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User Profile: CheeryMango
CheeryMango April 17th, 2022

What is something you hate doing? Why?

User Profile: Lou73
Lou73 April 18th, 2022


Getting up in the morning because bed is so comfy :')

User Profile: Daf8
Daf8 April 18th, 2022

❤️ Thank you for this post! I hate losing time. Sometimes I check the clock and I wonder how did the whole day poof. ❤️

User Profile: ConsiderateSnail67
ConsiderateSnail67 April 18th, 2022

Talking to people I don't already know well, because it makes me very scared.

User Profile: RhayneClouds
RhayneClouds April 18th, 2022


i hate drinking water. I dont like water://

User Profile: SilverSeastar
SilverSeastar April 19th, 2022


Being a meeting note-taker. 😫 That was my job in a few organisational committees and it was absolutely tedious. My hands really hurt too at some point. Unfortunately live transcription features exist, but they're really bad for Indonesian.

User Profile: GivenLemon
GivenLemon April 19th, 2022


having to get up im tired and need more sleeeeep lol

User Profile: audienta
audienta April 19th, 2022


I hate to say no to people if they ask me if we can do something together.

User Profile: AspieListeningSocialite27
AspieListeningSocialite27 April 19th, 2022

Washing up. I don't think I need to say why as you probably already know.

User Profile: TheResilientDancer
TheResilientDancer April 19th, 2022

Exams because they are very stressful and cause me a lot of anxiety.

User Profile: EmmaE
EmmaE April 20th, 2022


waking up early! i love my sleep :p