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Last one to post in this thread wins!!!

AlexFox800 January 24th, 2020

You see the title. Anything goes in the comments, just try to be the last one standing!

intelligentWheel627 August 8th, 2020


WhiteGlowingButterflee August 8th, 2020

Real Steel

HyperSpider99 August 8th, 2020

Hahhaha :))) how are yall

intelligentWheel627 August 8th, 2020

@HyperSpider99 Another day in bed. πŸ˜” How about you?πŸ‘€

intelligentWheel627 August 8th, 2020

*Feels awkward. Still scared to talk to people. Panics. Wears her invisibility cloak and pretends not to exist.*

mytwistedsoul August 8th, 2020

@intelligentWheel627 * sets a poptart close to where Wheel is suspected to be invisible* :)

intelligentWheel627 August 9th, 2020

@mytwistedsoul πŸ˜‚πŸ₯° *The poptart vanishes mysteriously into thin air*

mytwistedsoul August 9th, 2020

@intelligentWheel627 😁 magic!

imaTiredBoi August 9th, 2020

I swear my friend is slowly turning me into a furry

Oofmausernamewastaken August 9th, 2020

Don't know what that means. I have the iq of a kindergartener.

Goldcherry2113 August 10th, 2020

WhiteGlowingButterflee August 10th, 2020


I vote you for president..

AlexFox800 OP August 10th, 2020

I'm craving chocolate cake

WhiteGlowingButterflee August 10th, 2020


I envy your inspiration for creating this thread Fox...

intelligentWheel627 August 10th, 2020


WhiteGlowingButterflee August 10th, 2020


It was so nice when you wrote you will set up tent here...I thought it was good...

intelligentWheel627 August 10th, 2020

@WhiteGlowingButterflee Thanks, I had something like this in mind. :)

WhiteGlowingButterflee August 10th, 2020


I know...

Jenna August 10th, 2020


I don't have any cake, but I do have some chocolate chips

kayeclark88 August 10th, 2020

Posting, posting....

WhiteGlowingButterfleee August 10th, 2020


LunaKisses95 August 11th, 2020

I made triple chocolate cake with ganache

Jenna August 11th, 2020


Wow that sounds delicious!

WhiteGlowingButterfleee August 11th, 2020

Dodge game...

Jenna August 11th, 2020

Hmmmm there's options if you don't enjoy a game on here

WhiteGlowingButterfleee August 11th, 2020


I am open to suggestions if you are keen to.get rid of me from this thread...

WhiteGlowingButterfleee August 11th, 2020


By the way, I have the backbone and the brains not to wear a mask. I hope I do not infect you....

WhiteGlowingButterfleee August 11th, 2020


Next time you want to put me down try something more effective please...

Jenna August 11th, 2020

I don't want to get rid of anyone or put anyone down. I noticed the comment towards the game and just mentioning there are options if you're not liking it. You could start a new game in a newly made thread or not play this game and join another you may find enjoyable. smiley

WhiteGlowingButterfleee August 11th, 2020


Unlike you I started several games and unlike you I loved this game since Fox had the bright inspiration to create it...

And besides, it is hard for me to hear you through that face mask covering your mouthful mouth...

Jenna August 11th, 2020



LunaKisses95 August 11th, 2020

@WhiteGlowingButterfleee I hope you're joking because you're not even talking to me and that sounded really mean

WhiteGlowingButterfleee August 11th, 2020


I never need a mask to cover my mouth...

Oofmausernamewastaken August 11th, 2020

I watched Hamilton for the first time and I have like 5 songs from it stuck in my head.

Jenna August 11th, 2020


Which 5 songs?

Oofmausernamewastaken August 11th, 2020


Schuyler sisters, Alexander Hamilton, my shot, guns and ships, helpless, all of the songs in Hamilton πŸ˜‚. I wasn't that impressed with the movie until all the songs got stuck in my head.

Jenna August 11th, 2020


Haha, well if that many got stuck in your head the music must be good. πŸ˜›

Oofmausernamewastaken August 11th, 2020


That was my conclusion as well πŸ˜‚

LunaKisses95 August 11th, 2020

@Jenna or they could be terrible songs and that's why they're stuck there lol

LunaKisses95 August 12th, 2020

Any other proud Ravenclaws here?