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Modal0154 July 22nd, 2023

I’m currently on a tablet and making this since I don’t want the bad vibe of the unintended final entry on here to be something I see again.

No shame, no one is judging the literary quality of the last journal etc,etc.

Thinking ‘going forward’ later today or not, I’m meaning to buy (compression ?, exercise tights ?, male yoga pants ?) which is something I don’t look forward to since it’d not only mean the friggin tedium of venturing to some achingly bougie mall but look for ‘bottoms’ as in pants or shorts never seems to be fun for someone my size, much less for a niche function and role..

-_- Yet the membership is only for a month and the tedium of an Amazon product request and delivery comes with it’s own diciness.

Modal0154 OP July 22nd, 2023

After having seen a trailer overnight showing how the late Gilbert Gottfried voices a character in the upcoming ~'Mortal kombat legacy: Cage match' (it might well've been one of his final roles), I think to myself he was definitely the sort of person who I could see ppl trying to come up with reasons to justify having an AI voice equivalent of.

Modal0154 OP July 22nd, 2023

Or in rares case of certain VA succumbing to scandal, maybe sooner an AI replacement instead of doing auditions for 'soundalikes'

(My thought after seeing this headliner: )

Modal0154 OP July 24th, 2023

I remember years ago my parents (or at least my dad) saying stuff about the 'angel trumpet' planet, it's psychoactive properties and how it's banned. Could swear that I saw some around the tree of someone's front yard heading back, in the off chance that it's not just some variant of lilies of the white coloured kind.

Modal0154 OP July 24th, 2023

A month from now, my years of chronological giftedness turns into a number above the maximum number of days a month can have.

It is a more rare privilege to say that regarding timeliness in one sense even more so than how you can say you live through the numeric orderliness of December 3rd, 1:23 a.m.

Modal0154 OP July 27th, 2023
What I love about this scene is that it transitions from how a courtly dance in the Middle Ages may have actually looked like into something that could communicate to us what these dances felt like to the people who went to them. It's like you're getting into their mindset and seeing things from their point of view. That's what makes this film so great - Medieval crowds never chanted 'We Will Rock You' at jousting tournaments, but they absolutely would've because tournaments to them were like the Super Bowl and a rock concert rolled into one.

Renewed fondness for this scene, seen during a school trip in late g.4

Modal0154 OP July 28th, 2023

Blinky Bill, Bananas in pyjamas, Johnson and friends, The Wiggles and more recently Bluey.

Australia's presence in toddler style media at least for ~30 yrs and stretching back to the 1930's if you include the first one.

`u` Live action Bananas in pyjamas and Johnson and friends I fondly remember


No time for bad

No time for good

No time for ugly

On this day what falsehood should I put under foot ?

No time for good

No time for bad

No time for ugly

On this day, I should be glad to not be sad

No time for ugly

No time for good

No time for bad

I still have the better sense to hug ye

Modal0154 OP July 29th, 2023


If we were radically honest about ourselves and telling it to others so many of us would claim misanthropy but would still self-decieve ourselves into the usual indifference or apathy when interacting with others..or 'boredom' that rage spread thin, that dread or fear of desirable change not happening spread thin and projected onto the world, blustering like a fool, like a recent clerk at an iffy takeout place, the kind where the one or two 'staff' ppl are barely not scowly faced and not wanting to be there, you wondering how the h--l do they sell to cover location rent let alone meaningful profit..

always dependent on cliques and so stupidly tactless unless you're stupid enough, gaudy enough to be peacocking wherewithal that they'll chase you out with little remorse to how they're not gaining new customers/business


Never anyone to talk with,Never anyone to talk with,Never anyone to talk with,Never anyone to talk with,Never anyone to talk with,

Who isn't an idiot and is appealing,who isn't an idiot and is appealing,who isn't an idiot and is appealing,,

D--n resorting to porn*

31M..ought to be coupled up with someone making out and/or cuddling with them most every night before sleeping instead of that sorrowfully sophomoric and tiring poison of a monotony which the other elements of the internet and life, like stupid fees and point systems for live streaming or lack of UBI bring in

Please no pest, plumbing, fridge or work issues, super please.

