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Understanding 7 Cups Culture (LDP Discussion #5)

GlenM July 28th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity. Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Hello Leadership Crew!

We are wrapping up the first course today with our last discussion on culture. Look for more instructions in this post to take the final evaluation for the course to your graduation. Once you have this course complete, you will be 20% done the Leadership Development Program. Good work!

Let's start by looking at the wikipedia definition of culture:

--Culture (/ÃkÃltÃÃr/) is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behavior and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these groups.[1]

We take culture seriously on 7 Cups because it is the heart of how we operate. A wise person once said: You teach what you know, but you reproduce who you are. We can have all of the best training content we want, but if our culture is not strong, then we will not be successful in growing a thriving, compassionate, community that will make a global impact.

Every organization has a culture whether by design or by default. When culture (including values and mission are not called out or made explicit, the organization defaults to an implicit or unstated culture. The unnamed culture is not always great for the end users or the community. An example of a common and implicit cultural rule or norm is that the person that makes the most money or the organization is the most important. People that work in this organization then, naturally, because it is the culture, start organizing themselves around ways to make more and more money. The ones at the top of the hierarchy are the ones that make the most money. 7 Cups cares less about money and more about compassion. We call out compassion and celebrate compassionate people because that is central to the work we do.

Please read our guide here to deeply understand our culture. We have made it explicit because we believe it is important to help us all be accountable to what we stand for and believe in. As leaders on 7 Cups, you will be models that emulate our culture and values.

One theme you'll notice in our guide is that it is very proactive, which is the opposite of reactive. We act first, we design first, we implement first in order to make an impact. Companies that react allow events to shape them; we instead try to focus on where we can have influence and shape events before they shape our community.

Part of being proactive is critical because building culture online is more challenging than building a culture offline. Offline interpersonal and group relationships are easier in a number of ways. People are generally much better behaved when they are right in front of you and it is easier for people to sync up and work towards a common goal. Online cultures have less of these natural strengths so you have to be extra proactive to build a strong culture. Look at most communities on the Internet. Unfortunately, they tend to devolve and become less than safe places with a lot of hate, sexual, and harmful behaviors. Our training system, the badges, word filters, moderators, etc. (dozens of behaviors we do) are all designed to proactively build and reinforce our culture so that we do not experience this same kind of entropy. Internet culture can be like an escalator going down. You have to be very proactive and take 2 or 3 steps up at a time to maintain and strengthen gains. As a leader on 7 Cups, you will be part of that group that gets behind us and enables us to continue making forward momentum.

That provides the broader background context to why we care so much about our culture and values at 7 Cups. They are core to our work.

To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

After posting, please...

1. Take the course exam here to complete course 1.
2. Take the leadership oath here
3. Fill out the End of Trial form to complete your trial!
4. Proceed to Course 2!

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

peacefulIris56 May 9th, 2021


The three things that matter most to me is that my work matters, being in a trustful environment and being around warm and caring people..

lueurspace May 12th, 2021

Please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

Strengths-Based - I like that we are supposed to only the best as in accordance with our already established strengths. It feels good to know that we are not supposed to go out of our way everytime in order to be good at something. It helps in removing some kind of pressure which on a personal level can do more harm than good.

Collaborate - I like doing various things with people. It feels good to be self-reliant, but working/being at a place such as 7 Cups which thrives on being a "community" - it's important to know that you don't have to do things alone and actually do much better with more minds working towards the same goals.

Take Care of Yourself - This is actually the most important thing to me. No matter who you are and what you do on this site, you are the first priority for yourself. One should NEVER compromise on their sleep, time, real life responsibilities just to do more here. You are more than allowed to say no when needed and always make sure that you are doing things that make you happy and feel fulfilled.

You can't give your life more time, so give the time you have, more life.

