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Are you new to the Leadership Development Program? Introduce yourself here!

Heather225 November 10th, 2020

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Welcome, new students! Whether you're just embarking on your leadership journey here, or taking this course to level up your leadership game, we're so excited to have you!

To start us off...

1. What week did you sign up for?

2. What made you want to sign up?

3. Are you a leader within our community, or are you a brand new leader looking to enter your first role in this course?

4. One fun fact about you!

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We hope you enjoy the program!!

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

milkoreos July 5th, 2021

hello everyone :D i'm oreo

1. What week did you sign up for?
signed up for the week starting july 5th.

2. What made you want to sign up?
looking to strengthen my leadership skills!!

3. Are you a leader within our community, or are you a brand new leader looking to enter your first role in this course?
brand new leader :D

4. One fun fact about you!
hmm, i dunno, i like fries though hehe

flowers for my fellow coursemates

July 7th, 2021

I am glad you are here<3 Sorry for the late reply though. And Oooo fries are amazing!!

Clarisse29 July 7th, 2021

hello! just beginning with the LDP internship! excited to be here <3

July 7th, 2021

Yay! Really excited to have you here<3

explore1000 July 12th, 2021

Hi all! Really pumped to become more active on 7cups through this role. Can't wait : )

explore1000 July 12th, 2021

@explore1000 (I forgot to answer the questions hehe)

1. What week did you sign up for? July 12th 2021

2. What made you want to sign up? Wanted to become a more active helper on this site

3. Are you a leader within our community, or are you a brand new leader looking to enter your first role in this course? This is mt first leadership tole on 7 cups

4. One fun fact about you! I do competitve gymnastics :)

Matteo2020 July 12th, 2021

good afternoon I am matteo2002 I have just signed up to the Leadership Programm and am Finding it very usefull in ways to help members of the site in both Mental Pyscial and pyschological ways

Harquinn909 July 12th, 2021

Hey all! I'm Quinn. Nice to meet you

1. What week did you sign up for?
The Week beginning today, July 12!

2. What made you want to sign up?
I was previously very active with 7cups and enjoyed the leadership roles. I'd like to get back into that

3. Are you a leader within our community, or are you a brand new leader looking to enter your first role in this course?
I was previously! But it's been a hot minute.. so probably more like a new leader at this point

4. One fun fact about you!
I pretty much manage a domesticated animal zoo at this point. 2 Guineas, 2 rambunctious dogs, and 4 demon cats :) I love animals. lol

Ashvillium July 25th, 2021

This is Ash! So finally I'm here restarting the course after a long gap as previously I went on a selfcare break and missed the deadline. Hope I will complete the course this time with flying colours! :)
I got accepted in the course a few days ago and so I am beginning the course from today.
I wanted to be in this course as i was starving to learn something new, face new challenges and stay growing :)
if i want to tell you something interesting about me, then it must be the sarcasm which resides in my brain and walks via my fingers XD. Sometimes my sarcasms are lame but that's too interesting in its own way lol.
Anyways, all the best to all my fellow mates who also just began the LDP and Congratulations to them who graduated :)
Imma start now! :p
Wish me Luck! :D

Ashvillium July 25th, 2021

Oops I forgot to mention that I'm don't yet hold any Learship Role. I just with to get one, soon after I fulfil the eligiblity criteria. :D

Banjothebudgie July 27th, 2021


Hi everyone.

1 July 26 2021

2 I wanted to sign up to gain more leadership understanding and expand my skill base to help others.

3 I host sharing circles and hold the following leadership positions Room supporter Project agent,Care team(listeners), Forum supporter, Group Support Outreach Program, Academy project agent and assigned LCI host.

4 I love bikeriding and plan to ride around a big lake near my house next month.

LavenderHere July 28th, 2021

1. 27 July 2021
2. I was interested in taking up a new role here as I really like coming to the website and helping out people
3. I am new as a leader, but I host sharing circles sometimes(if that counts)
4. I love science and music- and I respect anyone who can combine them

FriendlyAnju777 July 29th, 2021

Hi all i am selected in the program excited to be here

Ashvillium July 29th, 2021

We're glad to have you here in the course. Hope you enjoy it!
Wishing you the best
-Ash <3

ComradeRuhi August 3rd, 2021


1. What week did you sign up for?
- Signed up for the week of August 2nd! :)

2. What made you want to sign up?
So, I've been on 7 cups for a full year and it's been a really fulfilling experience. I've never done such wholesome and rewarding volunteer work before. It really is amazing. That's why I thought it would be a good idea to enhance myself in my position here at 7 cups. I want to learn more about becoming a leader, and I want to enhance my skills. So that's why I'm here. :)

3. Are you a leader within our community, or are you a brand new leader looking to enter your first role in this course?
I'm a complete newbie you guys, hehe. I'm a brand new leader looking to enter my first role with this course. I'm glad to join the team.