* how it makes me feel --- 'hang over' phase incoming...x~x >_<

Hang over coworker I'm sort of weary and afraid of not returning from vay-kay yet


Modal0154 OP July 29th, 2023

~3:40 am here---I want to ditch this site, I want to go under but all the fts and formats to be 'resurrected' as a different site under a different name and with only the most meaningfully relevant of the listeners leftover to find out about the new version...

Modal0154 OP July 30th, 2023

This is important to me as I increasingly feel less comfortable with thinking on how a woman is attractive unless I know for certain they're 28+ .

Attractive women over 30 exist and this is important to keep in mind as you get older even if society barely highlights this and even though it is a struggle to keep in mind.

Modal0154 OP August 7th, 2023

Sure, you learn the most from your mistakes but truthfully I don’t want to spend so much time studying (hence wanting to assure racked up victories)

That’s typed up with chess in mind

Modal0154 OP July 29th, 2023

+ : got shorts, got 'yoga studio bingo' sheet


Modal0154 OP July 29th, 2023

Midjourney AI working for me again plus sleep which was actually restful

Modal0154 OP August 3rd, 2023

more jazz based karaoke caliber songs

Careless whisper by George Michael

Smooth operator by Sade

Virtual insanity by Jamiroquai

Modal0154 OP July 29th, 2023

Ppl understanding what a microcelebrity on new micro-/'social' media is, is so nitpicky that it's barely worth more than shallow bunk and trivial all the more.

~130 yrs ago there might've been a 'final batch' of ppl who're aware of theatre actors of national or maybe even global reknown (John Wilkes Booth older siblings comes to mind)..we might well be at that point with movie celebrities at least within English speaking nations.

Hollywood writer and actor strikes anyone ? --"Whenever there is something like a writers strike, just remember that we really don't need entertainment or whatever more than the people making that entertainment need healthcare and a decent wage."

Modal0154 OP July 29th, 2023

Booth's older sibling (singular), a brother, I meant


Modal0154 OP July 29th, 2023

Woke comparitively late and work awaits but I at least want to say this..

It s--ks to not be cooking when you know you're capable of it, due to time constraints etc and the wait to do so is like being an astronaut for whom they can't expect to be cooking in an ordinary way until whensoever they return to Earth.

So tiring to have been depending on cereal this week

Modal0154 OP July 29th, 2023

Love the attitude and/or demeanor of James McCloud in the 'A fox in space: episode 2' video enough to say I which mine was the same.

Great use of music and timing the absence of music throughout.

Modal0154 OP July 29th, 2023

So many toys, so little time.

Lockdown free time craving.


You can't ever pick and choose your followers

You can't ever really control who winds up liking you

Modal0154 OP July 29th, 2023

:D One of those day when I might be able to let music and podcasts play aloud since no one else is in the workroom area ! xD

Modal0154 OP July 30th, 2023

It occurs to me, it finally occurs to me to make it a habit that after a particularly angsty Reddit posting to post 2 or more things in the say 'wholesome' threads.

Modal0154 OP July 31st, 2023

Upcoming hassles for next week: return some clothes to a bougie mall, send some clothes back to Amazon for a larger sized version.

Busy week this one and the next one.

Modal0154 OP July 31st, 2023

Edie Brauer store clerk was super nice whence it came to the refund.


That one rapper ~'Da Baby's song where he goes 'wah wah wah' like the crying of his namesake..when my brother had it playing in the car on the way home, 'u' my mom said something cheeky around that part which I really wish I could remember.

Modal0154 OP July 31st, 2023

Currently in park: quiet enough since not too close to main roads, many family members with prepubescent children, nice weather and convenience of location

On a bench, not having a hyped conversation w/anyone..does soaking this in, 'basking in it' still count as extraversion* ?

* gaining energy from others

Modal0154 OP August 2nd, 2023

A straight line is the shortest distance between two points

Stupid bizarre text formatting when you try to copy and paste something =_=

Modal0154 OP August 3rd, 2023

I regretfully threw a cuss laden verbal abuse spewing against a family pet yesterday and today I found out about how an unstable relative is threatening to harm said pet -_- .

Modal0154 OP August 4th, 2023

One reason it might not appeal to me whence ppl say that a certain community is known for extraversion and/or 'being party animals' is that, quite often winds up meaning that substance use (like say alcohol) is all too normative and the attitudes which come with such drinking habits as ones I personally am not comfortable around.

