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in the wonders of my mind💗.

iloveyouxx March 17th

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didn’t look like me🧐makes sense doesn’t it😛since there can only be one *me*✨one of a kind now arent I😁/sar. one out of 8118835999✨🌷can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss you’re also one of a kind💖 sorrysorry haha :P🤍im just messing around xD💞also it’s 2am- but shush no snitching🤫I’ll sleep in a while😁when I’m feeling a bit more sane :>😛🩷

wanted to have my own space.💜 for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.💙

to whoever's coming across :'3💜please dont lurk here.🩷 I know anyone can have access to this forum :')💙but please be respectful🩷.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :P💛 y’all get crazy nosy haha- it’s alright.💛nothing too interesting will be here anyway💛if you would like to come in and be supportive it’s completely okie💛but please don’t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limit💛because I’d still like this to be just my space ^-^💛)


iloveyouxx OP April 18th

I think I just overwhelmed that other friend.

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

you’re not always up to talk. and you’d normally want space first before you can.

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

I haven’t seen any of n3on guys videos- idk what he used to think about all that was being said about him.

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

but I still understand it.

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

I’m sure loads of others didn’t get the “to see who cared about him” thing from the top of their head

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

and make whole articles/news stories etc about it.

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

I understand it so much tho I know I wouldn’t fake my death.

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

you don’t have to relate to understand or empathize

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

police sirens off again :’)

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

I don’t get everyone

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

but I try to understand them.

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

I test w psychology on myself and others nd it’s so interesting to me- 

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

I’ve wanted to become so many different things before. 

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

really random things.

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

a hairdresser a teacher a singer a zookeeper a veterinarian a driver a pilot a kids doctor an engineer a youtuber a scientist

iloveyouxx OP April 18th
I forgot- a counselor and therapist were there atp too ^-^
iloveyouxx OP April 18th


iloveyouxx OP April 18th

but psychology’s stick with me for a while now.

iloveyouxx OP April 18th
stuck* this keyboards messing me up-
iloveyouxx OP April 18th

I researched about everything you’d need.

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

even universities and monthly salaries

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

it takes like 12 years to get the job I want

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

but I’d get it before I’m 30- maybe 28

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

mm I’m thinking too far aren’t I ;-;-

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

I won’t even get to become one hah :’)

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

I want something that I can live with tho.-

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

 why am I in such a 🤓 mood-

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

the *average* salary for the job I wanted is like millions.-

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

I’d become a surgeon like my cousin but god that’s scary-

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

dude where’d my personality go-

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

I swear like when I think- with my brain ;-; my personality just disappears- 

iloveyouxx OP April 18th


iloveyouxx OP April 18th

I talk too much on here-

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

I talk too much on here-

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

Imma go watch a horror movie- I was gonna say if it’s good I’ll recommend it but they’re usually triggering ;-;-

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

no school✨:D

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

enjoying it while it lastss-

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

I still got stuff to yap bout but Imma give this space nd yalls notifications a break ;-:💕I only get one when someone posts but :P 

iloveyouxx OP April 18th

poofing* before I get the urge to continue :D

iloveyouxx OP April 18th


hihi lovely🩷so- just a couple minutes before you started posting in yur space again- I was replying to a cups friend in another forum (one that yur tagged in :0💕) and (literally-) just got the urge to check on yu- so I was maybe halfway through that reply(?) so I was like okay imma finish this and check on my friend🩷but my brains all like no check on them *now* ;-; so I summarized that reply up- and here I am :D suu how’re you lovely💗? I missed you honestly💞I think that upvote reminded me of yu hehe and I was like :0 eva :0💖how’s yur week been and school and home and- look I dunno why I’m being all mom but like😭I swear I just felt like checking on yu and my brains like it’s an urgent task we don’t have time to waste like what’re yu on about so I got scared😭but really are you okie..🩷? I feel like evafrends been a bit down lately and it makes me sad hah :')💕not yu- just that yu don’t deserve to feel/think the way I think you’ve been🩷but yus hehe how’re yu lovely💖?/nfta-ish xD /lh💕