4. One fun fact about you!
I started getting into anime after COVID-19 hit, and I am a huge fan now. I absolutely love it. :)

HannahPalm August 13th, 2021


1. What week did you sign up for?

August 9, 2021

2. What made you want to sign up?

To add my perspective to the 7cups community

3. Are you a leader within our community, or are you a brand new leader looking to enter your first role in this course?

I'm not a leader

4. One fun fact about you!

I eat soup every day
caringSmiles1016 August 14th, 2021

Hello everyone 😁 thanks for all

Prachi9876 August 29th, 2021

Hello everyone!
Just signed up.
Hope you guys are doing great

Crystaldancer September 3rd, 2021


1. What week did you sign up for?
Ag - 25.2021

2. What made you want to sign up?
I want learn more about 7 cups and how I would help more

3. Are you a leader within our community, or are you a brand new leader looking to enter your first role in this course?
lidership :)

4. One fun fact about you!

I have the incredible ability to make people laugh

freshOasis7877 September 4th, 2021

Hello everyone !!
I m aalok and I recently joined leadership development program here ....
hope everyone is having great time 🌟

TheGoodHeartedBuddy September 5th, 2021


1. What week did you sign up for?
August 23rd, I'm actually done with the week tomorrow! It's been an interesting experience!

2. What made you want to sign up?
The fact that I could do more for the 7 Cups community was really inspiring. Being part of a leadership program also seemed pretty awesome too!

3. Are you a leader within our community, or are you a brand new leader looking to enter your first role in this course?
I'm looking into enter my first role!

4. One fun fact about you!
I have a twin who is only 1 minute older than me!

sweetKitty9862 November 15th, 2021

Hi guys, I'm Gabi. I signed up for the week of 15th November 2021 because after more than a year of break from 7Cups, I decided I want to start giving back to the community again, but just being a Listener was not enough anymore. I want to be better and help more people. That being said, I do not yet occupy any leadership roles, but I am working hard to change this. One fun fact about me is that I always center my chats on feelings and on understanding them, and I usually don't have to adjust too much, as people are open to this type of chats. I'm happy to talk at any time, just drop me a message!

freshOasis7877 September 6th, 2021

Hello there

I joined on 6 th November

I motive to join is to improve my skills and abilities through program of leadership.

I'm brand new leader .

I laugh a lot .... and that makes others feel I'm bit crazy

Hope everyone is having great time

September 6th, 2021

Hello! My name is Nerdtastic, and I'm very excited to be a part of the LDP team! 😁

1. What week did you sign up for? I signed up for the week of September 9th.

2. What made you want to sign up? I really want to contribute more to the wonderful communities that we have here at 7 Cups of Tea.

3. Are you a leader within our community, or are you a brand new leader looking to enter your first role in this course? I am already a Sharing Circle Host, and I am really looking forward to filling more leadership roles in this program.

4. One fun fact about you! I play the piano, and played at many concerts in my town. I especially enjoy playing classical music on the piano! 😊

LavenderFlower September 10th, 2021


1. What week did you sign up for? This week! September 6th

2. What made you want to sign up? I would like to refine my leadership skills more so that I can help more people more efficiently on 7Cups ^^

3. Are you a leader within our community, or are you a brand new leader looking to enter your first role in this course? I am currently an intern mentor, however, I am planning to take up a new role soon

4. One fun fact about you! I absolutely love cooking~

Nice to meet everyone!

Izzy274 September 12th, 2021

1. What week did you sign up for?
13th September 2021

2. What made you want to sign up?
I want to improve my leadership skills so I can improve in my current roles on 7 Cups!

3. Are you a leader within our community, or are you a brand new leader looking to enter your first role in this course?
I'm currently a room supporter and sharing circle host.

4. One fun fact about you!
I like to play piano!

sxhanicy September 20th, 2021


1. What week did you sign up for?
gonna start this week

2. What made you want to sign up?
I want to contribute more to the 7cups community and reach out to a larger audience.

3. Are you a leader within our community, or are you a brand new leader looking to enter your first role in this course? brand new leader

4. One fun fact about you! I like creating new things

kindFish9215 September 20th, 2021


Hi there!

