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Understanding 7 Cups Culture (LDP Discussion #5)

GlenM July 28th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity. Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Hello Leadership Crew!

We are wrapping up the first course today with our last discussion on culture. Look for more instructions in this post to take the final evaluation for the course to your graduation. Once you have this course complete, you will be 20% done the Leadership Development Program. Good work!

Let's start by looking at the wikipedia definition of culture:

--Culture (/ÃkÃltÃÃr/) is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behavior and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these groups.[1]

We take culture seriously on 7 Cups because it is the heart of how we operate. A wise person once said: You teach what you know, but you reproduce who you are. We can have all of the best training content we want, but if our culture is not strong, then we will not be successful in growing a thriving, compassionate, community that will make a global impact.

Every organization has a culture whether by design or by default. When culture (including values and mission are not called out or made explicit, the organization defaults to an implicit or unstated culture. The unnamed culture is not always great for the end users or the community. An example of a common and implicit cultural rule or norm is that the person that makes the most money or the organization is the most important. People that work in this organization then, naturally, because it is the culture, start organizing themselves around ways to make more and more money. The ones at the top of the hierarchy are the ones that make the most money. 7 Cups cares less about money and more about compassion. We call out compassion and celebrate compassionate people because that is central to the work we do.

Please read our guide here to deeply understand our culture. We have made it explicit because we believe it is important to help us all be accountable to what we stand for and believe in. As leaders on 7 Cups, you will be models that emulate our culture and values.

One theme you'll notice in our guide is that it is very proactive, which is the opposite of reactive. We act first, we design first, we implement first in order to make an impact. Companies that react allow events to shape them; we instead try to focus on where we can have influence and shape events before they shape our community.

Part of being proactive is critical because building culture online is more challenging than building a culture offline. Offline interpersonal and group relationships are easier in a number of ways. People are generally much better behaved when they are right in front of you and it is easier for people to sync up and work towards a common goal. Online cultures have less of these natural strengths so you have to be extra proactive to build a strong culture. Look at most communities on the Internet. Unfortunately, they tend to devolve and become less than safe places with a lot of hate, sexual, and harmful behaviors. Our training system, the badges, word filters, moderators, etc. (dozens of behaviors we do) are all designed to proactively build and reinforce our culture so that we do not experience this same kind of entropy. Internet culture can be like an escalator going down. You have to be very proactive and take 2 or 3 steps up at a time to maintain and strengthen gains. As a leader on 7 Cups, you will be part of that group that gets behind us and enables us to continue making forward momentum.

That provides the broader background context to why we care so much about our culture and values at 7 Cups. They are core to our work.

To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

After posting, please...

1. Take the course exam here to complete course 1.
2. Take the leadership oath here
3. Fill out the End of Trial form to complete your trial!
4. Proceed to Course 2!

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

unique73 June 28th, 2021

@Andyallen Amazing, how you put your points there.
Thank you for sharing! Nice to meet you ❤ Goodluck!

milkoreos July 5th, 2021


unique73 June 28th, 2021


Please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

Your work matters: I believe this is something that keeps us going, knowing that what we do here as listeners, as volunteers and as leaders, our every effort, every work counts and it matters a lot more than we know. As listeners, the most important thing we do is we "listen", in a world where lots of people just need someone who can listen and they can share anything freely without the fear of being judged or misunderstood. Being a listener here is one of the things I am proud of and knowing that the work we all do here can save lives, can bring hope to lots of people's lives, can spread positivity and smiles, is something very important and something to be proud of.

High Expectations & High Warmth: I love how the guide explains that having high expectations and high warmth can help the community deliver quality work supported through learning. Creating a belief that we're capable of lots of things and also providing a warm and supportive environment helps us become successful and so helpful in individual's personal and professional growth.

Failure is not something to be scared of but something we can learn from: It is okay to fail, it gives us an opportunity to learn from our mistakes and eventually help us grow. To learn to accept failure and stay focused on improving our mistakes and trying hard is an essential part of learning. As the guide says, the key is to stay focused and keep trying.

