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1-30-2k24+ Journal

Modal0154 January 30th

I'm letting the last entry in my previous journal count for a functional obituary.

Modal0154 OP January 30th

Like leaving an extra key discretely near an entrance

I'll surely have things to say; new lesson for dance later tonight, maybe one less worry for not having practiced the previous stuff in the days before

Modal0154 OP January 31st

Right in the midst of a pre-bachata warm up


I've sat with the news of the uncle title being conferred to me by a '9 pounder' for ~an hour.

Modal0154 OP January 31st

I don't much like Marc Anthony but his Vivir mi Vida now has added weight ! ^_^

Modal0154 OP January 31st

To my chagrin I turned down my aunt's invite for dinner due to the dance class (as I sort of did ~2 weeks ago) which I almost would've gotten to late for.

Retracted part of what msg I sent to someone on FB yesterday (read btw the lines of final entry of previous journal) with remorse.

Mental health appointment before work sure helped.

Modal0154 OP January 31st

To a TO hospital, we go

Modal0154 OP January 31st

Risking dozing off soon after satisfyingly eating out (with family) since part of the exhaustion has come from how early it took to make the car rides to and fro.

Modal0154 OP February 1st

I've grown fond enough of the 'Sega Dreamcast' logo as an avatar as to be reluctant to change it despite my (I think) non-existent memory of exposure to the Dreamcast specifically. When it comes to 90's wistfulness it'd be cool to see that or the 'Poliwhirl belly' on a shirt.

Modal0154 OP February 1st

That I've a craving to make a scrapbook-esque journaling about the things relevant around the time which has led to my nibling. Not too important among that, was how I finally finished watching the final few minutes of 'Doug: the first movie' on the Disney+ app before dozing off ~1:30-7:30 at my residence once again.

Modal0154 OP February 1st

When it comes to 2000's history, The social network can count as a movie covering an important historical event when it comes to internet culture stuff which'd have significant ripple effects when it comes to recent history similar to how the more recent Dumb money can for the 2020's.

=_= I'd be really curious if those movies are shown in the classes of pre-high school double-digit age children classes to know and see the reaction/their understanding of those movies.

Both of those movies interestingly almost came out in the same decades for which they cover the events of. The social network was released in late '10 and not '09 but Dumb money is interesting in terms of how it reflects the potential which much faster movie production have in the 2020's in contrast to the pre-streaming platforms weren't really prevalent days of 2010, '~' although I would also consider that to also increase the possibilities that, that movie wasn't too great and something of a rush job b/c a 2023 movie covering a 2021 event is something I personally still find too uncanny `_` =_= ..`_` but considering how Brexit: the uncivil war with Benedict Cumberbatch got a 2019 release and covered a 2016 event though .. '_' 

`_` Currently at least, I can't think of an internet centred  'based on true events' movies taking place during the 2010's or released in the 2010's for that matter but while it is a fiction I'd think that 2017's The circle with Tom Hanks and Emma Watson is close in terms of vibe even if my sister didn't enjoy it.

Modal0154 OP February 2nd

Not liking the burned roof of mouth from impatience for eating toast with nut butters yesterday.

Modal0154 OP February 3rd

Super special voice msg for the making, possibly come Tuesday* 

=____= >__< not venturing to do grocery(a) or f--g personal paperwork of the Excel variety or new apartment related package(b) but will (c) f---g need wake early in the interest of printing a return form for something as *** hefty as a treadmill kit not knowing if the post office within that pharmacy I'm increasingly not liking will have restrictions on how something like that can be returned there or not.

To undertake (c) it might well mean having to request a ride from my still local sibling, b/c f--k it all if they say ~'you'll have to take it the Amazon processing plant' which is goodness knows how is f--g distant (remote--the nearest things I think I recognize near it is a golf course near where a friend of my dad lives).

*This* is the kind of nonsense which forces you to eat takeout for days on end, >_< b/c not only do you not really have the time to cook but you can barely go out and so much as gather ingredients !.


I brought up to my higher up my severe skepticism on how even with a coworker contributing tomorrow, 37 boxes worth of old photo related stuff which has to have Spreadsheet info input for an appraiser won't likely be processed by the 7th ... ._. >___< ...the final funerary rites for a friend's mother is on the 5th at a time whence I'd be working* and goodness knows how I'm not apt to request another leave of absence less than a week after a previous week. 


Contractors still need to work on the hallways and I still need to put away most of my bedroom stuff in it's places.

