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compassionateOak202's One Line A Day Thread

compassionateOak202 March 31st, 2023

Hi, you can simply call me Oak while I still carry this username πŸ˜„! I'll be joining the One Line A Day challenge! Feel free to comment your support or anything as I journal throughout this thread!

So here is my first entry to start it off πŸ’–:


Today, I got to finally spend some longer hours with my long distance partner after several months. We watched a movie together!

compassionateOak202 OP April 20th, 2023


Woke up really tired in the morning, and somewhat I felt sad and started to overthink again until I attended the mindfulness discussion meeting in the afternoon. I also met with my peer support friend in the evening as part of our daily Wednesday night chats.

compassionateOak202 OP April 20th, 2023

I forgot to acknowledge that some of my entries have produced more than single line recently throughout this thread! It's also harder to tell from a mobile version of the platform too. Oh well! hehe

adaptableOcean4193 April 20th, 2023


I love it! You are playing by my rules now, They are called "Make your own rules" I learned from playing with my grandson that you can even change them mid-game! How cool is that?

compassionateOak202 OP April 20th, 2023

@adaptableOcean4193 I like that! That's really nice of your grandson to teach you that, πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–.

compassionateOak202 OP April 21st, 2023


I was feeling the blues again today, but spent the morning giving my mom some foot care routine, then cooked some food for late brunch, then decided to spend more time in the sharing circle throughout the afternoon until evening.

adaptableOcean4193 April 21st, 2023


Can you please be my caretaker? You just mentioned two of my favorite things... Foot care and brunch!!!

While I was in the hospital I promised all of my friends and family who were coming to sit with me and care for me that I would give them pedicures, once I could move my hands again. I've made good on that for a few of them but I still owe a bunch. I am not pushing my religion on anyone but my favorite story of Jesus regards the washing of feet. To me it is a symbol of love.

compassionateOak202 OP April 21st, 2023

@adaptableOcean4193 Aww haha! I'm quite flattered πŸ’–. I've been doing this for my mom since I was probably around 8! It started out with just massaging. Then as for the scrubbing and washing, I first learned it from one of my old nannies who offered freelance pedicures around our neighborhood. I just realized how so long ago this all started.

Then ever since I moved back with my mother after I finished college a few years ago, I've been like her caretaker every time she is home from her work. She's an ER nurse for 30+ years until now. At first I was annoyed and quite bitter about it, but then later on during my recovery for the past several weeks, I felt more calmer attending to her now than before.

adaptableOcean4193 April 21st, 2023


There is just something about knowing you are helping someone else to relax and feel better that makes you feel better and more calm and relaxed. At least that is true for me. Like petting a cat.

compassionateOak202 OP April 22nd, 2023

04/21/2023 (late midnight again!)

Almost let self-doubt rule over to me again during the day. But I felt a bit better after attending another therapeutic discussion group chat here in 7cups.

adaptableOcean4193 April 22nd, 2023


I keep missing you! I'm going to get back on track. I have been a little busier than usual with appointments and that always throws off my scheduling. I am glad you found the right place to go. Here's too much better days!

compassionateOak202 OP April 22nd, 2023

@adaptableOcean4193 I miss you too! It's been awhile since I last saw you in chat! Don't worry, I'll still continue to attend the discussions weekly so hopefully I'll get to see you there! I'll help lay out the weekly schedule so that it's easier for you to read which times are available for you:

Mon-Tues - 3:30pm ET

Wed - 4:00pm ET

Thur-Fri - 5:00pm ET

Just look out for either Mindfulness or Fifty Plus chat rooms around those times! Open chats are also on Mondays (6:30pm ET) and Fridays (6:00pm ET) in Fifty Plus!

