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Last one to post in this thread wins!!!

AlexFox800 January 24th, 2020

You see the title. Anything goes in the comments, just try to be the last one standing!

Oofmausernamewastaken July 26th, 2020

I doubt any of us are gonna win.

July 26th, 2020

pfffttt I'm winning

Oofmausernamewastaken July 26th, 2020

Mhm for like 8 minutes

GuyManuelDHC July 26th, 2020

around the world, around the world

WhiteButterflee July 28th, 2020


Daft Punk Around the world...

In my time I spend nights listening to daft punk and still like them since the music I like I always keep in my soul...

July 26th, 2020

πŸ‘ πŸ‘„ πŸ‘

Oofmausernamewastaken July 26th, 2020

Said little kid chu can't mess with meh if chu wanted to

AlphaPheonix4720 July 27th, 2020

Hu's on first

Oofmausernamewastaken July 27th, 2020


AlphaPheonix4720 July 28th, 2020


blueMusic18 July 28th, 2020


lazyKatz July 28th, 2020

Second star to the right....straight on till the morning

WhiteButterflee July 28th, 2020


"Second star to the right....straight on till the morning"

J.M.Barrie, Peter Pan...

Thank my "Wendy" girl ....πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ‘±πŸ’žπŸ’ž

WhiteButterfflee August 4th, 2020


Who do you think will win mylove?...β€πŸ‘£

July 28th, 2020


mytwistedsoul July 28th, 2020

Sigh? Why sigh? What kind of sigh?

neatJet7839 July 28th, 2020

Sigh .....I'm still winning why you guys actually bothering 🀣🀣🀣

mytwistedsoul July 28th, 2020


July 28th, 2020

I'm winning bruh

mytwistedsoul July 28th, 2020

@Hyacinth22 You only think you are - it's only an illusion

July 28th, 2020

@mytwistedsoul yeah suuure whatever helps you sleeep at niiiiighttttttt

July 28th, 2020

I'm not giving up 😌

mytwistedsoul July 28th, 2020

I need something stronger lol - cause this isn't working

July 28th, 2020

Such an underrated song:

(yes this is random, but I'm still winning 😌)

AlphaPheonix4720 July 28th, 2020

I'm flying past you all like an arrow at a Wendy bird

mytwistedsoul July 28th, 2020

What's a Wendy bird?

WhiteButterflee July 28th, 2020


Urban Dictionary give you a definition of both "Wendy" and "Wendybird"...

WhiteButterflee July 28th, 2020


Which are both very good...

WhiteButterflee July 28th, 2020


Myself I stick with my classic story Wendy...and losing Peter Pan...

mytwistedsoul July 28th, 2020

Ok lol! Guess it's not what's for dinner

WhiteButterflee July 28th, 2020


πŸ‘… stop making me laugh 😁😁😁πŸ₯πŸ¦πŸ€πŸ“πŸ•Š, no, not for dinner at all...😢...making me laugh...

mytwistedsoul July 28th, 2020

Well that kind of bums me out lol. I was picturing some exotic emu or something to hunt with bow and arrows

WhiteButterflee July 28th, 2020


My kind of fun, but not this timeπŸ˜‰πŸ˜Ά...

WhiteButterflee July 28th, 2020


You may want to use a bola weapon and just catch the emu and have humongous eggs for breakfast that you can share with friends and pets...

mytwistedsoul July 28th, 2020

@WhiteButterflee My dogs are weird and won't eat eggs lol! Idk if the cat would or not. That would be a heck of an omelet!

WhiteButterflee July 28th, 2020


You spoiled them to bits Soul πŸ€—πŸ˜Š...I did not know you have a cat too...

Lots of health and more strength to your old woof, i give from me...

WhiteButterflee July 28th, 2020



mytwistedsoul July 28th, 2020

@WhiteButterflee Lol! might have to get more toast

WhiteButterflee July 28th, 2020


I'll show you how to bake dry Sxandinavian bisquits...

July 28th, 2020

Whatever it is, it might be silly

but because its silly, it is funny

and its funny, so it makes us laugh

and if it makes us laugh, it makes us happy

and it makes us happy, so it reduces stress

reduction in stress reduces tension

dropped levels of tensions allow us to work

working allows us to take breaks

taking breaks allows us to post random stuff like this

and then that makes us siily

which allows this thread to go on
