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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #3) The Detriments of Gossip

Heather225 August 24th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Our next objective in this course is to master effective communication skills for healthy interpersonal and professional relationships.

Don't Gossip - Deepstash

Please watch this video
1. Why is gossiping bad?
2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!
3. Please reply to 3 of your peers  in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

JoyHappyNess October 17th, 2021


JoyHappyNess October 17th, 2021


1. Why is gossiping bad?

This is because the person you are gossipping to starts seeing you in negative light, will rarely trust you and wonders what you say about him/her when you are not around. It therefore leaves the speaker and the one listening in a more negative state.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

"I don't know the other person perspective so I refrain from saying what I think they were thinking in there absence."

lyricalSea85 November 1st, 2021


Trust does play a huge part in our lives and rightly said, it leaves the speaker, listener and the person being gossiped in a negative state.

ASilentBunny March 24th, 2022

@JoyHappyNess I love the statement that you chose!

Textingpals October 17th, 2021


1. Why is gossiping bad?

Ans: Gossiping, I believe, is unfair to the person being talked about. When we gossip, we don't even take a minute to understand what the other person's intentions or perspective are, we just say whatever *We* think it is. So, without being completely aware of the situation, talking about someone/gossiping is similar to not giving the person a fair chance to explain themselves.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

Ans: "I don't know the other person's perspective, so I prefer to not discuss what I think they were thinking or feeling in their absence".

This sentence was really catchy.

Moonlemon48 October 20th, 2021

1. Gossiping is bad because it can hurtful towards someone and it also causes erosion of trust and morale.

2. "We do not talk about the other man without his presence because we do not know about his side"

xinyii11 November 9th, 2021

@Moonlemon48 Love the sentence you chose, Moon! :0

jersey123456 October 24th, 2021

Why is gossiping bad?

Gossiping is bad because it is poisonous , toxic and leads to mistrust and negativity.

List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

"I don't know enough about the situation to comment on it."

xinyii11 November 9th, 2021

@jersey123456 "I don't know enough about the situation to comment on it" - Way to go! Say this louder for the people at the back :))

lyricalSea85 November 1st, 2021


1. Why is gossiping bad?
A. Gossiping spreads rumors from a non first perspective view and can be very harmful to the person being gossiped about and also to the one gossiping. Reputation of both parties is being tarnished and this creates a negative chain reaction effect.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!
A. Stick up for that person in their absence or simply change the subject to a more positive topic.

xinyii11 November 9th, 2021

@lyricalSea85 Beautifully put! I love how clearly you stated the consequences and the statement you chose from the video is absolutely one of my favorites too <3

lyricalSea85 November 10th, 2021


Thank you so much! I try my best to stick with that ideology at all possible times. :D

xinyii11 November 9th, 2021

1. Why is gossiping bad?

Gossiping is bad because we do not know the other person's perspective. As a gossiper, we're merely acting on what we've heard from others, and that is not always what really happened. By gossiping, we're thriving on other people's suffering and it's utterly unacceptable to promote such negativity in any community we're part of.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

𐐪𐑂 ° If you never say anything negative about another person, people are less likely to have anything bad to say about you. ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡

mikacv December 14th, 2021


Right! If we don't know the person that is literally involved's perspective, it's not fair to comment on their situation! We definitely create negativity when we do so

Zahraa000 November 11th, 2021

Gossip is bad because it talks about things someone does not like to talk about , and therefore you will charge yourself with negative energy that affects your energy!

Zahraa000 November 14th, 2021

The gossiping is bad because the gossiper talks about what he does not mean to anthor person and talks about things that the other doesn’t like to talk about, so the gossip isn’t loved by other!

Love220 November 18th, 2021

1. Why is gossiping bad?
Because it causes bad emotions and perceptions among people or even only two persons.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

1. stay away from people who create gossip in our community.

mikacv December 14th, 2021


Yes! It doesn't matter how many people are involved, it definitely fosters negative emotions and perspectives ):

DancingHeart4982 December 9th, 2021


1. I think gossiping makes you a 2-faced person. Most of the people who gossip are nice to other while interacting but then go ahead and talk ill about them behind their back. Most of the times, we do not really see how much gossips impact the person. And when you gossip about someone, the person listening to you will think that you also gossip about them and this breaks the basic necessity of friendship, that is trust.