And thank you! I always feel more better coming here nowadays, especially in the forums. So yes, to more better days for us! πŸ’–

adaptableOcean4193 April 23rd, 2023


Thank you so much for this schedule. It is so much easier to read this way and the times are better for me. I don't have late appointments. Seems like it was 11 am before and I would either not be awake yet or at an appointment. Can't wait to 'see' you!

compassionateOak202 OP April 23rd, 2023

@adaptableOcean4193 awww I'm glad I could help out! Can't wait to see you too! πŸ’–

compassionateOak202 OP April 23rd, 2023

04/22/2023 (Saturday)

Okay, I knocked out during my online support group meeting that started since 8pm and woke up just when it already finished πŸ˜‚. Other than that, I also spent more time in the Sharing Circle room earlier throughout the day. I also wrote up a letter last night that is meant for my former best friend as a way to make amends. Haven't sent it yet, but it was good to let out my feelings for now.

compassionateOak202 OP April 23rd, 2023
i thought my text was bold! β…½(β‰–-β‰–γ€ž)ↄ
compassionateOak202 OP April 24th, 2023


Just learned from my partner that I have been and still dealing with trauma after failing to get back into drawing or making videos as I used to do before the incident.

compassionateOak202 OP April 24th, 2023


I lost my growth path streak, I missed one day! (β•―Β°β–‘Β°οΌ‰β•―οΈ΅ ┻━┻

adaptableOcean4193 April 24th, 2023


Yeah I haven't quite figured that out. Still says I have a 1-day streak but I'm on here all the time

compassionateOak202 OP April 24th, 2023


When you got to My Path, you just simply complete which ever exercise you want to do. Only 1 growth path exercise will count towards the day!

If you're also currently doing a growth path but are not currently in the mood to complete that specific exercise, you can also change it using the small 2 intersecting arrows icon a little under the top corner of the Step# above the page!

compassionateOak202 OP April 26th, 2023

04/25/2023 (but posted late again!)

Okay so during the day I was doing okay most of all, which is good. I even took a nap, and had a dream of the word Oak on small thick book I found in a library center. The meanings were blurred. But I like that I saw the word there!

adaptableOcean4193 April 26th, 2023


I'd like to think it's a reminder of how strong you are. I get a little tired sometimes if how strong I am, sometimes I'd rather just be cared for. However, being strong gets us through so I wouldn't want to not have that.

compassionateOak202 OP April 26th, 2023

@adaptableOcean4193 Probably! I’d like to think that too. I don’t see an actual oak tree but it was just a word that was imprinted in near the last few pages of the book I was flipping through…. ok I just realized I have to look up the meaning of the book in my dream πŸ˜†. I was caught up wondering why the word Oak was in it haha.

compassionateOak202 OP April 27th, 2023


I was not able sleep through the night previously so I had to sleep around the morning. I'm okay though, just needed to fix my sleeping schedule! (δΊΊ β€’Νˆα΄—β€’ΝˆβœΏΰΈΊ)

compassionateOak202 OP April 28th, 2023


My partner chatted me online and told me that the psych center I've been reaching out to had called his number. So I'll be filling out an evaluation form first for them, then they'll give me a session once I go there.

adaptableOcean4193 April 28th, 2023


I am happy to hear that and I Hope that works out for you very well. Remember that all of us here are in similar situations that are very different. Seems like an oxymoron doesn't it? I had trouble finding someone who will see me just because everyone is overwhelmed. I would like to see someone face to face but being here has been very helpful. For me I am slowly finding out that much of my issues are almost to be expected from strokes. I was too ill to have cardiac or stroke rehab when I needed it so I had no idea about the crying and the fatigue and the apathy. Now that I know I feel okay to be here for some positivity and reminders of what's good and ask my doctors about treatment for the symptoms if there are any. It might have been helpful to know what to expect ahead of time, however perhaps not knowing was better. At least I can be sure that I didn't think I had something based on what to expect. This way looking back I've been able to find they are classic symptoms. Anyway, although I don't know you and will never see your face, I love you for who you tell me you are in your writings, The way you encourage people here, and for your courage to continue to try. Best wishes. I'm cheering for you!

compassionateOak202 OP April 28th, 2023

@adaptableOcean4193 I also love the way you write, Ocean! I'm truly grateful to have you here and be able to share my experiences with you and vice versa.