Cazzy8752 June 28th, 2021

Hi, the three things that most important to me are: 1) Being invested in and from reading this its genuinly and full heartedly being invested in. I've NEVER had this before so this alone excites me. 2) Being an Expert, Yes we all want to be an expert at something. Or like myself to know I've always had it in me but never had the vehicle to drive it. I've always wanted to have a role in helping others with mental health. I thank you for this opportunity and giving me the keys to this vehicle. Promise to drive carefully lol 3) Self-Efficancy & Mastery. Wow okay!!! So as an example you have given me the keys to vehicle thats from the scrap heap (thanks lol) I wish to transform it into a Ferrari or Lamborghini. It will take me quite some time to build this vehicle, it will require a lot of self-efficacy and learning to create my mastery. The outside will be the easiest BUT the inside the engine ( heart) will take time to ensure the engine runs smoothly and can handle all weather's & storms ( obstacles) it will face. Many times it may need a re-tweaking here or there but all the time we are re-crafting our Mastery and building our vehicles stronger.

wonderfulRainbow817 June 30th, 2021


"We expect failure" - This was big for me because I am a perfectionist. When I fail at something I always worry if I will get in trouble or something. In reality it has to be expected that as listeners we won't be perfect. If there is a situation about a breakup and they need only a place to vent and you start talking this may upset them. You just never know until you start talking with the member how the chat is going to go, and that it is ok to fail.
"Equality" is something I always speak about. Every human being has a right, in my opinion, to the same treatment as anyone else. It shouldn't matter the race, ethnicity, religion, or gender what someone is to be treated nice and fair. As listeners we have that role when we are engaging with anyone, but especially our members. Members are reaching out for help and it is our job to make them feel like they are heard and understood
"Your Work Matters" - When I first became a listener I was unsure of how much of an impact I'd be able to make. After a while though I understood that even if I helped one person then that was enough. Our roles really do matter because we are there for those who are having a rough day and some who are having the worst day of their life.

July 1st, 2021

1. Strength-Based : I cannot agree with it more, it is important to do things which we are good at as it is more effective than doing things which we are not good at.
2. Try Hard : Practise makes you better. Trying hard is a tiring activity but at the end of the day you feel good as you have been productive all day.
3. We accept failure : No one is perfect and everybody makes mistake. The point is to accept the failure and try not to repeat the mistake.

milkoreos July 5th, 2021

@Hope2103 i like the third one, it's strangely comfortaing isn't it? that it's okay to fail because it means we'll learn :D

July 5th, 2021

It is indeed oreo!😊💙

milkoreos July 5th, 2021

@GlenM and again, good afternoon

1. trust: it's important to trust one another so that we can grow and support 7 cups' mission. this is special to me because i've always believed in trust making any bond stronger.

2. high expectations and high warmth is important to grow a community. this is important to me because i'm aware that there is no way to grow towards a goal if we're not evaluating how we're doing and setting expectations.

3. trying hard is important because overcoming challenges is what teaches you things

July 5th, 2021

Trust does make any bond stronger☺️💙

explore1000 July 14th, 2021
We Expect Failure: its nearly impossible to be perfect on the first go. Hence, I need to fail, learn, fail, learn, fail, learn, then suceed. Although its a lengthy process, its ok!

Take Care Of Yourself: I do a lot of activities in work and at home. I need respect myself for how hard i've been working by sleeping well, eating well, and living the best I possibly can.

Not Everyone Will Be A Good Fit: Although I can try my hardest in this program, it may not be for me. But that's okay! there are plently of other programs wich i can benifit and give back to. It's important that I relfect and learn from the expirence.
Harquinn909 July 16th, 2021

The top 3 things I learned from the guide are:

We have High Expectations & High Warmth. This is very important because it means we are constantly growing and improving while still being kind and supportive.

Being mean to others is being mean to yourself and it's draining to your mental state. It was interesting to have this pointed out to me because I've been feeling this with the state of the world lately. The negativity is wearing and I've had to take myself away from it to start feeling better

We are all here for each other and therefore in this together. There are people available to support everyone whether it's a member issue or a listener issue or a home issue. I think that's pretty great.

sereneButton43 July 18th, 2021

Three most important things I learned from the guide and why they are important to me:
1. High Expectations & High Warmth: I feel that having high expectations is always crucial for the growth and good functioning of a community. The moment people start getting complacent, they fail to adapt to various changes that we inevitably face. High warmth is important to me because feeling cared for makes a good difference and provides a comfortable space to coexist.
2. We Expect Failure: I also believe that failure is an inevitable part to grow and if it is expected, we can be prepared and be in good capacity to move past it by learning from it.
3. Caring for People with Fewer Financial Resources: Not having enough financial resources should not be a barrier to seeking emotional support. I absolutely love that 7 Cups bridges that gap and continues to provide services to people regardless of their financial status.

