LGBTQ+/MOGII Pride Month 2022 Events: Masterpost
hi everyone!
happy pride month<3
hope you all get to enjoy this month!! here is a list of this month's events:)
the lgbtq+ room will be open 24/7 for the month of June! Join in and say hi whenever you can!
Group support events:
Week one (06/06-12/06): lgbtq+ general knowledge and pride history
Week two (13/06-19/06): gender identity and transgender issues
Week three (20/06-26/06): sexuality awareness
Week four (27/06-30-06): coming out and stereotypes
Forum events (links to the posts will be added as they are posted and you can get updates by joining the LGBTQ+ tag list!)
Week one (06/06-12/06): lgbtq+ general knowledge and pride history
pride month: how it all started
which LGBTQ+ flag is your favorite and why?
if you are queer or an ally here are a few things to remember
what does questioning feel like to you?
a discussion on LGBTQ+ activists!
Week two (13/06-19/06): gender identity and transgender issues and awareness events
Gender identity, biological sex, and gender expression, what is the difference?
A discussion on dysphoria, how do you cope??
Tell me about your preferred name and pronouns!
I’m transgender! Ask me anything
Week three (20/06-26/06): sexuality awareness
(asexuality, homosexuality, bi, pan, poly, and so on)
sexuality awareness, what you need to know to understand different sexualities better
how do you identify??
what I wish my family understood/ my household was like...
there is no one way to “look” gay/ bi/ ace/etc
Week four (27/06-30-06): coming out and stereotypes
(school and workplace behaviors and ally support acts)
Please be aware that this thread is going to be updated throughout the month, in case of any collaboration, etc.
To be informed about dates/times of discussions, please subscribe to this thread.
tagging the subcommunity list (to be added/removed, click here!)
@0OOXOO0z @0verth1nker8 @2019DOGS @22butterflies @3m1lywh3at0n @4Butterflies2Dragonflies @A2021203 @abpio @ace2929 @acesarrow @adorableSky52 @affectionateHuman529 @agreeableEyesz @AHMED1998 @Aimee198 @AlexWilson @Alexx26 @AlexXxBlake @Alienoid @ambitiousNorth1459 @AMusicalSilence @amusingCoconut @amusingCoconut5687 @AnastasiaSmith @anewdaydawning @angelbunnybby @anis2222 @anna5485 @anonym0815 @anshumanverma @Antthony101 @archerzvy @Arihaanth @Arnav012568 @Arsonbaby @Arthilio27 @Asheristired @athf4ever @Aubrey2018 @AveryLove @awalkintheforest @axolotladler @AzureWinter @badoinkitydoop @BaileeIsDaBomb @BaileyRomme @Banjothebudgie @Batman64546 @Bendall6456 @Biamcc27 @bigirl06 @Blake790 @blissfulForest7074 @blithesoul64 @Bloog @blueAcai8991 @blueBeing7491 @blueCamp8059 @bluehouse2020 @Bob1144 @bobby15 @BookyCapri @boomboom1bakubro @bpanon0510 @bpate00 @bread4 @brendenjensen @brendenjnsn @BrooklynM @BubbleTea15 @BumbleBee1523 @CallmeKir @celestialnova @centremid @chaoticneutraldreamer @Charcoaldust @Charlielloyd11 @Charmingplum4444 @charpercharlie @CherryBlossom7717 @chronosrose @CindyIsNotOkay @Civciv1453 @CivilJay @Clouldystarz @Cloverrz @cocoafp191 @colorfulHeart78 @comfortingAngel @compassion4you14 @compassionateThinker6493 @confidentialuser3322 @Confusedpear237 @considerateHeart21 @CoolRainboom @creativeLand811 @creativePenguin5165 @crimsonVillage5753 @Crismerlyn @cUsTaRdGiRl @cyanOrange9429 @dagaz13th @Daisymayes @DanceDanceMCRFOB @dapperThunderstorm17 @Davide @Dazzaboi @Deathdream13 @DebbieSapiosexual @DecayingPuppet @decisiveScarf8956 @Deerpark49 @DevinJG @Dinosaur @DinoSour @Dogbone17 @dreus1974 @DrowningWords @DylanletterR @dynamicSea7676 @easywest5007 @ElixirLove887 @ella2si @Elliot8Waugh @ElliotAnxiety27 @elxirr @EmiLou05 @EmmyKawaii @EnbyFreind @ethanrsmith @FaboulousUnicornPotateo @fairmindedLychee7474 @fairmindedMap8489 @FantasyChapters @Fardec46 @Feirylesbian @FentonDnD @Flowerinthewind @FluffyHamster666 @forcefulStrawberries7963 @ForestFern12 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@Kay63 @KeiSocolov @kinchaxel @kindowl400 @KingdomKey1314 @KinkyTheSilentWitch @Kira09 @Kirahhhh @Kiraiki @Kittycatra13 @koopwei @Kou @Krish29 @kwheelz @LadyDair @laicrose @Lakomb @LanaSwift89 @Lasagna1 @lavenderTree2843 @Lazmaxwell @Lazypotato786 @lemongrasstea07 @LeoSun4 @LeoTheLittleLoinCub @libra68 @lightMoon8193 @Lmarie1217 @LocaBella @Lol883 @lovewillspread @loyalBirch3538 @loyalThinker4958 @Luluintheroom @Luna7298 @lunareyes37 @LunaWolf222 @Lupinpollo @Luriner @lyricalAngel70 @MAB23 @Mae @MakisLp @mari123sg @MasterMoose93 @MedicatedSappho @MedicinalMelody @meltheowl @MiaT465 @Michael2027 @migelato30 @miraculousheart9815 @MisterPrincess316 @MomoDeMomo @Moodyson @Mooingcow1234 @mortalixty @MrJacob @MSFrost @musicgeek14 @MysterySpirit @NaeNae1517 @Naila2 @NamelessVamp @Nathalie00912 @navySea134 @Necas209 @NeonBlueButterfly @neonFarm9776 @neonxlilac @Nermie @NicoAce @nikkinik @nikolaiShadow @nonbinarycactus22 @NotFrostButAPoet @Notfrostbutpoet @NotKhan @Onedirection23 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