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Graduate with honors!

FrenchToast April 17th, 2021

Hello fellow LDP trainees heart In this journey of becoming a leader, we hope to make it a little more better by introducing honor roles! These roles would mean that you can now graduate with honors. Like we know, with great power comes great responsibility. So please only carefully apply for these roles as they do involve serious committment to the community and the wellbeing of it.

Anyone who comes into the LDP with a leadership role is strongly recommended to look through and apply to become a mentor!

So what tracks comes under honor roles?

- Chatroom Mentor

- Quality Mentor

- Teen Chatroom Mentor

- Teen Quality Mentor

- Community/Forum Mentor

- Support Team Leader

- Academy Mentor

- SPOT Team Member

If you are interested in any of these roles, please reach out to your LDP mentor or any LDP mentor to know more.

If you already have these roles, no need to do anything! You will automatically be considered for honors and your certificate will reflect the same.

If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to PM LDP mentor!

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 17th, 2021


Woohoo ! Great news ! ❤

AdylynS April 17th, 2021


Is graduating from LDP something that you have to do to get the roles above?

FrenchToast OP April 17th, 2021

@AdylynS No. These are for those that want to graduate LDP with honors. Feel free to apply to these roles outside of LDP after looking at the requirements for each.

DanCat1128 January 11th

Would my mentor for the internship count as honors? Or should I aim for another goal?