It was the last day for a certain coworker today and the weather stayed mild on my way to wrap up a week's quota of exercise at a yoga studio. 

..I am not fond of how on a personal level the beginning of a year is so effin crowded for me deep into a bit past Valentine's and how the dark and cold of callous winter exacerbates it.

* =_= 0:09+ 

it really takes the p--s out of 'waxing and waning poetically' on life and death being on the same thread when you can't attend the goodness knows not-likely-to-repeat-social-ceremonies entailed by both in such a short amount of time since (ever a wonder =_= ) work

Modal0154 OP February 5th

What 'paperwork' remains is but 1/3: that pertinent to the apartment reps particularly.

Modal0154 OP February 8th

I'm going to need to print a bunch of supplementary stuff for the apartment related paperwork, 

still no response from CEVA logistics to my chagrin which might push me into calling Amazon again

msgs were sent to HR (I need a reply back to better fill out the apartment paperwork) and a charity group for info relevant to tax return factoring stuff

The 37 boxes stuff is done, I sent a reply to my higher-up on how I won't join some stuff lunch due to a non-vegetarian focus

I want to meet with an apartment rep come morrow and no contractor presence again lately, strangely

Expectation for me to do some Kijiji related stuff on Friday -_-

Modal0154 OP February 3rd

You know times like this it p--s me off how they're might not well be a comment despite some unambiguously tense problems even when objectively looked up you can be one of the more active members on a platform -- an unfair thought coming from a currently tensed up mind, I know, on a platform not nearly 'as broad' as Reddit but w/hypothetically as much sharply deep if not more sharply deep content than Reddit and it's broadness.

Modal0154 OP February 3rd

Steel Panther is the parodic comedy one and Pantera is the serious rock group.

Modal0154 OP February 3rd

Drag how there's a lack of post-posting editing features for these forums.

Modal0154 OP February 3rd


Modal0154 OP February 3rd

Current mood

Modal0154 OP February 3rd

That's so often birthday gifts can be reducible to a amount of money even if you're not post-prepubescent.. I think that is part of the amount of the frustration of how there is a birthday in my family at least onceevery week after Christmas and New year's 

Modal0154 OP February 4th

This channel

makes me feel a bit better about the hot garbage that was (personally , developmentally) the 2000s for me.

Modal0154 OP February 4th

There's a part of me which wants to say "you're performing for your health since that, exercise etc is how you pay your body the rent to competently house consciousness', 'you're performing to be responsible'..but the ~' Where's the audience ?!. Life's a stage, but the theatre is empty !' really speaks insightfully to me `_` d


Somehow I'll find time to spontaneously post up funny and amazing pictures and videos--something for me to look forward to.

Modal0154 OP February 4th

The intensity of the funeral with my friend is attending, the aggravating inconvenience of having to arrange for return pickup on a bulky Amazon return in addition to so much paperwork like stuff that's not even from my job.. I want to have another mental health appointment later this week sooner than next week and I'm trying to not self-blame myself for thinking that it's mainly because I'm still lingering on horror movie nonsense which lingers is on in a way which makes me uncomfortable (the reasons which are initiating that discomfort).

-_- Okay, I'm maybe a bit more comfortable if not fully exercising this week.

Modal0154 OP February 4th

Penultimate, I mean

Modal0154 OP February 4th

~5:42 pm EST--from what I seeing go through my bedroom window the sun is receding.

Maybe later, I'll look into when this stops happening relatively early.

Modal0154 OP February 5th

Unknown whenst but around midnight nut butter eating w/or w/out cereals are meant to cease, mayhaps whence the hecticness subsides



Modal0154 OP February 7th

+: dance class

-: scar on left arm from grading it against the corner of a protein powder bag-- -_- it's irksome when some of the most banal things leave such marks

Modal0154 OP February 8th

gra*t*ing.. plus my gratitude past up-voter

Modal0154 OP February 8th

I find the nutritional benefits of protein powders,bar and drinks to be irksomely counteracted or nullified by so much wretch sugar >_< !. D--n me, for having mal-selected that maple syrup flavoured powder !. Surely there's such a thing as 'neutral' unflavored powders, no ?. The culminated sugar is something which I find gives me a headache unless it's 'released' promptly as with exercise which to my chagrin I can't get around to/I'm being obstructed from in the first place b/c of so much d--n paperwork which is forcing me to seek a 'quick alternative' to the time for settling to a more real meal !.

