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Last one to post in this thread wins!!!

AlexFox800 January 24th, 2020

You see the title. Anything goes in the comments, just try to be the last one standing!

BrokenButBueatiful June 4th, 2020

@BllackCatLuna Adventurers

Jenna June 4th, 2020

I just had a really long nap

BlackCatLuna June 4th, 2020


Naps are good for the health...doctors say, sleep when sleep comes and that is the best quality sleep...

AlphaPheonix4720 June 5th, 2020

@BlackCatLuna except for the fact that screens now mess up your circadian rhythm.

BlackCatLuna June 5th, 2020


The circadian rythm was messed up throughout human history regardless of is tge chicken or the egg...people who have trouble sleeping use methods to keep themselves occupied during grandmother had no tv or internet and she worked when she could not sleep or go with long walks with me or sleighing during the night or we played board games at kerosene may be best to avoid a general cause...yet indeed screens take away the nature part of our lives...however, peasants slept when the sleep came over them in the fields and that sleep was beneficial...cicadian rhythm it is a myth, because in isolated rooms it proved to not exist anymore...people were isolated in rooms and totally free to do what they wanted and indeed there was no longer this night and day "imposed cycle" and they slept when they felt tired...this "cicafian" cycle is imposed and encouraged by the fact that humans are not free and they have to work in planned schedules so they are not allowed to sleep when they need to...

There are living creatures like cats who have no cycle...they are free and sleep when they want...some say they are night creature but that is not true, they are active during the day much the same, only they are free and they alone decide whento be active or sleep which is beneficial...human lack of freedom and imposed schedules and "routines" led to this misconception that you should be active at day and sleep at night...which is just another thing imposed by society and not being free...

bicuriousi June 4th, 2020


lazyKatz June 4th, 2020


BlackCatLuna June 4th, 2020


maricat30 June 4th, 2020


LunaKisses95 June 4th, 2020

My dog is cute

AlphaPheonix4720 June 5th, 2020

My Dog is cute, and so is my rabbit, and so are my chickens, and so is my tortoise, and so are my budgerigars, and so are my catfish, and so was my hedgehog, and so was my squirrel......

LunaKisses95 June 5th, 2020

All of my dogs are cute, and my puppies, and my budgies, and my lizard, and toad, and turtles, and tortoise, and even the cat.

BlackCatLuna June 5th, 2020


And your butterflees too...

BrokenButBueatiful June 5th, 2020


Greeneyesblueskies June 5th, 2020

Aromantics will rule the world when the romance bomb gets set off by Cupid. Try me.

AlphaPheonix4720 June 5th, 2020

@Greeneyesblueskies nah heteroromantic ace is the best

maricat30 June 5th, 2020


imaTiredBoi June 5th, 2020


AlphaPheonix4720 June 5th, 2020

@imaTiredBoi did you just say hello? (Someone pls say u know labyrinth)

imaTiredBoi June 5th, 2020


yeah just wanted to make it a bit more interesting idk

AlphaPheonix4720 June 5th, 2020

@imaTiredBoi no I was making a reference to the movie labyrinth someone should have replied "No I said 'allo but 'at's close enough"

imaTiredBoi June 5th, 2020


oh ight noted

mytwistedsoul June 5th, 2020

@AlphaPheonix4720 Don't mind me I'm just a worm :)

MariWhale June 5th, 2020

I've got an ace up my sleeve :)

AlphaPheonix4720 June 6th, 2020

@MariWhale I'm asexual do I count as that ace?

MariWhale June 6th, 2020

@AlphaPheonix4720 Update: I have *two* aces up my sleeve! You and me! :D

imaTiredBoi June 5th, 2020

i impulsively bought a paddle board help

MariWhale June 5th, 2020

@imaTiredBoi what a mood. I impulsively bought some throwing knives and have a new hobby XD

lazyKatz June 5th, 2020

I think I'll opt for standing behind you...... I'm thinking that could be a safer option.

Greeneyesblueskies June 5th, 2020

My mom has a cactus and I want to touch it but it's looking prickly

lazyKatz June 5th, 2020

Your instincts could be right.

BlackCatLuna June 6th, 2020


I had a cactus which had my age...when I was 7, it bloomed...

Greeneyesblueskies June 5th, 2020

Ahhh! It's fuzzy, not prickly, like a plant with chill bumps. Cacti aren't supposed to be cold should I wrap it in my blanket?? Help me care for my baby

BlackCatLuna June 6th, 2020


They withstand cold desert temperatures...create beautiful flowers and give edible nice is kind of you to think to warm a cactus...

Greeneyesblueskies June 6th, 2020


Ooh I want cactus flowers

BlackCatLuna June 6th, 2020


Depends what species they are, for some you have to wait years before they give flower...

AlphaPheonix4720 June 6th, 2020

Cacti are cool

MariWhale June 6th, 2020

I hope your days are all going well :)

Smolbean23 June 6th, 2020

Dont you all just hate it when your mom tells you you will be doing somthing for and hour and when your done 6 hours have gone by?

Greeneyesblueskies June 6th, 2020


Really tho!