LovetoGod May 13th, 2021


I love the quote in the end 😃❤❤❤

LovetoGod May 13th, 2021


It's an amazing guide. I learned lots of things. I guess whatever it was written in it it was just awesome. And moreover, 7 cups is just awesome place, I don't have words to explain the goodness of 7 cups,and it's like shelter umbrella to the people who needs to talk, to share their problems and feelings with someone. I learned the three things which are useful for me are -:

1. Trust-: Trust is really important in any relationship, community, institution or anything. Trust makes the people to depend on each other, it makes people to feel good and caring. And in the 7 cups, for sure members and listeners truly trust on each others. And trust is gonna help me a lot in building strong relationships with my family and friends. 😊

2. Strengths-: Strengths really helps us to motivate us and to know ourselves better. And, moreover, in the previous two tests I am really glad to know about my strengths and it will help me in my life 😃

3. Try hard -: We should always try hard, no matters what will the results. And 7 cups really try hards to help their members as well as listeners to improve in their listener journey. And trying hard really proceeds us to achieve our goals. 😊

May 20th, 2021

@LovetoGod Good to read your progress about building trust, identifying strengths, and striving to work hard no matter what the results. Hope the program continues to contribute to your self-development.

LovetoGod May 20th, 2021


Yup, Thanks❤

Your answer is amazing as well. 😃

May 20th, 2021

The 3 most important things I learned from our guide and why they are important to me.

1. Operating out of weaknesses is a drain ... Doubling down on your strengths enables you to level up much faster and it helps 7 Cups make much more progress.

It is an important point to realise. I need to know my best talents so that I can be fully exploring my potentials (than putting my energy in those tasks where my natural inclinations are less/absent).

2. You should feel cognitively tired at the end of the day. When this happens you’ll feel good, because you’ll know that you worked hard and that your work has made a difference.

I know the sense of satisfaction that a day full of inspired work can bring at the end of the day.

3. You are going to try 12 things and none of them will work, but then the 13th thing will work ... The key is to stay focused and keep trying.

Agreed, staying focussed in a good-direction is the key.

May 20th, 2021

3 most important things I learned from the guide and why they’re important...

  • Your Work Matters - I enjoy helping others and I know I'm making a difference in someone else’s life with the work I do on 7cups.

  • Strength-based - I get to play to my strengths and be efficient and productive in what I do while enjoying my work. If I were to do something I wasn't good at, it would probably become more of a chore and I would lose interest pretty quickly.

  • Collaboration - I get to work with others with a diverse range of strengths and weaknesses. This means there's a wide range of skills to help build the team. Diversity also comes with many new opinions and ideas which will contribute greatly to the team.

peacefulIris56 May 22nd, 2021

@richuyulin I am glad to hear that you enjoy your work and that you are making a difference. I'm happy to hear that you get to work with with a diverse range of strengths and weaknesses and building the tem with those wide range of skills.

Ethan May 23rd, 2021

One of the most important things I learned from the 7Cups Culture Guide is how much the work we do here at 7Cups really matters, whether it is the Admin team, Listener Coaches, Group Moderators, Developers, or Verified Listeners. Each and everyone of us plays into how 7Cups work. Without Developers there wouldn’t be a website, without Listener Coaches there wouldn’t be anybody to help Listeners improve, without Group Moderators the site could become a very toxic and hurtful space. We are all important here, and the work we do as a whole literally helps to save peoples lives.

Taking care of yourself is also important. You have to take care of yourself in order to help someone else, which is one of 7Cups main goals. We need to eat and sleep well, stay hydrated, and take breaks. We need to ask for help, surround ourselves with loving people, and face our personal problems. If we don’t take care of ourselves, then we won’t be able to complete the best work, and as mentioned above the work we do on 7Cups is extremely important.

And finally, we need to have fun. If we aren’t having fun while doing what we do, then we aren’t going to complete it in the best way possible, and we probably are not going to be as passionate. This means we have to enjoy listening to others, engaging in forum or group support conversations, helping out the community, supporting others, etc. Again, this plays into knowing how important the work we do here is. By enjoying the work you do it will help you succeed and grow, and you will likely have a passion for that work and want to keep improving, and by doing this at 7Cups we are able to support more and more people as we continue to grow.

greatfulSmiles6152 June 16th, 2021


Hey Ethan! I totally agree with all that you said; the work we do here is so meaningful and self-care is just as important. As well, if we don't enjoy what we do, then we probably won't make the best out of it. I'm glad you're here on 7 Cups and able to make a difference in someone's life!

