Index Card A Day (ICAD art challenge)
I'm a little late in posting this, but I wanted to let you all know about the ICAD challenge. Basically, the idea is to do something creative - writing, art, whatever - on an index card every day in June and July. That's it.
There are specific prompts that you can use but you don't have to (there's no "have to" with this challenge). It is free to participate, and no registration. Jump in, and share your creations here if you want!
Here is a link to the prompts:
Here's one of mine to start us off:
prompt: moonlight
um like share any writing or art related to the prompt you shared?
I hope i understand this right, sounds cool tho :D
That or any other prompt you like. The important thing, I think, is just to do it-in whatever way works for you. Share what you do if you want... or not. :) At the link above you will find prompts if you want to use them. Here are the most recent ones, as an example: