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@amiableBunny4016 space

amiableBunny4016 November 20th, 2022

Hi everyone,

Im gonna be posting here every week. So.. you may or may not have seen my poems across 7cups or my writing. Anyways, if you have not then thats okay.

Let me introduce myself. You can call me Bunny/Violet/Bun Bun. I am from the UK and I am 13 years old. So I came here to inspire, to love, to show kindness and to be respected. The biggest power on this planet is love and kindness. Humanity is in a state of disaster. Panic. Hatred. But hate never beats love. Because love has more power than hate.

I was bullied for over 6 years. I learnt alot across the years. I learnt to overcome. Learnt to love. Learnt to forgive. I am human. I am not a robot. I am not a stranger anymore. I am me. And if people wanna judge me for who I am then I say.... I forgive them. And I know that they can change.

Like Martin Luther King once said, “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

Humanity is changing. The world is awakening. And more and more people are realising the reality. The reality of social media. The reality of trauma. The reality of life. This is who we are. And together we form as 1.

We live in a big world. Scary. Isn't it? But its to beautiful. Its so beautiful how the sun rises. How then stars glimmer every night. How the wind howls. Isn't it? and we dont realise how beautiful it really is until..... we think about it. Think deeply about it and you will find how beautiful it is.

If your feeling alone right now. just know that.....

Your strong. Even if you dont believe it.

Your worthy. Even if you dont believe it.

You can get through this.

I am here for you.

We are here for you.

Thanks for reading, This is me, Bunny and this is my world.

Take care,


LoveMyMoonflowers November 14th, 2023


we all forget. that’s true bunny bean 💙

But I’m forgetful. it’s regular. i forget several things every single day. It’s fine though hehe 💜

amiableBunny4016 OP November 14th, 2023

everything i ever had was

t a k e n 

                         a w a y

LoveMyMoonflowers November 14th, 2023



amiableBunny4016 OP November 14th, 2023

it ... its this strange feeling. some people say it hurts. but i have rather accepted it. i have accepted this abuse as a part of my life. and it will always be a part of me. a part of my story. in society, i am just a statistic and always will be. a number. 1 person in 8 billion humans. 1 person in all those children who live in an abusive home. and when i die, i will be the number of people who died. and on my grave will just be a name and a date and nothing else. 

this is me. 

this is my story.

this is what makes me , me. 

and even tho my life sounds like a tragedy.

at the end, we all sleep in peace.

we all go.

LoveMyMoonflowers November 14th, 2023


*keeps hugging* 💜

bunny bean…

amiableBunny4016 OP November 14th, 2023


*hugs* 💛

LoveMyMoonflowers November 14th, 2023


your not a statistic to me bunny. 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 14th, 2023


maybe not to you, but the world will always see us as. a number

Filmlover12 November 14th, 2023


 I am always been  out cast and so I get it 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 14th, 2023

why the flip am i reading a fiction book about suicide

Murmur104 November 14th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 is it a comic book?

amiableBunny4016 OP November 14th, 2023


no. its a novel

LoveMyMoonflowers November 14th, 2023


bunny….? ): 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 14th, 2023



amiableBunny4016 OP November 14th, 2023

one day will come a day where everyone will realise you told them the truth. 

one day will come the day where everyone tells you a lie.

yet we all seem to think we are all honest people.

mytwistedsoul November 14th, 2023

Some people can have the truth look them right in the eye and they're still too blind to see it 💙

amiableBunny4016 OP November 14th, 2023


everyone thought i was lying about my home life. too blind to see it. even the school was blind

mytwistedsoul November 14th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Mine did too. Oh they looked into it and made some calls home. She went in for a meeting.  The proper amount of tears and hand wringing and the right words convinced them that I was the problem. I'm sure you can probably imagine what happened that night 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 14th, 2023


dont worry man. literally the same thing that happend to me. a meeting literally changed the school's mind. and then they pretend to convince me they are doing all they can and every time i ask they say "we are investigating" and all that ***. we can literally relate. i dont even need to imagine, i can see it already. its a *** system we live in

mytwistedsoul November 14th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 I'll bet you weren't invited to that meeting either. They talk behind closed doors and make their decisions and you're left twiddling your thumbs. You might need to be your own advocate and report her yourself. Call or email CPS. You might be able to do it anonamous. True dat! It is a broken system we live in all the way around

amiableBunny4016 OP November 14th, 2023


Yeah. I know. I know. They do it behind closed doors and then pretend it's all okay . Lol 💙 thank you for your support and love! *Sending hugs and good vibes if okay* 💙

amiableBunny4016 OP November 15th, 2023

once you fall you keep falling

mytwistedsoul November 15th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 xxoo.gif

amiableBunny4016 OP November 15th, 2023



amiableBunny4016 OP November 15th, 2023

oof. anyone here?

LoveMyMoonflowers November 15th, 2023


*waves* hello bunny bean <3

amiableBunny4016 OP November 15th, 2023

when you watch the most triggering short film ever:

LoveMyMoonflowers November 15th, 2023


awwe noes :<

you okies? 

selflessSpruce1515 November 18th, 2023

bunnyyyyyyyyy 💖 here to check on moi friendsieeeeee and sending tons of huggglesssss 🤗💖


amiableBunny4016 OP November 18th, 2023


sprucaaa oh mi goshhh! 💜 i missed you so so so so so so so so much! aaa! im literally screaming at the screen 💜 its been such a long timeeee. I am so happy to see you back 💖 because i know life is so so busy. i love you so much friend! bestieeeee! its so sweet of you to check in 💖  we miss you so much on teenie side 💜  you wonderfool caring humannnn! can't wait to see you around on forums a little bit more 💜 i really hope things going okie and me sending you *hugs if okay and sending happy vibes your way*💖 i love you so much and so so happy to see you. teenie side not the same without the lovely spruca💖

LoveMyMoonflowers November 18th, 2023


thinking of you, bunny bean 💜

amiableBunny4016 OP November 18th, 2023

screenshot-2023-11-18-at-16-32-19_1700325146.pnggoogle docs is fun to experiment with

LoveMyMoonflowers November 18th, 2023


hi bunny 💜

amiableBunny4016 OP November 18th, 2023


hi .

amiableBunny4016 OP November 18th, 2023


Whilst i was writing this I realised something. Now read it backwards. And the meaning completely changes.

amiableBunny4016 OP November 18th, 2023


i almost did it yesterday. I could have died. but i ended up in hospital because i took an overdose and everyone was worried. so here i am. the day after i tried to unalive.

selflessSpruce1515 November 19th, 2023


*hugs for you* 🥺 here for you moi dearest friendsie ❤️

Filmlover12 November 21st, 2023



mytwistedsoul November 21st, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Little Bunny. I have to admit I want to pounce and hug you tight but I'll offer safe hugs instead. You've been in my thoughts 💙

amiableBunny4016 OP November 21st, 2023

Nothing is the same anymore.