Matteo2020 July 20th, 2021

1. High Expectations & High Warmth: I feel that having high expectations is always crucial for the growth and good functioning of a community. The moment people start getting complacent, they fail to adapt to various changes that we inevitably face. High warmth is important to me because feeling cared for makes a good difference and provides a comfortable space to coexist.
2. We Expect Failure: I also believe that failure is an inevitable part to grow and if it is expected, we can be prepared and be in good capacity to move past it by learning from it.
3. Caring for People with Fewer Financial Resources: Not having enough financial resources should not be a barrier to seeking emotional support. I absolutely love that 7 Cups bridges that gap and continues to provide services to people regardless of their financial status.

Ashvillium July 29th, 2021


The Guide was truly amazing as it is so well and practically explained. Among all the three things which I found to be most important in the guide are as follows:-

  • Trust: In any kind of human interaction, trust plays a vital role. It improves the quality or bond, service and relations in many aspects. Hence, we must ensure that we maintain the trust that others have on us on whatever we are doing.
  • Self believe: We must believe that we are capable of more than what we think we are. This really helps us in the personal growth and maintaining the quality of our life .
  • Thirdly, we must be selective towards the nature of the work that we oath to do. We must oath the work in which we are good, and which is interesting to us and the one we strive to solve the problems for. This can evidently improve the quality of our work.
ComradeRuhi August 4th, 2021

I thought the guide was such a great thing to look over. It really shows how welcoming the 7 Cups community is. 3 of the most important things I learned is 1: Failure is expected, 2: Equality, and 3: Not everyone will be a good fit. I was really content reading that failure is expected. It was such a good reminder, because no matter how hard we try, oftentimes, life doesn’t go the way we expect. It’s so nice to be part of a warm community that embraces failure as a stepping stone to success, rather than a stepping stone towards dissapointment. I feel like in society, failure is treated so much as that stepping stone towards disappointment, so it’s so nice to be part of a community that does the opposite of that. I also thought that equality was something really important in the guide. Everyone’s life IS valuable, and I know out there in the world, often, people get the wrong idea. There are billions of humans, but only one of us, so that doesn’t make us worthless. It makes us priceless. 7 Cups completely embraces that message, and I really felt that reading the guide. The last important thing that I read was Not everyone will be a good fit. This was something I struggled with a bit as I first made my way around 7 cups. It was hard when I couldn’t really connect with someone, or give them the help they deserve. But I learned that we have tons of listeners here. There are so many people that can give them that help. It’s not always going to work out, but effort, trial, learning from mistakes, all of that can pave the way to success. The guide was a pleasure to read.

LindenTea August 6th, 2021


  • One of the things I learned was that all of the work that I do here, matters and that it saves people's lives.
  • Another thing that I learned is that accountability is very important. If there is lack of accountability things could mess up and it makes it quite harder to accomplish our goals.
  • And I have also learned that self-care is very important and I honestly need to work on that. often times I forget to take care of myself which results in my poor performance at school/work or even volunteering here at 7cups and an upset mood due to a burn-out.
caringHope1976 September 16th, 2021



HannahPalm August 13th, 2021

1. I align with 7cups culture more than I thought I did. That is important so I can become more part of the community.
2. I learned that 7cups care about saving lives. I always assumed they didn't care about that, so it is important to know that they do care about people who are extremely vulnerable.
3. I learned that 7cups is very intentional about the direction they are developing the community. That is important because it means things are always done with a purpose and I should learn what the intention is instead of assuming.

