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Course 2, Discussion 1: Understanding your Leadership Style

Hope December 5th, 2022

Hello everyone,

If you are reading this, it means you have come a long way in your leadership training. Kudos to you for all the effort and resilience you have shown! It is amazing how you all are open to learning and adapting to new environments: the environment of leadership!

Before we zoom in and talk more about learning and adapting, lets zoom back out first and talk about how you feel about leadership. Regardless of how you see yourself, there is a leader within you. The one who visualizes how things could have run in a better way if you were in the leading spot. Leading spot here means:

  • A desire for change

  • Believing you got the abilities to make it happen

  • Visualizing success while keeping in mind the bigger picture.

Lets take a look at the leadership styles as proposed by Daniel Goleman


Picture taken from this source.

Your original style could be any of them. So for the purpose of this course, we are going to use a leadership style test to help you identify your core competencies. In brief, we are using the test here to help you identify your leadership approach. So, when you know how you approach an event, you could think and put efforts to bring a change in it. It will allow you to polish your strengths and focus to improve in other different areas as well.

Let's get started!

- Please take the leadership style test linked HERE.

✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

Alambo905 August 1st


1. I scored the highest in Coaching with Visionary next.

2. I could resonate greatly while reading through the leadership styles as I beleive developing an individual would develop the society in turn positively influencing the overall growth and progress of both. 

LittleEggHarbor August 2nd


I scored the highest for Coaching and Democratic (which were tied). 

Scoring high in coaching and democracy as a leader suggests that I prioritize personal and professional development of my team members and value their input and participation in decision-making processes. I would agree with this. As a coaching leader, I invest time in mentoring and guiding my team, fostering an environment of continuous learning and growth. My democratic approach means I believe in the collective wisdom of the group, encourage open communication, collaboration, and shared responsibility. This leadership style tends to build strong, cohesive teams, as it promotes trust, respect, and a sense of ownership among team members, ultimately leading to higher engagement and motivation.

I have been in two prominent leadership roles in my life and used coaching + democracy while leading.

twerp August 12th


I also got coaching!  I think it's cool you got tied with two, I mean more is better than less lol.

twerp August 12th


  (Coaching leader type) Coaching type of leadership can have many advantages, such as improved communication, productivity, and morale. When properly executed, a coaching leadership style can help improve the skills of your team members. This, in turn, can lead to increased productivity and improved morale. 

I agree with this test because in schools I have many positions where I need to coach. (Mediator, class leader, etc)

KindleMissie August 16th


I am an affiliative leader. Cultivating relationships with my teammates. 

I agree with this! I have always observed myself to strengthen and cherish connections. 

heathermarie95 August 20th


i am an affiliative leader as well! it is always great to have a leader like us that shows our appreciation which can also lead to the positive connections/bonds within the company

KindleMissie August 21st



heathermarie95 August 20th


Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

i tied with democratic and affiliative

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

Yes as it is important to acknowledge the successes employees have accomplished. employees who are shown appreciation tend to do a well job done and enjoy their job. 

NeonDragon September 2nd


That's amazing! You are completely right! :)

Dorcas00 August 30th

@Hope Scored the highest for Affiliative leadership 

NeonDragon September 2nd


Turns out I am an Affiliative Leader and I am so proud! Health comes before anything else. Team work? Very important! I want to know that my team is wanted and appreciated as well as respected and important!

You can reach nothing without your team or employees, they are the base of everything and should be treated just as amazing as they are. :)

Onyx000 September 4th

I was pretty equal almost all the way across-the-board except for commander was lower. I do agree with most of them, especially the Democratic approach.

radiantUnicorn3506 September 11th


✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for? 

I scored pretty high for affiliative style which I’m happy about cause I really want the people I work with to know that I respect them and understand that self care and boundaries that are needed for their health is more important than work at times. My second highest score is for coaching and I’m glad that I can be both respectful and helpful as a leader.

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

I do agree with most of the quiz because I have been told before that I can coach people pretty well and I agree with some of my weaknesses to like commanding one of my lowest scores I know that I’m not a very commanding person so yup accurate. Overall most my other scores are moderate and I agree with the quiz 

kabir22 Monday


✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for? 

I scored equal points and highest in terms of being visionary and coaching, it makes me an inspiring guide who not only sets a clear long-term direction but also nurtures individual growth along the way. I can guide us through change and help people grow along the way. Just don’t count on me to coach anyone on life goals when the house is on fire—I’m more of a long-term planner than a crisis firefighter!

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

 I mostly do, yes and yea some questions resonated with me and I mostly agree what they said but I know who I'm and what kind of leader I want to be so it's just helpful knowing the narrative and taking the charge! 

LovelyKittyCat 2 days ago

✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

I actually tied for affiliative and democratic!

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

I don't recall taking a leadership quiz before, so I'm not sure if I have any strong opinions about it. I feel like my strong suits are pretty accurate though. I care a lot about fairness! 
