @Lmarie1217 @LocaBella @Lol883 @lovewillspread @loyalBirch3538 @loyalThinker4958 @Luluintheroom @Luminescentknight @Luna7298 @lunareyes37 @LunaWolf222 @Lupinpollo @Luriner @lxveyoongi @Lynse6713 @lyricalAngel70 @MAB23 @Mae @MakisLp @mari123sg @MasterMoose93 @MedicatedSappho @MedicinalMelody @meltheowl @MiaT465 @Michael2027 @migelato30 @miraculousheart9815 @MisterPrincess316 @MomoDeMomo @Moodyson @Mooingcow1234 @mortalixty @MrJacob @MSFrost @musicgeek14 @MysterySpirit @NaeNae1517 @Naila2 @NamelessVamp @Nathalie00912 @navySea134 @Necas209 @NeonBlueButterfly @neonFarm9776 @neonxlilac @Nermie @NicoAce @nikkinik @nikolaiShadow @nonbinarycactus22 @NotFrostButAPoet @Notfrostbutpoet @NotKhan @Onedirection23 @optimisticAJ13 @osbella @ouwillbefound @owo123 @oyster7potato @PaganWarrior @Parvlakin @passionateApple7952 @PeaceLoveandPaws @peasantisactuallygod1617 @pepper2018 @persistentCircle1437 @Person12269 @Phillyriver @PhoenixAsh @PhoenixPatronus @Pinnae @pipandlivmania @pluckySouth5223 @PointlessExistence4982 @practicalIdeal2007 @Prettydays124 @PuffPride7 @Pumpkinpi @Purplebike7965 @Purpleflowerbud @purplesnail @quinton107 @Rainbovv @Rainbows3112 @RainyWithAWhy @Randall72 @Randie @raymaniii @rbfkun @rd1212 @RedApples667 @reliablePond8050 @renstilice @reservedPark5193 @resourcefulPond1641 @RJTransman @robyn420 @Roisin0 @Rosary @RoseTeaRabbit @royalRainbow1408 @rquote @Rubylistens22 @RustyNails @RyleighBr1anne @Ryth @Sadlonely90 @samantha5wales @Sanskruti29 @sapphicchloe @Saskianite @SassyVagrant @ScreenName34 @selfdisciplinedKitten6648 @SereneBreeze123 @shadow8817 @shadowling13 @Shaeeeee @Shorday15 @Skyash @SkylarListens @SlipperySlope0 @slytherinluvbot @Smolbean23 @Snapesnapeseverussnape @Sociablesky577 @sofiai9 @softRainbow9008 @Soleena @solidago @solsearchin @Sombrius @Someonelost@Someonlost @SomnolentLaelis @SparkyGizmo @spectacularEnergy60 @spiritwolf75 @spooderfaxy1987 @Stardew3 @stardust42 @stargazer45116 @Sthesia @stingray777 @StrawberryLemonade06 @stuckintime92 @Summerlove18976 @sunflower026 @sunflowerrs @SunnySideTrinket @sweetmango91 @sweetMelody95 @taescheek @TaylorAlise @taylorhugs12 @taylorjensen @Taylzasoldastime @Tealperson @The0Vetoed0System @TheAutumnWitch @theindigojournal @TheoRae8289 @TheQueerCollective @thoughtfulApple1359 @tidyHickory3283 @tigerlily249 @tinycactus809 @tranquilForever68 @TroubledWithLife @Trying15 @TryingTBH2021 @turquoiseHemlock900 @turquoiseLand8120 @turtle5678 @uzumaki6 @venusnity @veronikamalik @versatileLake2802 @vgranieri @vibiebb @vikingwolf802 @viktorija120 @wamayay07 @wannatalkaboutit @warmheartedCity8277 @werenotgonnatakeit @WhoIAM2you @willpowered17 @WonderfulHart1330 @wonderfulMango5023 @worldwidejinn @Xaixu @xDarkNigxtmare0981x @xinyii11 @XwonderlandgirlX @xxharleyxx @Yavmarcus @YellowCanary11 @yellowdragon028 @YinYinChan @yourbuddy30 @yournewfriend13 @zenona5 @ZhaviaMachete

Heather225 October 24th, 2023

asexuality is a broad spectrum and should be celebrated as widely and passionately as any other identity. I wish everyone a wonderful week of visibility and solidarity 💜