2. Not engaging in gossip and asking yourself as to whether it is necessary to repeat the same piece of information and what exactly is the point if that.

mikacv December 14th, 2021


I agree! Usually gossipers are two-faced because they don't say the negative statements about someone to their face. It is very hurtful and they can be seen as "fake" which is not good! I like your response.

magicmango26 March 20th, 2022


Great points! x
mikacv December 14th, 2021


1. Why is gossiping bad?
2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

Gossiping is bad because bottom line it is just negative. It leaves people in the conversation and listening in a negative state. It also makes the people involved in gossiping look bad: lacks trust, unlikable, judgmental, etc. It can be very hurtful toward others who aren't given the chance to stand up for themselves.

A statement I learned to say if someone attempts to gossip is "I don't know enough about the situation to comment on it"

magicmango26 March 20th, 2022


Excellent points!
rriyad February 2nd, 2022


yeah, we haven't walked someone else's shoes.

DarkPiT23 January 7th, 2022

Gossiping is bad because it creates toxicity in the community and can hurt others. It makes the situation worse and the conversation isn't productive.

"I don't know enough about the situation to comment" is the line I like the best.

Gnibellen January 13th, 2022


I think having a comment like "I don't know enough about this situation to comment" is great to have in our back pockets when we are in a situation where gossip is taking place. Nice work!

Kindwords2000 January 7th, 2022


1. Why is gossiping bad?

Gossiping is very toxic, the intent of gossiping is when you gossiping about someone it is to make them look bad and to make you look good. The person you are gossiping to will think you gossip about them behind their back which will make them trust you much less.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

If your not going to say anything negative about someone else, there is less likely someone will say anything negative about you.

Gnibellen January 13th, 2022


Great statement about if we don't say anything negative about someone else that they are less likely to say something negative about us. I think it's important to remember that we get what we give.

Listeningstars January 11th, 2022

- Why is gossiping bad?

= It’s Poisonous, it destroys trust, and does not make the gossiper look any better than the person the gossip is about.

- List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

= To defend the person the gossip is about and stick up for them in their absence.

Gnibellen January 13th, 2022


Great statement from the video about defending the person being gossiped about. I think it's very important to stand up for others in these situations.

dudewithaplan January 24th, 2022

@Listeningstars defending is a good statement because when you emphtise, you know it is a right thing to do.

AliveandAlive January 29th, 2022


Absolutely! Gossiping is poisonous and to avoid gossipers one of the way is to defend the person in their absence.

Gnibellen January 13th, 2022


1. Why is gossiping bad?

Gossiping is bad because it is toxic behavior, and isn't productive in the least.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

People who hear / see you gossip will began to associate the negative thoughts with you as well.

dudewithaplan January 24th, 2022

@Gnibellen your statement is good thing to keep in mind in these cases.

hopezzy January 13th, 2022

1. Why is gossiping bad?

Gossiping is bad because we don't know what actually happened. Taking sides or saying bad things about people behind their backs is toxic. It shouldn't be taken lightly as it can leave a permanent scar on people.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies

I don't know enough about the situation to comment on.

dudewithaplan January 24th, 2022

@hopezzy it is nice to see you find a good statement to follow.

rriyad February 2nd, 2022


agree, that's really toxic.

CaringEzra February 10th, 2022

I agree too that it can really have a long-lasting impact on people

dudewithaplan January 24th, 2022

1. Why is gossiping bad?

i think it can result in bad energy so, not doing it makes you not generate it.

2. List a statement you learned from this video to stop gossiping in the replies!

it has been said that dont talk about someones back just share good qualities.

AliveandAlive January 29th, 2022


I agree..It brings bad/negative energy.