Modal0154 OP August 4th, 2023

Lightning in the distance ? but no thunder or rain here..or it is lighting related to the top floor areas around the nearby hospital

Modal0154 OP August 4th, 2023

Ahora llega

Modal0154 OP August 5th, 2023

- : mixing up Lysol disinfectant spray with that of Febreeze

+ : my sister giving me a ride

Modal0154 OP August 5th, 2023

+ : having come across a travel guide specifically about gender diversity friendly locales and events around the world.

Sure, I think that when it comes to those locations sometimes they might opt for a more extroverted or 'flamboyant' expression of gender diversity, which is not really always accurate..but I'd like to think that in the places listed they might well be more accepting of introverted temperments and dispositions as well

+ : Coming across two Haruki Murakami books in Spanish

Modal0154 OP August 5th, 2023

'The Pride atlas' by Maartje Hensen was what it was called

Modal0154 OP August 6th, 2023

=_= mmmm.... a 'bells and whistles' laden high-pressure water flosser and paying out of pocket for addition dental hygienist appointments throughout the year, I worry to opt for the latter since I admit I might well loose motivation to do the former.

Teeth brushing is a slog in that you're meant to do it during the waking grogginess of a monotony you don't look forward to doing or during the end phase of that day's activity when you're most likely in the final pre-dozing off stages, too unfocused to concentrate and hence after several months you semi-painfully make a costly visit hygienist to be told how you did mediocrely in terms of maintenance and goodness forbid it turns out more appointments like reworking dental fillings needs to be done again.

Modal0154 OP August 6th, 2023

Not sports cars, not designer brand clothes, not former celebrity belonging collectibles but such a service like extra dental hygienist appointments or actually being open to buying high-pressure but highly expensive water flossers would be such a sort of thing I'd seek were my income in 'the Bezos' range since it's experimenting with items for non-trivial outcomes (oral hygiene in this case).

Money gives you confidence, money gives you (self-(?))trust...-_- is a f--king odious sentiment to agree with when the world will smother you for not agreeing with that contrived form of irresponsibly espoused human empiricism it's contrived even if once 'the dust settle' and climate change destruction makes unambiguous mythology like destruction you can be honest to say how that was always a lie you recognized but were forced choicelessly into but too many jerkwads to name.

Modal0154 OP August 6th, 2023

3 maybe =_= 4 dental hygienist appointments throughout a year might make for competent upkeep imo.

Modal0154 OP August 6th, 2023

=_= >_< *seethering sigh*..this actually seemed encouraging


loving how there's apparently a locally operating group making speed dating events and giving age entry parameters to boot but it f--g s--ks how it's at locations deeply limited for when it comes to food or non-alcoholic drinks.

>_< >~< So close,so close,so close this time !. Why can't these sorts of things be done at cafes more often ?!.

Modal0154 OP August 7th, 2023

Back in 2021 until my birthday last year saying ~'the youngest I'd date is 4 yrs younger than me' would've meant a limit of age 26, a number special for arguably being the last time you can say 'mid 20's' . "=u= In a few weeks, that number limit will be 28.

If I'm to expect for a nephew, I wonder if they'll grow up to look like Joseph Gordon-Levitt or a certain pre-pandemic coworker, I was gracious to make acquaintance with.

Modal0154 OP August 7th, 2023

I’m somehow suppose to believe this ?:

The speculated given on which so much of post ‘dust has settled’ lockdown life was hinging on:

Modal0154 OP August 7th, 2023

'Airplanes' by Bob ft.Hayley Williams is definitely a nice one for duet karaoke.

The ~'version 2'(?) version with Eminem, not so much even if it's arguably the more intense one.

Modal0154 OP August 7th, 2023

I find it funny how in a recent Anthony Fantano q&a video take up he did, he said that contemporary rappers called the production on 80’s stuff ~’like [banging] pots and pans’ xD

Modal0154 OP August 8th, 2023

If more ppl actually knew how pop songs were structured* would there be so much of a fixation to garner hip-hop based 'flow' lyricism and dialogue like methods like with battle rapping ?. Expecting flawless non-repeating lyricism is a big ask.

* ,