To start us off...

1. My first week starts on September the 20th!

2. I want to be involved in a leadership role here so that I can make 7 cups a better place for both members and listeners. In addition, I want to develop valuable leadership skills which will help me gain experience and thus advance in my career.

3. I'm a brand new leader looking to enter my first role here. :)

4. One fun fact about you! I'm currently in school right now so I can become a psychologist (either a clinical, engineering, or industrial-organizational).

jersey123456 September 26th, 2021

1.I joined in the week of 9/27

2. I'm looking forward to learn leadership skills.

3. I'm a brand new leader looking forward to my first role.

4. Fun fact about me : I love cooking and writing.

courageousheart96 September 27th, 2021


Hello everyone 👋👋👋👋👋

1. What week did you sign up for?

The two-week trial started on 27/09/2021.

2. What made you want to sign up?

I was hoping to sharpen my communication and leadership skills. I am excited to gain more experiences to help and support the 7cups community to the best of my abilities.

3. Are you a leader within our community, or are you a brand new leader looking to enter your first role in this course?

I am a sharing circle host, room supporter for sharing circle and healthy living, peer supporter, part of the care team and a quality mentor. Hoping to join the verifiers team and safety patrol.

4. One fun fact about you!

I love gardening.

WisdomJustice October 19th, 2021


1) I am joining the course on 19 October 2021 on Tuesday.

2) This community has helped me as a member and listener and I want to contribute to it. I also want to enhance my leadership skills.

3) No I am not currently in any leadership role.

4) One fun fact about me I can chanhe form science to fiction within seconds.

hopefulPineapple1922 November 15th, 2021

1. What week did you sign up for?

November 15.

2. What made you want to sign up?

I'm a community leader of one of the social service clubs in our college. I have joined this to improve myself so that I can serve more properly to the community.

3. Are you a leader within our community, or are you a brand new leader looking to enter your first role in this course?

I'm looking forward to getting my first role here on 7 Cups.

4. One fun fact about you!

I'm a part of more than 7 social service comminty.

mikacv December 12th, 2021


1. What week did you sign up for?

Dec 13!

2. What made you want to sign up?

I love 7Cups and after becoming verified, I wanted to see what other opportunities are available to me.

3. Are you a leader within our community, or are you a brand new leader looking to enter your first role in this course?

I am not a leader yet. Though I have held leadership positions in other areas of my life, I am excited to know what it is like to be one here!

4. One fun fact about you!

I can speak Japanese and English (:

WonderfulSpring December 19th, 2021
  1. 20th December 2021
  2. I would like to develop my leadership skills both with 7 cups and also professionally in my day to day role
  3. A new leader
  4. I love to travel and my ambition is to visit every state of the United States of America. I am at 18 currently, so a few still to go 🌎🗺
Kindwords2000 December 26th, 2021


Hi there, my name is Imogen

1. What week did you sign up for?
My start date for this program is on the 27th December 2021.

2. What made you want to sign up?
I love helping other people on 7 cups, and currently at University studying psychology with counselling in my second year, I wanna become an art therapist, I love learning new things and really looking forward to doing this program and the others as well.

3. Are you a leader within our community, or are you a brand new leader looking to enter your first role in this course?
I don't really know too much about becoming a leader through 7 cups, I would love to learn more, but I would love to try something new.

4. One fun fact about you!
I love art and helping people, I am aiming to become an art therapist!

nlpinspiration December 27th, 2021

Hello, I am starting this on December 27.This is opportunity to develop my leadership skills so I can contribute to this community

rrretsuko January 5th, 2022

@nlpinspiration hello ! it's nice to meet you :) i'm new as well and hope we can both find what we are seeking in this program !

Tosynn December 29th, 2021

Hello! I’m Tosynn. A Biology major and junior; I’ve been a listener for some time now and I applied for the week of 27th Dec. I like writing and speaking and would appreciate if we can get along.

rrretsuko January 5th, 2022

@Tosynn hi, tossyn ! it's nice to meet you <3 i enjoy writing as well and i am new to the LDP too !

rrretsuko January 5th, 2022

@Bubblegumwings1234 hi, bubble ! it's nice to meet you :) i'm new to the LDP as well ! and i love ice cream too haha