ThisIsLauren May 23rd, 2021

The three most important takeaways for me were 1) the importance of self-care 2) volunteer work helps the person volunteering almost as much as the recipient 3) pro activity is better than reactivity in exchanges These are important to me because they are areas that I need to work on further. Thank you for this post.

peacefulIris56 May 23rd, 2021

@ThisIsLauren Yes. I agree that self-care is really important and that the volunteer work ends up helping more than just the volunteer. Proactiveness is important.

Brinaa101 June 3rd, 2021

The three most important things I learned in the guide was equality, collaboration, and realizing that your work matters! In terms of equality, everyone deserves to be shown respect and love and kindness regardless of who they are! They may feel left out so it's important as a 7 cups listener to make them feel welcome. With collaboration, it can be scary doing things alone. It's easier and more efficient to talk and collaborate with other people to come up with good ideas! Lastly, realizing your work matters is important because you have to make sure you are doing good mentally before you can help others and realizing how big of an impact you have is important so you can keep doing that since you know how big of an impact you're making.

helpfulBraid5417 June 8th, 2021

hello i am helpfulbraid5417!

greatfulSmiles6152 June 16th, 2021


After reading the 7 Cups Culture Guide, what stood out to me is that my work matters. To some, talking with another individual for an hour can seem like a miniscule task. However, the work we do here is so meaningful because we are providing somebody with the compassion and comfort that they needed to keep them going. My work really does matter and I do not take it for granted at all. I am honoured to be able to provide emotional support to make a difference in one’s day.

Another point that stood out to me was that I need to flourish in the work I do, for 7 Cups to invest in me. I am glad to say that by providing emotional support, I am being personally fulfilled. I believe I am a good listener, I am interested in providing emotional relief, and I work toward solving the concern that people reach out with.

Lastly, another important thing that I learned was that failure is expected. I have a big fear of failure and rejection, so I normally don’t partake in situations where there is a large possibility for failure. I have had a couple instances where I did not meet the needs of my Member, and this was discouraging. However, as the guide mentioned, the key is to stay focused and keep trying. I am happy to say that I have had success in majority of the chats I have taken. It is comforting to know that no one is perfect, and failure is natural. But we must always keep moving forward. :)

healingWhisper June 20th, 2021

I learned that my work here does matter and I do make a difference in the lives of the members.

I learned that trust is the most important thing in 1-1 chats, so the member can feel safe and can open up about their problem. They entrust us to be caring, supportive, judgment-free, and empathetic. As listeners, being worthy of that trust is our greatest responsibility. There is honor in integrity.

I also believe that you need to try hard and be there for members. Trying hard makes you level up and you learn new things along the way.

FlourishingDimensions June 22nd, 2021
Hello! The 3 most important things I learned from the guide:

1. Learning how many people are supported
- I've always known how amazing this place is and feels but seeing the numbers of how many people are helped each month, how many countries, and how many languages just really made me feel happy/proud/honored to be able to be a part of this! Seeing how it has helped people. And that it can sometimes help those with financial limitations, It feels good to know that I am a tiny piece of that and able to be a part of this very important cause.
2. Not everyone will be a good fit.
- I appreciate the honesty here and I appreciate the care that goes into continuing making this place, 'work', which includes sometimes being honest about those that are not a good fit for their roles, etc.
3. How to keep our tanks full
- It's important to learn and understand how to keep things flowing in a supportive way where we can continue growing, trusting, and depending on one another.
AndyLV June 28th, 2021


AndyLV June 28th, 2021


AndyLV June 28th, 2021


Hi! Sorry, my computer went crazy and submitted 2 blank replies just out of nowhere, haha. Anyways, I wanted to say that I like that you pointed out keeping our tank full since balance is essential in order to make things work.

FlourishingDimensions June 28th, 2021

@Andyallen haha I thought that only happened to me? I can't tell you how many times I have accidentally posted a couple of times like that hehehe. And thank you btw for the comment. I hope you're doing well!