AmazingDog96 August 17th, 2021

Three most important things I learned from the guide are:

1. Our work here matters, by simply showing people someone cares about them we save lives.
2.Failure is expected, it is just a way of learning things, we fail only if we fall and don't get up, but if we get up and start over, we didn't fail, we learned a lesson.
3. Self efficacy or mastery is important. We need to learn to trust ourselvs more and more everyday and focus on growing more confident.

caringHope1976 September 16th, 2021


Good job! I loved reading your respnonse.

bubblingBreeze14 August 24th, 2021


please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

1) We invest in you : I find this to be a very important aspect as work shouldn't only be about money or just doing something for living. It should be something you love to do, you're interested to do and something that could support the community you'd like to reach.

2) We Expect Failure : I find this important because I believe that everyone fails at least once [if not more] in their life and by failing we learn. Failing to do something shouldn't mean that you're weak. Instead it should show that you didn't know how to succeed in a particular task first but with the experience and guidance you'll do great the next time.

3) Take care of yourself : I find this important because as mentioned in the guide if you are to help and support someone you should be in a proper state. For example if you're sad, not healthy or feeling down, you might not be able to do your best. Instead if you take care of yourself to be more healthy and have a stress-free life, you can spread compassion and warmth to many people.

TheGoodHeartedBuddy September 5th, 2021

It's cool how you highlighted the "we expect failure" section. At the end of the day, we are all human. That means we are constantly struggling and making mistakes. Accepting the fact that we are imperfect can allow us to realize that not everything needs to be perfect in order to be successful. We should value eachother's potential and recognmize our mistakes to learn and grow from them.

bubblingBreeze14 September 6th, 2021


Thank You heart and well said.. Everyone is unique on their own way, and excapting them for who they are and embracing those differences can give massive success to organizations, teams, etc.7 Cups I believe is one of the best examples for such great community.
Faliure on the other hand is success in disguise wink All you need is a little support and encouragement and you'll climb great heights!

Prachi9876 August 31st, 2021

The scale at which 7Cups functions is humongous. The diversity and connectivity that it offers is unmatchable, which has led it to become the largest mental health system in the world. This has given 7Cups the responsibility and accountability. And I, being a part of this community, feel that it is a privilege to do this type of work, I consider it an honor, and I take it very seriously.

The three most important things I learned from the guide are as follows:

  1. Your Work Matters

The way we, as listeners, contribute to one-on-one chats and chat forums, individually is a sum of the whole. How our individuality contributes to what 7Cups has to offer makes me proud of myself.

  1. Friendliness and Conscientiousness

7Cups values warmth and friendliness keeping the accountability and responsibility in check. When a person is conscientious it means you can trust them to work hard, work smart, and get the job done. Conscientiousness is the biggest single indicator of success. The Big 5 personality inventory enables you to learn about your own levels of conscientiousness and friendliness.

In order to be successful at 7cups these two qualities are a must.

  1. We Believe in Equality

At 7 Cups, we believe that every single person is valuable. In the world of 7 Cups, every person is treated with equal respect, enjoys equal freedom, and equal rights irrespective of gender orientation, race, religion, or any other difference. We embrace diversity and consider it key in bringing varied perspectives and solutions to difficult problems.

by- @Prachi9876

caringHope1976 September 16th, 2021


Such a lovely response. Amazing!

TheGoodHeartedBuddy August 31st, 2021

Three ideas taught to me within the guide about our culture is trust, investment, and accountability. Having trust allows for a community that is both positive and unified and having such a culture leads to strong connections. Investing time and dedication when talkung to others, regardless of whether that is to members or other listeners is vital. Furthermore, having accountability and fulfilling obligations as a lisitener and as part of this leadership program is important to the productivity and positive atmosphere that is present in 7 cups.

Crystaldancer September 3rd, 2021

I understood a lot of things and some of them are:

1) Your Work Matters <3 Our work is important for the user because they would they can find a shoulder and an important support, listening must undoubtedly be a surrender action

2) Having high expectations and high warmth at the same time is essential for this platform and community, because shows compassion for others, I like the description of the guide, since it explains that our listening should be like a warm hug full of compassion, understanding and full of high expectations,

3) As listeners something that should be important is to make equality, regardless of their gender, beliefs, religions, ideologies etc. We have to keep in mind, not judge anyone. we must be careful what we say, because they trust us and we must create an environment of respect

Respectful dialogue so that people trust us more, we must not judge the actions of others, or blame them for any situation, they expect a lot from us, and we must create a friendly environment so that they can feel our support
TheGoodHeartedBuddy September 5th, 2021

I like your responses to this thread! I think it's really important to recognize and value the discussions of both members and listeners. That's why it's so important to make sure our work ethic is very strong and we recognize eachother. Working together means valuing others' opinions just as much as you value your own.

September 9th, 2021


I learned so much from reading this guide, but there are three things that really stood out to me regarding our culture at 7 Cups. First, 7 Cups is mainly based on trust. By having trust, everyone can display results faster while tension is at its utmost minimum. Second, there is a balance between high expectations and high warmth. This means that the 7 Cups team expects a great amount of effort on our part, while also creating a supportive and comforting environment. Last but not least, our success of 7 Cups depends on the amount of collaboration amongst a team. Through effective collaboration, we as a team can conquer complex problems and tasks, and as a result, produce positive results. I believe all of these aspects are really important for creating a positive environment on 7 Cups.

September 13th, 2021

I learned so much from reading this guide, but there are three things that really stood out to me regarding our culture at 7 Cups. First, 7 Cups is mainly based on trust. By having trust, everyone can display results faster while tension is at its utmost minimum. Second, there is a balance between high expectations and high warmth. This means that the 7 Cups team expects a great amount of effort on our part, while also creating a supportive and comforting environment. Last but not least, our success of 7 Cups depends on the amount of collaboration amongst a team. Through effective collaboration, we as a team can conquer complex problems and tasks, and as a result, produce positive results. I believe all of these aspects are really important for creating a positive environment on 7 Cups.

Izzy274 September 19th, 2021


I agree - trust, collaboration and a supportive environment are all vital parts of the 7 Cups culture. It's amazing to see so many people all coming together in different roles and teams to bring in new ideas and help keep 7 Cups growing, and the high warmth of everyone here creates a supportive environment where it's okay to make mistakes and learn along the way.

caringHope1976 September 16th, 2021


Please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

The 3 most important things I learned from the guide are trust, taking care of oneself, and believing in equality. Trust is extremely important. If we are not able to trust the other person, things will not work smoothly. There will be hurdles and obstacles. Hence, we would not be able to accomplish our goals. Taking care of oneself is crucial. If we do not take care of our well-being, we would not be able to help others and support them. Believing in equality is highly important. Everyone has the right to have access to mental health resources. Everyone deserves the best kind of help and support.

LavenderFlower September 17th, 2021


I think this is so important. Mental health services and even access to mental health resources are expensive. Equality is what allows 7Cups to achieve the altruistic goal of widescale care for all, regardless of income. We need to be diligent about that goal and be mindful of those we serve.

yourfriend5 September 28th, 2021


Yes indeed... We need to be diligent about that goal and be mindful of those we serve.

Izzy274 September 19th, 2021


That's so true, 7 Cups is an amazing place to spread awareness for mental health and make a difference, and the fact we're trusted to take on leadership roles and help to build the community in a decentralised way is really unique and special in helping us to accomplish our goals.

yourfriend5 September 28th, 2021


7 Cups is a great place to make a difference

Love220 November 18th, 2021
  1. Nice answers! @caringHope1976
LavenderFlower September 17th, 2021


The three most important things I learned from the guide are:

1. Even though 7Cups operates with a sense of urgency, there is an emphasis on creating meaningful connections with others so that we can motivate each other in order to succeed. We shouldn't feel alone in our roles and reach out to team members for support. For me this is important because I would like to interact with others more on this site and build a net of people I can consider close.

2. 7Cups priorities self-care because, without it, people cannot do their best. This is important to me because I often overwork myself due to fear of letting others down, to be allowed to have self-care is amazing to prevent me from getting burned out.

3. 7Cups wants to help me achieve my goals and will help me voice and work on timeframes to do so. This is important to me because I am very ambitious and have many goals I would like to accomplish. I'm more than happy for the support to do so.

Izzy274 September 19th, 2021


Those are 3 amazing points, it's amazing how 7 Cups can really be such a personal journey and help you grow and develop your own skills, whilst growing the community and contributing to something amazing and meaningful as well. They do see you as a person and ensure everyone feels supported in their roles.