Cooking,cleaning and (minimal maintenance) exercising -- even as a functionally friendless adult in their own living space, commiting to that triad alone will consume your time relentlessly, and your more at risk of mental unwellness if you don't have a high cognition entailing hobby your skilled enough to consistently enjoy and be competent or then some at, since if you don't you're in danger of becoming the kind who'll only ever really worry about how to make money and where it's coming '_' >_< @~@ ~.

Modal0154 OP February 8th

+: seeing a in my opinion, vaguely pink tint to the fog I see outdoors

Modal0154 OP February 9th

Hopes that even w/the video game context maybe lost, someone'll find this funny [throw*s* at the end]


Modal0154 OP February 10th

xD Jejeje

Modal0154 OP February 11th

What 1960s 'The Jungle book' Shere Khan was to 1990s 'The Lion king' Scar in terms of the prototype for the attitude and demeanor of the latter is what 1960s '101 Dalmatians' Cruella Deville is to the 2000s 'Emperor's New groove' Yzma in terms of character design/looks..

`_` `u` funny how that pans out when you consider how he's most supposed to be a pre-Spanish colonial elderly but manipulative Peruvian Native lady (sure, I don't really mind that they might have designed her a bit as something of a caricature of Eartha Kitt) whereas Cruella is an overclass fashionista British lady . The former is in the more exaggerated and cartoony setting which doesn't really apply to the latter unless you consider that '90s 101 Dalmatians animated series (which I've found memories of watching).

Both the big cats have most always been taken seriously even in spin-offs from what I recall. Shere Khan still being menacing even in ~'Tail spin' but I can't really comment on what scant memories of ~'The jungle book babies'(?) I have.

Modal0154 OP February 11th

Animated Cruella Deville and Horace and Jasper dynamics aren't the same as Yzma and Kronk, who goodness knows getting enhanced by their voice actors ;} .

I am also want to not forget about the '90s live action Jungle book in contrast to the 2016-ish one (which was cool in it's own way), which kind of overshadowed both the 90s one and the Andy Serkis involved one which came out a few years later. I've got memories a fragments of that one old Jungle book anime and yet ultimately the question is how much of Kipling's book didn't make the cut in any of what I've mentioned, isn't it ?.

Modal0154 OP February 12th

ChatGPT's output

"I'm sorry to hear that you had to experience hurtful comments about your future sister-in-law. It's important to remember that beauty is subjective, and everyone has their own unique qualities that make them attractive in different ways. The concept of "jolie laide," which translates to "beautiful ugly" or "ugly beautiful," celebrates the idea that unconventional or non-traditional features can be intriguing and attractive.

Appreciating individuality and embracing diverse definitions of beauty can indeed help counteract narrow societal standards and promote acceptance and inclusivity. Platforms like QOVES Studio, with their focus on hyper-specific beauty content, have the potential to showcase a wide range of beauty ideals and celebrate the uniqueness of each individual.

By highlighting diverse representations of beauty and promoting acceptance and appreciation for all types of appearances, we can foster a more inclusive and compassionate society. It's important to speak out against hurtful comments and support each other in embracing our differences and celebrating our individuality."

Verily. We all ought to be better informed on 'Jolie laide' even though I don't think it'd apply to my siblings fiancee.

Modal0154 OP February 12th


Those rook outfits appeal to me ^_^ !

Modal0154 OP February 12th

1 sheet printed, voice msg replied to and where going somewhere with our bulky item return prospect, needn't venture to TO come Sunday nor did a person arrive for a Kijiji based transaction.

~Something, something~ more time to gather tax receipt info.."=_= it's making me reconsider how I approach charity


I got one of the more cumbersome msgs sent out, the one for which someone gave me helpful feedback, most graciously. There might be 4-ish other different msgs I've to make regarding that.

These past few days important msgs were sent out including most recently to a sibling and as of yet none back regarding a possible returning arrangement to my chagrin.

Modal0154 OP February 13th

Intrigue !

An animated Afro-futuristic series set in Nigeria, which Disney is collaborating on !

Modal0154 OP February 14th

Tax receipt info gathering, reply from HR to better fill out apartment info, meeting w/apartment rep even if it'll mean prior to their office hours and that I might make some final inputs and stapling of documents whilst in front of them.

Friday schedule is earlier and different.

Modal0154 OP February 15th

+ : Fun variety of YouTube thumbnails currently open.

Modal0154 OP February 16th

Reception was uncomfortable but a bulky item return from 1-5 on the 23rd was secured plus msgs sent out, stuff printed