Yes, I agree that being here has also helped me, at least knowing that I'm not alone in this world and that we're all just here to support each other as try our best to go through our many obstacles in life. I'm honestly quite nervous about this, since I won't be there in my home country until June. But I'm really glad they responded and it'll be my first time ever seeking professional help.

Anyway, thank you for your kind response <3. I love continuing to see you throughout the forums.

compassionateOak202 OP April 28th, 2023


I hosted the sharing circle for the first time today πŸ’–! It lasted from around 12:30pm until 2pm. Unfortunately I've picked the worst time to drink normal coffee, so I was a bit shaky during my hosting session. But all went well!

adaptableOcean4193 April 29th, 2023


I'm so sorry I missed it but I'm sure you did a wonderful job!

compassionateOak202 OP April 29th, 2023

@adaptableOcean4193 no worries Ocean! It was on the spot, and I was just available around that time! Hopefully I'll get to host more hehe :3

adaptableOcean4193 April 29th, 2023


I'm absolutely sure you will! In fact, I suspect they might be begging. You have a lot to offer.

compassionateOak202 OP April 30th, 2023


Had a sad day today. But being here on this site definitely helps a lot.

adaptableOcean4193 April 30th, 2023


I hope today is much better.

compassionateOak202 OP April 30th, 2023

@adaptableOcean4193 thank you Ocean. πŸ’™

compassionateOak202 OP May 1st, 2023


I was still feeling the blues today, in spite of the rainy weather. However, I'd like to end this month's one-line-daily thread with a new entry of my reflection (clickable) that summarizes my latest progress of my recovery. Thank you very much for witnessing my experiences thus far. πŸ’™

compassionateOak202 OP May 2nd, 2023


I skipped a day! I was so caught up with my anxiousness over this therapy session I'm actually going to have tomorrow night! Hopefully it'll work out well! 😫

compassionateOak202 OP May 4th, 2023


My first therapy session turned out pretty well! He was so nice he even allowed me to chat him whenever I feel the need to reach out to someone. It definitely seems like another blessing.

adaptableOcean4193 May 5th, 2023


I love, love, love this!!! So happy you clicked and felt supported. Do reach out as you need. You are making so much progress, for you, a who could possibly more special to spend your efforts on? You remind me that I am also worth working for. I believe many of us are other centered, aka caretakers, but we rarely make time for ourselves. We guilt ourselves into making everyone else a priority, which is great, but we forget that we are included in everyone. We really do help others better when we prioritize our needs, health and some of our desires first. What is something tangible you want for you? I wanted a comfortable bed. I bought myself a 5" thick down mattress pad, pretty sheets, new pillows and a ceiling fan. Whenever I lay in that bed, or even look at it, I am reminded I am important, too. And it is like sleeping on a cloud. It hurt my pocket a bit, but it paid off very quickly in comfort and a feeling of being some kind of royalty. LOL. I don't know how else to describe it.

compassionateOak202 OP May 5th, 2023

@adaptableOcean4193 thank you so much! I am looking forward to the next session. It was also funny last night because the session started half an hour late due to technical difficulties with the google meet app, and I didn’t receive any request or meeting code for it, so I have him my number that was linked to my email thinking it would help but he ended up calling me through another app πŸ˜†. It had me stressed for 30 minutes lol. But we were able to still make up our 1 hour session.

Also, I love your response about taking care of ourselves first before helping others!

compassionateOak202 OP May 5th, 2023


My mom was off today. I’ve been comforting my sister through video call until she sleeps. It was a chill day.

compassionateOak202 OP May 6th, 2023


My day was quiet, and I was okay. Bad memory decided to show up again late at night until before I came on to this thread. And I ended up not feeling okay.