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For fizz

User Profile: SyriusSystem
SyriusSystem January 5th

Hiya fizz, it's me Kevin. I made this forum cause yesterday I feel like I didn't leave things the right way? Idk but, I left so abruptly and u weren't ok

The way I treated things, that's how I normally am, whenever stuff like that happens, I gotta be the one to push it over and act as if nothin had happened and it's my bad that all this happened

Ik u said that I don't need to apologize but imma do it anyways cause u deserve an apology, that prolly brought up rlly bad memories for u

I'm here for u man, if u got any questions, if u need an explanation, I'm here to answer

Pls be honest, u don't need to act as if it's all ok cause I know it's not aight, 💙


Idk if the f in ur username is capital or not so imma put both just to be sure XD


User Profile: ZeroFizz
ZeroFizz January 5th

Hey Kevin I hope things are better for u rn ❤️

the way you treated things were fine. You apologized, you asked me if I was okay multiple times and you explained what was going on. You did so amazing and I don’t expect you to change. If that is how you normally are than that’s is great. You handled it well. I’m grateful for that 💕

and yeh yesterdays conversation brung up a lot for me but I was willing to be there to help you. I was there for you and when I felt like I got triggered I should have left. But I didn’t. So it is my fault and not yours.

the things that loik was saying yesterday were really scary. It made me so sad when I saw that he left and switched. We were in the middle of a really tough subject. I don’t know much about DID so I was confused when this all happened.But it’s not you fault. You can’t control that stuff. And I’m actually glad that he left because I could see he needed help. A big hug if U ask me ❤️

And I tried my best to help him believe that it gets better. I really did and I trulyhope he is okay. How is he doing?

and I’m sorry if I made you feel as if it was your fault. it wasn’t Kevin. You did what you had to do. Thank you for the message and hugggggsss 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🤗❤️❤️❤️

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User Profile: SyriusSystem
SyriusSystem OP January 5th


it wasnt ur fault fizz, tbh im glad u stayed with loik at that time cause if u hadnt, things rlly wouldve been bad. u helped alot but hru now? is it all good?

loik isnt rlly ok, what hes goin through is rlly horrible but we're tryin our best for him

dw, u didnt make me feel like it was my fault, like i said, i was rlly glad that u stayed:) hugssss<3<3<3

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User Profile: ZeroFizz
ZeroFizz January 5th

I’m glad I stayed with him. He deserves better honestly. I’m glad I’ve helped him. And I’m sorry he’s going thru such a horrible time I hope he feels better very soon.

being with him made me remember how bad things can get. And how isolating and numb it can feel. Like there’s no other choice but that one thing. So when I got off cups I just sat there for a while. Remembering. Wasn’t really a good night but I’m okay now. I’m all good. I’m happy I got to help him even if if was just a little. If you can please tell him that I’m still here for him ❤️

thanks for being so understanding and kind about all of this. I know you probably have no idea what I’m on about lol. ❤️❤️❤️🤍🤍🤍

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User Profile: ZeroFizz
ZeroFizz January 5th

Also in general I hope we can still be friends and stuff without it being weird 💙💙

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User Profile: SyriusSystem
SyriusSystem OP January 5th


im glad ur all good now, i'll be sure to tell him how much u care and that ur here for him

 and ofc we can stay friends man, id luv it if we did 0^0

also im here for u too, ok? whenever u need it

i got a feel for what was goin on, it mustve not been easy for u but u still stayed, idk how many times ive said thanks XD but imma say it again, thx bro and like i said, im here for u too

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User Profile: ZeroFizz
ZeroFizz January 5th

Thank you Man U have no idea how much it means to me. If possible pls keep me updated on him I hope he feels better soon🤍 Glad we can be friends. Thanks for also being here for me I’m also here for you always ❤️

and of course i stayed. I will always stay. Thank you. I’m here for u too 🤗🤗

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User Profile: ZeroFizz
ZeroFizz January 6th

Hey Kevin, just wanted to say thank you so much for everything that you said to me earlier. I was in a bad moment and u just dragged me out of it Yk. You probably have no idea how much this truly means to me. You are so kind and true hearted. You supported me when I was going crazy lol. Thank you and damn, u are a good person. Sending huggggggggggs ur wayyyyyy 🫂🫂🫂🫂❤️❤️❤️❤️

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User Profile: SyriusSystem
SyriusSystem OP January 6th

I'm so happy that I was able to help ☺️ dw imma make u a boomerang 🪃 so every time u go in a bad moment u can come back XD idk if that makes any sense but ure also a rlly great guy man, don't let urself think otherwise 🫡💪

Huggggssssss 🫂 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂

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User Profile: ZeroFizz
ZeroFizz January 7th

Awwwwwwwwwwwww I’m not crying you are 🥺🥺 same goes for uuu ❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂🫂

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User Profile: SyriusSystem
SyriusSystem OP January 20th

Hiya fizzzzy I'm just checking on ya

Haven't seen u for a while, u doing good? 0^0

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User Profile: ZeroFizz
ZeroFizz January 21st


hiiii it’s been a while hasn’t it lol how are youuuuuuu? Missed u Fr

yeh I may or may not be going thru a mental breakdown for around 2 weeks which is just getting worse. 😭😭😂

means sm u checked on meee 💗💗💗 

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User Profile: SyriusSystem
SyriusSystem OP January 21st

Oh Damm sending hugs frfrr, if u wanna talk abt anything imma be here for u bruv, I couldn't imagine a 2 week long breakdown 😭 glad I checked on yu, missed u a bunch, I hope it gets better 💖

As for me idk, I'm just numb XD

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User Profile: ZeroFizz
ZeroFizz January 21st

thank you for being here kev it means so so so so much ❤️ and as for being numb Ik how much that sucks and it’s so difficult. Been there done that. And it does end. Ik u will feel better soon friendo! And I’m always here for u to. You can talk to me whenever even when I’m not online for a while. I will respond to this forum💖💖

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User Profile: SyriusSystem
SyriusSystem OP January 23rd


thankz budy<3<3

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User Profile: ZeroFizz
ZeroFizz January 22nd

Ppl be snooping here 😭 I didn’t hear ur upper messages but someone else did 😭😂😂

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User Profile: ZeroFizz
ZeroFizz January 22nd


User Profile: SyriusSystem
SyriusSystem OP January 23rd


ooooo lurkerz👀

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