LavenderFlower September 17th, 2021

I totally agree with learning about the numbers. It's really crazy to think how many listeners contributed to making so much progress towards helping the members here. It really feels great to know how much of a difference we are making because every digit of that number is a real person with real problems. I'm really happy to know that they were able to receive the help they needed.

00Michelle00 January 26th, 2022
  1. “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” —Dale Carnegie
BecauseImBatman22 June 22nd, 2021
Please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

1) Your Work Matters-
As listeners, we have felt and listened to our members' problems first-hand. The support we provide to them through Active Listening is more than we can imagine. Knowing that we support over a million people each month, personally makes me proud of this community as well as myself, because this wouldn't be possible without all of us together.
2) High Expectations & High Warmth- This is my favourite point from the guide. I love how its explained that having high expectations and high warmth at the same time is essential for this platform and community to thrive. Following this motto would enable us to get a lot of work done and receive the tremendous amount of support we'd all love to have, at the same time.
3) We Believe in Equality- I believe setting aside our differences like religion, race, gender, etc and treating each other with respect, empathy, trust and honesty is the only way by which we can grow collectively. There is just no other way. We first need to be open minded and accepting, before we can help others.

AndyLV June 28th, 2021


Hello! :)

I am very happy you pointed out that our work matters. I really agree with you and sometimes it is very easy to forget that we should value ourselves for the things that we do, even if we don't succeed the first time! :) <3

FriendlyAnju777 July 30th, 2021

I like all ur points happy a part of 7cups

bubblingBreeze14 August 24th, 2021


I find these interesting as well! wink

00Michelle00 January 26th, 2022
  1. “There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.” —Mister Rogers
JustOneMoreEpisode June 22nd, 2021

(1) My work matters - That even if I feel like the 1-1 chat I had with a member didn't help the member to figure the path forward, yet still by listening we gave the member space to vent and talk freely, and sometimes the small thing mean a lot.

(2)Collaborate - When you help someone in need, the good deed will always circle and come back to you.

(3)We expect Failure - failure is a way of learning where to improve and by failing you keep learning and it is the pillar to success.

unique73 June 28th, 2021

Hey there, Good to see you working on this program and you put some interesting points, thank you for mentioning about collaborating too !❤

bubblingBreeze14 August 24th, 2021


I agree with you on these points..laugh

LavenderFlower September 17th, 2021


Hi Just! Failure is really a good teacher. I'm glad on 7Cups that means to get up, learn, and try again rather than ridicule. So many companies and websites make this mistake and demotivate their team. But on 7Cups, it's a learning opportunity. I believe that's why we have such competent leaders here.

ResilientLucky June 27th, 2021

The 3 most important things I learned from the guide and why they are important to me.

  1. High expectations and high warmth. It is important to me because I believe having the right guidance and encouragement in the environment of warmth, patience, and trust can help a person grow while high expectations will keep the person stay driven, and achieve goals.
  2. Failure is alright as far as we are focused and trying. I have faced a lot of failures in my personal as well as professional life and eventually got the best. I can relate to this completely. I believe failure is part of success and keeping in a never giving up attitude.
  3. Keeping the tank full. I feel there are times in life I have felt distracted, even on 7cups and it has really drained me out. So learning about it is important.
AndyLV June 28th, 2021


Hello! Thank you for sharing. The things you highlighted are of high importance!

unique73 June 28th, 2021

Important points made there! I agree with "keeping our tanks full" too. Thank you for sharing! ❤

milkoreos July 5th, 2021

@ResilientLucky flowers for you:

ResilientLucky July 5th, 2021

Thank you!

bubblingBreeze14 August 24th, 2021


I also like the fact that you mentioned "keeping your tank full" as well. As it's something equally important to every one of us.

AndyLV June 28th, 2021


To help make it more real, in this post, please highlight the 3 most important things you learned from our guide and why they are important to you.

1- Trust: I know that trust is important, but I never thought of how important it is to trust one another in order to allow ourselves to grow and help others.
2- Trying Hard: I couldn't agree more with this one. There is just not a way around it. It is very important to be perseverant in order to help. This involves not giving up even when things look too hard.
3- Accountability: I like this one because it is important to be responsible for the things that we do in general. It is very important to also meet deadlines and be there when we say we will be there.